Salutations, official alert of Incursion XXIII-2countylines visible enemies declared against Entertainment an Industry forcing entry into homes to claim trinkets to harm planning of typified, into 2-20 poisons airladen attempted by planted under earthline into tunnel aperture-forsaken mapped-homes-invaded-journals-ancestral; devised not detectable on mocking of 11/7 warfare mode/ghosthunting-hobby-attacked, coded accurate Homeland Security Agency homeland-invasion-level responded. Low crime rates actual populace into 17%-a-bellcurve-4 fallout persons unknown unmitigateable canceling choice options to remove crime-as-warfare policy/policed-ancien-only-wartime perpetrators responded to military response against Military known (no game) or CDC of Justice Department level treatable/trackable-negotiation; calling spawn as or like terms awarding selves in attacks gnavelike approach of historic goth lore to trite motive on cruelty high level attacks stopped by Police and Law and Force of with Military a might both ends not affrontal. Cooperate with none attacking full USMC Reconnaissance (surveillance legal) into entry from any corner structure streetlevel to above into sound level breaches horrifying last week (see blogs + seargents' site). California the State thanks donations: Wildlife Fund, rescuing+.
Economy graphed (bellcurve-Kinsean-viewable) attacked in foe not faux attacks upon sectors of business, areas-2, formed pictures as result onto graphs to destroy economies, once would destroy, 40 per day attacks down to 20 daily from enemy declaring for it not country/code/church/creed: ARMY(any)heraldry office hiring in/out again more jobs for attack prevention/deterrent/changeover USD$70K+bonus-for-parttime-accepted-USD$10K economy-fashion-resort training included to free data & of blog previous lists any/all CIA offered by its credit card same process:
FED offers Music Industry workload 2-months ask USMC ARTS/R, data from for waning economy sector dissection workforce segments to discuss.
Economy lesson brief, thanking over more of to list here Stanford University and other schools for using blogs for testing in topics:
N backwards with a hard-edged leading-right (called, approaching Arabic right-to-left reading style in archives makes a soft-sided 'opening' like backwards N that scoops or points elsewhere indicating "in time" or other zone aligned with. Using stood-up symbol as graph-tool (protractor-ish) vertical to flat on tabletop graph to view like sundial; used in any sector tool and dataform, archives ancien any likely coded queens-war. Symbol-N-oddity traces solutions-set by shadow made to viewed, points direction exampled marketplace work would move through/to, finalizing cycle for another chosen to begin, not repeating. Maybe wartime mostly price-war to intelligence-of fashion codes clandestine in to other king's spies look or other use listed. Of fractal-matrix symbols found on TradeWinds maps used in balloon-war (to come data) linked-2 ARMY-clothing, cloth-on-pay, any Fashion History topic, into water sightings to tour such as a Loch Ness or practical 'lagoon' logaun business center. Works with rotation of planet. Used in Military lists noting 'n' in such as -an a warfare code; lingual as 'en' or 'ne' for endings of terms to beginnings of words linked from cuneiform systems (over 40 used graphable into economics for/from science also; clothes paramilitary derived being not-exact-to-military's. Works with rotation of earth. Data on or for equation input needed to further from FED; to D.A. Office for also. Pine cone theory soon. Term to comprehend philosophically is blended-burgeoning aka economy-white meaning solutions-within its economy system to find and utilize of it, in.
CIA-nearby-office credit card purchasable free to need-to-know or of purchased by any known credit card (official) to lower lode on it by 1% interest rate to own a thing or textbook management, of more books for sale here and prior blogs:
* crxop_1n, by denver_joauesvze 'denver joe' and kmwall
* crxop_a_to_z, by denver_joauesvze 'denver joe' and kmwall
* crxop_zeta, by denver_joauesvze 'denver joe' and kmwall
* leeck_one_dog:free association math quips for whores to math lab key hint solns, by free_cars
* bi_won:device a year anniversary on any stockmarket account to wealth later if over as years, by don_gs and kmwall
* a_grate_galore, by Dr. James Marks and kmwall
* agate_galore, by Dr. James Marks and kmwall
* drama_k_-an_ancien_weigh, by Dr. James Marks and kmwall
More books to recommend for Q3 and more soon, recall libraries have most with 2-months within 4-waits for most requesting from blog list:
* We Come as Friends, true tales of positive alien encounters, by Peter Michaels
* Vanished, by K. Robards
* Living with Ghosts, Prince Michael of Greece
* Idiot's Guide to Car Repair
* A Beginner's Guide to Short Term Trading, by T. Tumer
* All About Exchange Traded Funds, by A. Richards, Jr.
* Bear Proof Investing by K. Little
* Sex with the Queen, by E. Herman
* Cracking the Bible Code, by J Stanner, MD
* Just Desserts, by M. Daheim
Becoming another layer added blog by Military and other official designations recoded to
Fashion History
of Costume, a military known
of fashions, a military unknown-2
of History, any costume
or history-on
an official site of the military -on, and -of
Thank you Good Readership for reading along and responding timely to Official Incursion I-XXVIII+ Alerts given by all Governments and Military known. As Autumn welcomes 9-Economy or Fashion-Resort-Economy (ancien-ly a-Fashion Economy, on Resort World, by Atlantean recordings to archives soon more disclosed of, into black suns previous blogs listed linked into Travis AFB viewing of netted. More soon on all/any populace requested. Take care.
Sartorially yours,
KMWall, c.o.
USAF, fashion director
Marine Corp(allof)USMC, ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any) finance
USSS-+DEA-#1018, SEALs, more
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
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