Hello to everybody and I hope you will find more interesting details today in the blog and others like it provided by the Military personnel and their hired assisting groups such as Law Enforcement and the Clergy. The data you may need as Law Enforcement is in USSS case-101 and Justice Department levels from yesterday's results, including those of the judge who apprehended the identity thief of the ownership of Matinee Lounge you read about, although the ownership is still not reinstated in the Military but since the judge and others who stopped the onsite raiding takeover was part of a group that sought 'the real' person, results may be optimal later on. There is something akin to deserting a post in the military in seriousness or similar when all personnel assigned to guard or be on duty are negligently absent on a break all at the same time, leaving exposed to dangers a facility or persons thereon such as the 1800 recuperating injured soldiers moved in 15 seconds to safety.
The latter was part of the reason for the medals handed out to those who reacted quickly, but since this is the third military installation attacked and raided in this manner, it is good to ignore the high percentage of success of military installations still running, and to consider the once record setting number of apprehensions and deterring of the homeland raiders from Matinee Lounge including by the ownership. The embezzlement was not ownership blamed after the court proceedings but are still taken into account in the situations. Everyone is working very hard and very busy to get the safety levels increased again. The turnout to the entertainment events there was fine but the curiosity seekers after an abduction attempt of a royal monarch seated and working with our governments and militaries was of most interest gauged by the passersby and attendees. The said monarch was agreeable to letting others know that he spent the day with his secret service guards bicycle riding to and from his destinations to get his work completed. I think that is encouraging for everyone to remember there are methods to not becoming victimized when made a victim. HM the King of Spain is therefore in good form today, as always. Many other monarchs are working in Stockton to avert Incursion II today, still, and I appreciate the calmness and professional attitudes of the local citizens who allow even recognizable and notable persons of fame or repute to be about their business anywhere in Stockton.
There were other attempts yesterday to steal identities of judges from all around, and I believe all were stopped in time, but some dramatics ensued. The judges were arriving in their destination cities to work but had to find they were behind their identity thieves who were basically trying to either 1) ruin their lives, or 2) steal from them and embezzle their entire retirements. More may reveal itself. One of their identity thieves was in league with burglars at my house while moving as the Police Department personnel detected and apprehended that the theft by lookalikes to our volunteers helping to move and clean were actually stealing solid metal pieces such as beds and garden furniture. The USSF aftermath profiling accompaniment states officially that the mass of metal and iron recovered from the burglaries at my house was being used to form bullets and other weapons to be used against me, as is typical of the Incursion II we now have found. Other cases are similar, accessible in USSS case-101, also.
More bravery happened and some rewards are being offered from a general public by those who coincidentally were on the premises when Law Enforcement approached me and other military officers with quickly and dangerously gained data of another heavily manned and armed raid heading into this city. The police discovered a new tunnel and found out by experience that knife raiders were organized into a sequential raid. The injuries of the ones brave enough to enter unknown dark tunnels and discover the raiders with expertise with knives is what caused some anonymous general public to offer follow-up rewards to them. We military officers are always glad to receive the early data directly. Some of the war animals fighting alongside were most fascinating to the populace in the aftermath, though. Not quite a petting-zoo, of you are familiar with those: I've been to a few that house friendly beasts who allow young children gladly to approach and pet their heads, touch their horns, and look at their quarters.
Follow-on: The Libraries have a Big Read coming up this month, and I've read the book before with great enjoyment. It has been listed as one of my favorites throughout my life. I don't believe I'll have time to read it all again this busy month, but I will also try to read another novel the Military thinks is good for this time: The War of the Worlds Murder by Max Allan Collins ISBN#0425204014. My other project is a lavender scarf of pearlized wool; opalescent or glitter or similar gilding is a nice if momentary trend that was stuck in the past and has now been recovered by the USAF and others.
About that glisten on my wool selection ... You'll note some advertisements or ideas in places that indicate now is a time for some of this stuff if it makes you happy. The stuck fashionable trends of the past that are being recovered are being sought now to rescue the persons who were delivering the fashion trend data, or the items that are part of the proof of fashion trends. All businesses as well as societies require trends to give them energy. It is included in the descriptions of Pursuit of Happiness well placed in America's founding documents. Yesterday, the reading and touching and viewing of any country's founding documents was a suitable reward for many people who'd worked very hard. They were very appreciative of the honor, and I hope we can do such rewards again.
The Congresspersons were glad to have many of you readers volunteer individually or in groups to send or deliver catering or items that make it possible for them to remain on the premises as long as possible. The goal was to cut costs to taxpayers, so the offers to buy pizzas, for example, from the USSS approved list cleared for security reasons was fine action on the part of the public.
There is no tolerance for the re-enactors (illegalis) in public sectors nor the prostitution illegals who are raiding cities repeatedly by the millions. Because it is a military action, there is not a time when it weighs on Law Enforcement as a burden of casework, but remember that law officers asked to check this or other blogs may pick up casework to close for their payments.
There are no instances where fashion trends will remain in danger any more than their persons working with them, as is a vow of the USAF Air Force One's Project: Fashion. In other times in history, this might've sounded overdramatic, but because of the typical illegal pursuit of these trends by Incursion raiders and others like them, this guarding will continue. Devolvement of the human level is the intentional goal of Incursionists II who raid and attack and murder and steal identities in droves. There are not enough orphanages at present as a result, and so those who are interested in qualifying to foster or help with raising or teaching the children orphaned from USSS protected levels of victims or those who qualify for USSS or its affiliates protections as needed may request from any USSS office, officially. The general requirements are not much more than for regular fostering, or co-adoptions. Some fomalities are taught at home and in after school sessions similiar to seminars or clinics, otherwise the protectees need about the same amount of television monitoring time and peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, and other things. I interviewed and accepted in behalf of some USSS protected children a few families quite happy to have another child around. The pets of the protected families are also being cared for, and so that level of fostering is also available. Right now, part-time work for pay is available to those who are already at the security clearance levels for USSS work (such as catering companies mentioned above) but is being marketed to law enforcement as duty moonlighting. It may take the place of either regular duty or be additional hours of pay, since the USSS recruits for odd work assignments from those groups, anyways. Others who might consider the fostering or co-adoption of protected children will be coming from clergy, non-profit sectors, teaching or educational capacities, or who work with children already in highly ethical placement such as Boy Scouts of America troop leaders, camp counselors, and more. The co-adoptions involve the necessity of interacting with a part-time adoptive parent who is an official member of any royal Household or kingdomality as part of the continual process of raising the protected child, or pet. I hope many of you will apply to help these unusual victims from Incursion I, mostly. There are also 144,000 widows and widowers officially from Incursion I being housed in new hotel style living (but underground near our regular facilities) from Incursion I. If you'd like to do interactive work with some of these victims, or have a non-profit or church with successful programs for such, please apply to the USMC-clergy offices.
Oh, and when you see your local sheriff, say hello; they all signed on early for military duty before being called-up. Many of them are doing extra exercises in your neighborhoods and are bringing new military animals along with them, such as the USMC trained wolves ... and their K-9s.
The day ahead is still a sunny one here, and I hope you'll take care of yourselves.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
your commanding officer
official worldwide Military
Thursday, April 8, 2010
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