Greetings in the new year, and once again I hope you will be having a good and successful one. The Incursion II is still underway and the general warnings are of forewarning and hindsight today. The typical targeting of the Incursion II victims has been of wide-scale approaches to predictable motivations: jewelry of the military past and present (including rings distributed by USMC with Incursion I engraved), buttons and insignia, weapons and metal items from the home; and an unexpected turn against the good-samaritans of our societies such as a lady who feeds abandoned household pets loosed at a park who is allowing discussion that her home was burgled by 500 perpetrators apprehended yesterday attested to be Incursion II. The Military and Law Enforcement worked hand in hand to stop the militaristic raid as it did with several others in Stockton proper, alone. Other houses had several hundred apprehended, as well. Today a raid of scores of thousands attempted to enter the region roundabout illegally and were stopped by the military and forces in play; claims to tribal uniqueness were attempted for invoking protections thereto, but the many military person there holding in the area were able to verify the denial officially by this country and the militaries worldwide. I'll get into the day-counts of the Incursion II soon, as I catch up more. Imposters to the banking industry attempted to infiltrate from their Incursion II positioning; the banking industry officials were fast to respond and already have met and decided on proper procedure to prevent those raiding the country from stealing identities such as mine was at 2:00 a.m. in an improper attempt to apply online to a banking position.
Say hello to many of the reactivated military and law enforcement personnel around and about in your areas. Here, some of the 'fish' or detectives of the past have been able to join in and are welcomed. Watch out though for confusions and similar to call-signs and names used in ham radios or such circles; some military call signs were being used in the aftermath by hobbyists illegally including those of hobby groups such as Odessa. The real Odessa is not their hobby group and comprised a handful of operatives for a prior regime, and they don't behave in public in copy-cat manners to enjoy a simulation of observed real-time military experiences in the public. They, being the hobby groups, can't re-enact in the public to impersonate the military or federal officers of the time any longer, not that they could; not to be confused with re-enacting of the past wars and battles such as of a hundred years ago, or, say, of the actual WWII. Other venues include notification of the office of the vice president of this country of occult data; resident now to the White House levels and you may use regular channels including writing.
Paranormal and occult styled attacks are still being reported in in record numbers by those victimized by the Incursion II. Go ahead and report them as such, and to your clergy, local or otherwise; some organizations on the Internet are credible in gathering similar information. The other day I met with priests who were removing a poltergeist, which came up as result of the viewing of reports of paranormal attacks. If you have bottles flying off the shelves at you or other similar dangers in anomalies do report them as there are bona fide teams to do the investigations. USSF is conducting ghosthunting data in form, and recruiting some civilians as well. Noticing anomalies can also lead to other real-time deterrents and apprehensions.
The USMC-Arts is assisting and to be lauded for helping the USAF Fashion One Project which again is making public notice of some interesting things in Fashion. But, for a moment, the need is for helping the militaries and the reactivated soldiery in your areas and mine to prepare their urban defense uniforms from home. The good news is many uniforms were donated kindly by the civilians and citizens of Stockton, CA and such areas to the soldiers and are available at the Air Force bases and so feel free to call the Fashion One office number at Air Force One. For awhile, though, there are many who need to make their own uniforms and so the call out is for donated or loaned sewing machines to assist. Approximately 150,000 sewing machines or more would be useful to USSF just now as all are on mandatory time to design and produce their uniforms for future urban service. Artillery is also in need of donated sewing machines and 4th Battalion out of Moffett Federal AFB is able to intake the donated equipment. Approved officially are many alternate styles of uniforms including those of any military of any past historical note or prior official use such as tribal or ethnic; also included are tye-dye, batiks, any Asian print, and any paraphernalia or insignia of past wars. Dress blues can include any denim with black undertones or worn white undertones evident for certain officers in play. If there is a military time of your adoration, this is the time to make use of the now fashionable style in your urban defense and even militia uniforms. The USMC still has the always-alternate-uniform list for public use available which includes any tailored detail on either top or bottom clothing item. Insignia and paraphernalia can be in any form; cloth, applique, replica, or as in past wars an allusion such as an X stitched in places where the item would display; any but my singularly and permanently awarded metallic-Maltese-cross which is not worn in uniform except by moi. If you have a metallic one, it is to be saved for non-uniform fashionable wear, only, if you are military or militia or uniformed in some manner such as academies; note that students are having the metallic ones removed as a matter of form and using only for fashion after school Maltese cross in earlier eras which he wore with a red jacket.
Follow-on: I am enjoying designing and sewing the uniforms to be worn in public places, and am going through older fashion books skimming for designs to revive into my own closet while I excavate fabrics in my storage boxes. I am pleased that some of my choices for unusual uniforms were approved by the Military recently such as lavender and navy for a US Navy uniform, along with others more staid, and I'm also working in tye-dye and plaids. I have a red jacket in the making that is also official use but differing from my grandfather's it bears the buttons official for the British and such is an example of how you might mix elements of past war uniforms in your present designs. This is also a good time identified to update your own wardrobe and decor by scaling down to simpler color schemes; examples would be to have a new color chart done and go from perhaps three or four colors in a group to two worn and in decoration. Try it. The name of the Rose by Umberto Eco will begin on my reading list today and I hope you'll enjoy.
I'll see you online soon, likely next Tuesday.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
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