Greetings to all and the Incursion II warnings are again on full alert, and others besides myself have enacted their executive orders in order to combat the home invaders conspiring in many places, including the open to the public military installations. Most homes in this city reported the unusual activity that is considered the official Incursion II as declared by the Military. Mine states correctly that I'm to be considered normal at all times, and of course the threats have included those of the health measure type and even death threats with weapons, one just today for by tomorrow. So the timelines are being researched by profilers and the actual law enforcement. Be cautious as houses, cars, clothing, styles of food such as bread products and lettuce are being stolen.
I'm in a reectivated at a commanding officer level as stated before never to be retired after five years of the Militaries doing the paperwork for it, and the plans by the worldwide militaries are that I work with the Arts and similar such as Literature and Fashion for lengthy time periods. I'm pleased with the General Public's response for things such as the sewing machines and help with soldiery uniforms. And, for the generalized neighborhood watch programs and of course those applying for roles in lately Fashion, such as those from government agencies.
Be forewarned about gang like activities again for the current timeframe, apparently, including those you heard about from or through Mexico, and also those that are lately from gang activity formed up from incestuous Mormon styled camps, that claim falsely royal lines prophetically given to them that have nothing to do with reality. I have full status in royalty and act in that capacity to protect with the USSS and such claimants stating some Mormon told them in a prayer that they are royalty is incorrect. Many have come to be tested for DNA futilely by the USNavy, courteously, that have not turned out to be from the DNA royal lines at all. Some are behaving well and are entering ennoblement processes which take many years, for one, but are not required.
Be forewarned that Incursion II activities are being accompanied by those acting in gangstyle behavior that may be part of the home invasion and crime waves of identity theft, or not. They are an added faction of claimants in error from Mormon backgrounds that are not of the actual royalty told to them by those supposedly in the Mormon power to prophesy. Their DNA is tested by the USNavy courteously but is not of the directly inheriting lines that are considered actual royalty in the best cases. In the worst, there is no DNA from any royal household, but some are accepting long-term processes to train for ennoblement because of their interest.
It is a sunny day here if not an actual warm one, and I enjoyed a brisk walk this morning; I hope your neighborhoods will be safe enough for you to feel you can walk, also, or ride your bikes, or jog. Remain cautious and unaccepting as usual of animals being put into your yards or houses by Incursion II or similar activities because of attempts to replace your animals with others, for example, from underground tunnels.
The follow-on is a bit slow but sure this week, and I hope you'll also be patient for my poetry to arrive back on the blog although some of you have requested that they be added sooner than later.
Until next Tuesday, have a good week, and have a safe one.
Sartorially yours,
K.-Marie Wall
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rainy Days and Incursion II Updates
Good afternoon to everyone and thoughts for your continued safety through the lengthy Incursion II that includes the home invasion raids and embezzlement schemes in play of parties of militant groups of over ten thousand, typically. A special warning alert that includes many mayors of cities is that reenactors are not afforded any rights to play their games in any cities for the foreseeable future and only those cooperating may hope for contained facilities to reenact in the future; there is no tolerance for the raiding levels of reenactors being apprehended breaking and entering or trespassing nor excuses that they are only playing a game and miscomprehended. They will and are being treated exactly as the Incursion II invaders and raiders in their midst and at their lead or tail of movement in a hundred percent of the cases. Needless to say, the events of the past few days seem to have been eventful but moving forward for the most part with those I've held discussion with. Keep an eye out for any unusual circumstance or event in your neighborhood, and it may do some good in alleviating the Incursion II. Remember to alert your clergy, as well, of anything in their purview.
Such happened today when more than one of the militarily trained search-and-rescue and urban-defense trained cats (which carry their weight in relevant stuff) were busy on their own rescuing a Winter litter. How unusual, we all thought, and traced our cats to the kittens and then to the others which needed mass rescue activity before dawn. But the brew was steaming at the local cafe acting as a military installation and plenty of volunteers from soldiers and law enforcement and others came to the fore. The expected animal rescue groups were also contacted from there, something of the type of service available at military installations which you'll recall are publicly accessed establishments (namely, businesses operating to the public) and which agree to have military personnel on the premises and on staff for any duration.
The good news today therefore is of the rescue of approximately eight hundred kittens held in torturous illegal circumstances by the Incursion II groups apprehended; already the kittens are being requested by those with welcoming homes which can be done through regular resources or since this morning at the military installations in the public sector such as the cafes. The expectation is for puppies, as well, to become available for adoption requests by later today. Thank you to those who assisted the retrievals of the animals.
The reaching out by citizens, residents and families to the urban-preparing Militaries and their families is hugely appreciated. Thank you to those who've understood and asked to help with assisting the military personnel and their homes recently. The gifts allowed under the assisting levels have been explained as tax deductible at any level or in some instances immediately reimbursable, and they are accepted at any amount. They can be token level which is very helpful when homes are being raided or the homes dedicated as military depots (a depot is a place that is secure as a private residence or business in operation provided to the military but not open to the public, reenactors, uninvited or unscheduled for the day). I want to thank the people of Kraft for sending over the macaroni and cheese boxes which I'd commented would be a comfort food I'd enjoy while chatting with others in my special-ops unit at a public place. My mother also enjoys her favorite doughnuts, apple fritters, which I don't mind at all. Others have provided pet food for the militarily trained animals and one of my cats, HsLadyLove is especially endeared with one gift.
I'm still working on my uniforms, and again express gratitude for the millions now of sewing machines donated and loaned to the military which is in the tens of millions of machines. The rain upon us has me working on Summertime and resort wear styles, just because. Although I checked my closet and found I'm short on the latest in-trend helpful classic, a basic black slack or pant. The USAF Fashion One Project is accepting more applications for openings, and I hope you will all be patient if the place where you live has become or does become a place for in-public fashion modeling to be viewed. It is how most fashion designers prove their attire and their attributes and achieve a final accolade that is part of how they are awarded their business contracts. Nondisruptive, it may be noticeable; you may even enjoy seeing new styles coming out on the market soon. I'll discuss on the blog later on some of the other projects with the Militaries that are open for public involvement with jobs, protections, data, etc.
The follow-ons are moving ahead. The novel Name of the Rose and its descriptive backdrop is quite something for a rainy day. The knit scarves are coming along and finding good use now. More on follow-ons later.
The next few days should prove interesting and I hope your plans are, or are at least safe and sound. Take good care.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
Such happened today when more than one of the militarily trained search-and-rescue and urban-defense trained cats (which carry their weight in relevant stuff) were busy on their own rescuing a Winter litter. How unusual, we all thought, and traced our cats to the kittens and then to the others which needed mass rescue activity before dawn. But the brew was steaming at the local cafe acting as a military installation and plenty of volunteers from soldiers and law enforcement and others came to the fore. The expected animal rescue groups were also contacted from there, something of the type of service available at military installations which you'll recall are publicly accessed establishments (namely, businesses operating to the public) and which agree to have military personnel on the premises and on staff for any duration.
The good news today therefore is of the rescue of approximately eight hundred kittens held in torturous illegal circumstances by the Incursion II groups apprehended; already the kittens are being requested by those with welcoming homes which can be done through regular resources or since this morning at the military installations in the public sector such as the cafes. The expectation is for puppies, as well, to become available for adoption requests by later today. Thank you to those who assisted the retrievals of the animals.
The reaching out by citizens, residents and families to the urban-preparing Militaries and their families is hugely appreciated. Thank you to those who've understood and asked to help with assisting the military personnel and their homes recently. The gifts allowed under the assisting levels have been explained as tax deductible at any level or in some instances immediately reimbursable, and they are accepted at any amount. They can be token level which is very helpful when homes are being raided or the homes dedicated as military depots (a depot is a place that is secure as a private residence or business in operation provided to the military but not open to the public, reenactors, uninvited or unscheduled for the day). I want to thank the people of Kraft for sending over the macaroni and cheese boxes which I'd commented would be a comfort food I'd enjoy while chatting with others in my special-ops unit at a public place. My mother also enjoys her favorite doughnuts, apple fritters, which I don't mind at all. Others have provided pet food for the militarily trained animals and one of my cats, HsLadyLove is especially endeared with one gift.
I'm still working on my uniforms, and again express gratitude for the millions now of sewing machines donated and loaned to the military which is in the tens of millions of machines. The rain upon us has me working on Summertime and resort wear styles, just because. Although I checked my closet and found I'm short on the latest in-trend helpful classic, a basic black slack or pant. The USAF Fashion One Project is accepting more applications for openings, and I hope you will all be patient if the place where you live has become or does become a place for in-public fashion modeling to be viewed. It is how most fashion designers prove their attire and their attributes and achieve a final accolade that is part of how they are awarded their business contracts. Nondisruptive, it may be noticeable; you may even enjoy seeing new styles coming out on the market soon. I'll discuss on the blog later on some of the other projects with the Militaries that are open for public involvement with jobs, protections, data, etc.
The follow-ons are moving ahead. The novel Name of the Rose and its descriptive backdrop is quite something for a rainy day. The knit scarves are coming along and finding good use now. More on follow-ons later.
The next few days should prove interesting and I hope your plans are, or are at least safe and sound. Take good care.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Happy Day and More Incursion II Alerts
I hope everyone is enjoying what is good of the Wintertime, as this group thank-you and alert about the Incursion II goes out. This blog will for a time become an either/or Tuesday Thursday blog. Especially and firstly, appreciation to all those of you readers who sent the Military sewing machines and monies dedicated towards them; those of the more than two million sewing machines sent to us that were loaners will be taken care of. Many of the soldiers have since completed their uniforms. Your support and fast action is to be lauded.
One of the officers in a unit I'm with told me of the adventure in finding uniform pieces in the various locations and how gratifying it was to find something from a birth heritage military, the particular one being items from Russian uniforms. The warnings relating to urban preparedness are about pets being attacked in pseudo-surgical procedures along with illegal tortures to them for embezzlement; keep an eye on your household pets and livestock to double check they aren't being altered in systematic or stylized attacks. Children are also being attacked by Incursion II invaders of homes and regional areas with fecal products that may or may not be evidenced by their presence at the crime scene. The Clergy have special time allotted to help the families with these untenable situations in counseling or activities.
The clergy are again taking in reports and have extra directions on how to handle the situations I've described. Take extra care in precautions as houses are also being illegally targeted today by those found to be participating in the Incursion II attacks with nearly legal or legal- seeming tactics but ones that are not. The detected organizational leaders of the Incursion II are claiming to be re-enactor groups that were already told directly by the Military and Law Enforcement not to enact in public places because they are aping the officers and confusing the public and then commit the crimes listed as being of the Incursion II. Around eleven million homeless-behaving invaders were reported tobe on the move and raiding along nearly the same roadways as Incursion I, many of the same homes and families targeted illegally. Higher percentages in each city, as a result.
The upside of the Incursion II is that many more missing persons were found and resituated with their loved ones and family members again. In particular, those from the banking industries and fashion. Again, tens of thousands were retrieved from their peril. The Military and the Law Enforcement are to be thanked for their quick responsiveness and also the clergy and volunteers who helped. Money and prestige appear to once again be the main motives of the Incursion II criminals behaving militantly.
Do keep up the precautions as one of the differences between incursions is that the second one also attempts to destroy what is left besides taking something from the victims. For example, if business clothing are taken along with a personal identification from a home targeted, similar items left behind may be destroyed or sabotaged. More on the monetary affects will come as The Fed and its equivalents from all countries will follow as they join in with the USSS to assess the grand embezzlement and steps towards it in the progressive targeting.
Many of the Incursion II attacks are reported in as paranormal in nature or intent. That being the case, some job openings are available to those interested in working as civilians to the military scope and for various government functionaries in capacities resembling or perfecting the old-style paranormal remote-viewing. Sometimes called RVers. Not accurate enough in full form for actual military protocol, it was removed from the Military a few decades ago, but has some skills that are unique that can be useful now, such as those involving remote signatures. If you've had this training or worked in such capacity, you may contact the Military or Clergy. Thank you for applying.
The Fashion One Project with the USAF is in full swing, and we're very glad for your participation and cooperation in public locations. The air bases are close enough, but it is more convenient for the soldiers and the public sector to interact at some of the public locations. The transfer of information needed for the business with and related to Fashion is going off smoothly with the General Public's careful concern and respect. Some job openings are likely to open soon, as some are also filling. I'm pleased to be a fashion director, and artistic director level positions are available for those in the military or interested in reactivating, and also project management level positions. Part-time positions are also available. Extra training courses are complementary often and available to those in the field which are beneficial to those who work in Fashion and who are investors including speculative.
Follow-on: The Name of the Rose is finally underway and on my reading table. I've heard from some already finished with it. As for my personal sewing and design projects, I'm working with dramatic blacks and browns. On the horizon is more of an artwear style or two or three, but that takes some more planning time.
Next week, I'll explain some of the art forays lately. Have a good week ahead and take your normal precautions.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
One of the officers in a unit I'm with told me of the adventure in finding uniform pieces in the various locations and how gratifying it was to find something from a birth heritage military, the particular one being items from Russian uniforms. The warnings relating to urban preparedness are about pets being attacked in pseudo-surgical procedures along with illegal tortures to them for embezzlement; keep an eye on your household pets and livestock to double check they aren't being altered in systematic or stylized attacks. Children are also being attacked by Incursion II invaders of homes and regional areas with fecal products that may or may not be evidenced by their presence at the crime scene. The Clergy have special time allotted to help the families with these untenable situations in counseling or activities.
The clergy are again taking in reports and have extra directions on how to handle the situations I've described. Take extra care in precautions as houses are also being illegally targeted today by those found to be participating in the Incursion II attacks with nearly legal or legal- seeming tactics but ones that are not. The detected organizational leaders of the Incursion II are claiming to be re-enactor groups that were already told directly by the Military and Law Enforcement not to enact in public places because they are aping the officers and confusing the public and then commit the crimes listed as being of the Incursion II. Around eleven million homeless-behaving invaders were reported tobe on the move and raiding along nearly the same roadways as Incursion I, many of the same homes and families targeted illegally. Higher percentages in each city, as a result.
The upside of the Incursion II is that many more missing persons were found and resituated with their loved ones and family members again. In particular, those from the banking industries and fashion. Again, tens of thousands were retrieved from their peril. The Military and the Law Enforcement are to be thanked for their quick responsiveness and also the clergy and volunteers who helped. Money and prestige appear to once again be the main motives of the Incursion II criminals behaving militantly.
Do keep up the precautions as one of the differences between incursions is that the second one also attempts to destroy what is left besides taking something from the victims. For example, if business clothing are taken along with a personal identification from a home targeted, similar items left behind may be destroyed or sabotaged. More on the monetary affects will come as The Fed and its equivalents from all countries will follow as they join in with the USSS to assess the grand embezzlement and steps towards it in the progressive targeting.
Many of the Incursion II attacks are reported in as paranormal in nature or intent. That being the case, some job openings are available to those interested in working as civilians to the military scope and for various government functionaries in capacities resembling or perfecting the old-style paranormal remote-viewing. Sometimes called RVers. Not accurate enough in full form for actual military protocol, it was removed from the Military a few decades ago, but has some skills that are unique that can be useful now, such as those involving remote signatures. If you've had this training or worked in such capacity, you may contact the Military or Clergy. Thank you for applying.
The Fashion One Project with the USAF is in full swing, and we're very glad for your participation and cooperation in public locations. The air bases are close enough, but it is more convenient for the soldiers and the public sector to interact at some of the public locations. The transfer of information needed for the business with and related to Fashion is going off smoothly with the General Public's careful concern and respect. Some job openings are likely to open soon, as some are also filling. I'm pleased to be a fashion director, and artistic director level positions are available for those in the military or interested in reactivating, and also project management level positions. Part-time positions are also available. Extra training courses are complementary often and available to those in the field which are beneficial to those who work in Fashion and who are investors including speculative.
Follow-on: The Name of the Rose is finally underway and on my reading table. I've heard from some already finished with it. As for my personal sewing and design projects, I'm working with dramatic blacks and browns. On the horizon is more of an artwear style or two or three, but that takes some more planning time.
Next week, I'll explain some of the art forays lately. Have a good week ahead and take your normal precautions.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Post-Holiday and Incursion Updates
Greetings in the new year, and once again I hope you will be having a good and successful one. The Incursion II is still underway and the general warnings are of forewarning and hindsight today. The typical targeting of the Incursion II victims has been of wide-scale approaches to predictable motivations: jewelry of the military past and present (including rings distributed by USMC with Incursion I engraved), buttons and insignia, weapons and metal items from the home; and an unexpected turn against the good-samaritans of our societies such as a lady who feeds abandoned household pets loosed at a park who is allowing discussion that her home was burgled by 500 perpetrators apprehended yesterday attested to be Incursion II. The Military and Law Enforcement worked hand in hand to stop the militaristic raid as it did with several others in Stockton proper, alone. Other houses had several hundred apprehended, as well. Today a raid of scores of thousands attempted to enter the region roundabout illegally and were stopped by the military and forces in play; claims to tribal uniqueness were attempted for invoking protections thereto, but the many military person there holding in the area were able to verify the denial officially by this country and the militaries worldwide. I'll get into the day-counts of the Incursion II soon, as I catch up more. Imposters to the banking industry attempted to infiltrate from their Incursion II positioning; the banking industry officials were fast to respond and already have met and decided on proper procedure to prevent those raiding the country from stealing identities such as mine was at 2:00 a.m. in an improper attempt to apply online to a banking position.
Say hello to many of the reactivated military and law enforcement personnel around and about in your areas. Here, some of the 'fish' or detectives of the past have been able to join in and are welcomed. Watch out though for confusions and similar to call-signs and names used in ham radios or such circles; some military call signs were being used in the aftermath by hobbyists illegally including those of hobby groups such as Odessa. The real Odessa is not their hobby group and comprised a handful of operatives for a prior regime, and they don't behave in public in copy-cat manners to enjoy a simulation of observed real-time military experiences in the public. They, being the hobby groups, can't re-enact in the public to impersonate the military or federal officers of the time any longer, not that they could; not to be confused with re-enacting of the past wars and battles such as of a hundred years ago, or, say, of the actual WWII. Other venues include notification of the office of the vice president of this country of occult data; resident now to the White House levels and you may use regular channels including writing.
Paranormal and occult styled attacks are still being reported in in record numbers by those victimized by the Incursion II. Go ahead and report them as such, and to your clergy, local or otherwise; some organizations on the Internet are credible in gathering similar information. The other day I met with priests who were removing a poltergeist, which came up as result of the viewing of reports of paranormal attacks. If you have bottles flying off the shelves at you or other similar dangers in anomalies do report them as there are bona fide teams to do the investigations. USSF is conducting ghosthunting data in form, and recruiting some civilians as well. Noticing anomalies can also lead to other real-time deterrents and apprehensions.
The USMC-Arts is assisting and to be lauded for helping the USAF Fashion One Project which again is making public notice of some interesting things in Fashion. But, for a moment, the need is for helping the militaries and the reactivated soldiery in your areas and mine to prepare their urban defense uniforms from home. The good news is many uniforms were donated kindly by the civilians and citizens of Stockton, CA and such areas to the soldiers and are available at the Air Force bases and so feel free to call the Fashion One office number at Air Force One. For awhile, though, there are many who need to make their own uniforms and so the call out is for donated or loaned sewing machines to assist. Approximately 150,000 sewing machines or more would be useful to USSF just now as all are on mandatory time to design and produce their uniforms for future urban service. Artillery is also in need of donated sewing machines and 4th Battalion out of Moffett Federal AFB is able to intake the donated equipment. Approved officially are many alternate styles of uniforms including those of any military of any past historical note or prior official use such as tribal or ethnic; also included are tye-dye, batiks, any Asian print, and any paraphernalia or insignia of past wars. Dress blues can include any denim with black undertones or worn white undertones evident for certain officers in play. If there is a military time of your adoration, this is the time to make use of the now fashionable style in your urban defense and even militia uniforms. The USMC still has the always-alternate-uniform list for public use available which includes any tailored detail on either top or bottom clothing item. Insignia and paraphernalia can be in any form; cloth, applique, replica, or as in past wars an allusion such as an X stitched in places where the item would display; any but my singularly and permanently awarded metallic-Maltese-cross which is not worn in uniform except by moi. If you have a metallic one, it is to be saved for non-uniform fashionable wear, only, if you are military or militia or uniformed in some manner such as academies; note that students are having the metallic ones removed as a matter of form and using only for fashion after school Maltese cross in earlier eras which he wore with a red jacket.
Follow-on: I am enjoying designing and sewing the uniforms to be worn in public places, and am going through older fashion books skimming for designs to revive into my own closet while I excavate fabrics in my storage boxes. I am pleased that some of my choices for unusual uniforms were approved by the Military recently such as lavender and navy for a US Navy uniform, along with others more staid, and I'm also working in tye-dye and plaids. I have a red jacket in the making that is also official use but differing from my grandfather's it bears the buttons official for the British and such is an example of how you might mix elements of past war uniforms in your present designs. This is also a good time identified to update your own wardrobe and decor by scaling down to simpler color schemes; examples would be to have a new color chart done and go from perhaps three or four colors in a group to two worn and in decoration. Try it. The name of the Rose by Umberto Eco will begin on my reading list today and I hope you'll enjoy.
I'll see you online soon, likely next Tuesday.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
Say hello to many of the reactivated military and law enforcement personnel around and about in your areas. Here, some of the 'fish' or detectives of the past have been able to join in and are welcomed. Watch out though for confusions and similar to call-signs and names used in ham radios or such circles; some military call signs were being used in the aftermath by hobbyists illegally including those of hobby groups such as Odessa. The real Odessa is not their hobby group and comprised a handful of operatives for a prior regime, and they don't behave in public in copy-cat manners to enjoy a simulation of observed real-time military experiences in the public. They, being the hobby groups, can't re-enact in the public to impersonate the military or federal officers of the time any longer, not that they could; not to be confused with re-enacting of the past wars and battles such as of a hundred years ago, or, say, of the actual WWII. Other venues include notification of the office of the vice president of this country of occult data; resident now to the White House levels and you may use regular channels including writing.
Paranormal and occult styled attacks are still being reported in in record numbers by those victimized by the Incursion II. Go ahead and report them as such, and to your clergy, local or otherwise; some organizations on the Internet are credible in gathering similar information. The other day I met with priests who were removing a poltergeist, which came up as result of the viewing of reports of paranormal attacks. If you have bottles flying off the shelves at you or other similar dangers in anomalies do report them as there are bona fide teams to do the investigations. USSF is conducting ghosthunting data in form, and recruiting some civilians as well. Noticing anomalies can also lead to other real-time deterrents and apprehensions.
The USMC-Arts is assisting and to be lauded for helping the USAF Fashion One Project which again is making public notice of some interesting things in Fashion. But, for a moment, the need is for helping the militaries and the reactivated soldiery in your areas and mine to prepare their urban defense uniforms from home. The good news is many uniforms were donated kindly by the civilians and citizens of Stockton, CA and such areas to the soldiers and are available at the Air Force bases and so feel free to call the Fashion One office number at Air Force One. For awhile, though, there are many who need to make their own uniforms and so the call out is for donated or loaned sewing machines to assist. Approximately 150,000 sewing machines or more would be useful to USSF just now as all are on mandatory time to design and produce their uniforms for future urban service. Artillery is also in need of donated sewing machines and 4th Battalion out of Moffett Federal AFB is able to intake the donated equipment. Approved officially are many alternate styles of uniforms including those of any military of any past historical note or prior official use such as tribal or ethnic; also included are tye-dye, batiks, any Asian print, and any paraphernalia or insignia of past wars. Dress blues can include any denim with black undertones or worn white undertones evident for certain officers in play. If there is a military time of your adoration, this is the time to make use of the now fashionable style in your urban defense and even militia uniforms. The USMC still has the always-alternate-uniform list for public use available which includes any tailored detail on either top or bottom clothing item. Insignia and paraphernalia can be in any form; cloth, applique, replica, or as in past wars an allusion such as an X stitched in places where the item would display; any but my singularly and permanently awarded metallic-Maltese-cross which is not worn in uniform except by moi. If you have a metallic one, it is to be saved for non-uniform fashionable wear, only, if you are military or militia or uniformed in some manner such as academies; note that students are having the metallic ones removed as a matter of form and using only for fashion after school Maltese cross in earlier eras which he wore with a red jacket.
Follow-on: I am enjoying designing and sewing the uniforms to be worn in public places, and am going through older fashion books skimming for designs to revive into my own closet while I excavate fabrics in my storage boxes. I am pleased that some of my choices for unusual uniforms were approved by the Military recently such as lavender and navy for a US Navy uniform, along with others more staid, and I'm also working in tye-dye and plaids. I have a red jacket in the making that is also official use but differing from my grandfather's it bears the buttons official for the British and such is an example of how you might mix elements of past war uniforms in your present designs. This is also a good time identified to update your own wardrobe and decor by scaling down to simpler color schemes; examples would be to have a new color chart done and go from perhaps three or four colors in a group to two worn and in decoration. Try it. The name of the Rose by Umberto Eco will begin on my reading list today and I hope you'll enjoy.
I'll see you online soon, likely next Tuesday.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
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