Monday, November 14, 2011


Salutations, official alert IncursionXXIV underway into home/homeland of closured:of clothes to 11, 11ths, some number combination with 'magical number' approach intention, bought data of it by judges judicial courthouse system required to turn in data to/of/for (recent, in month 2 after now to day later by USAF Colonel/StaffSeargent to be announced of it data for, new form to include ufology/black suns received into orb selection counter kit for earth entry scape of unknowns landing misqueued ufos not of earth by hidden in tunnel apperature by 'mother of heaven and earth type, deceased' too hot now sudden sullen units forming with equipment of missed-Victorian flying ability to USO file of USAF for it on insect shapes revolving over a populace-crops into Texas news system divulging at time for sudden startling making news not make of downed craft of test-crash known now coursework to Top Gun an Academy friendliness gesture to public (from it)) into attacks 180,000 attempted into homeland invasion coded correctly by Homeland Security and its Agencies formed for it/any/on-land into each of 900,000 cities mapped described turned over from a Police Station conglomerate worldwide to USAF of-day now 401 to some, 421 this blog with others. Its data forming into the new trends with data from FED that it accepted globally for all of 181-year arrived Autumn-on ecology-economy called 9 by USAF and also Fashion-Resort-Economy that is of ancien once last noted proto-cultures logged Peruvian gone systems of topics this blog/others for done homework-level to Ancients of now level-4 Stanford University leveld anew that explains remedial terminology or other misunderstandings applied to it, misnomers in History later; for. Subsequent to homeland invasion coding after USSS affiliated also received record-high number job applications more than FBI during an X-Files season televised watchable has been topped by onto-resort-beach-gun-armed-retreiving-fully-any-amounts-extortions_home_invaded_also job applicants for IRS investigator; job openings and training happening. Also still of over million sudden opened economist-fashion-resort jobs through ARMY(any/heraldry office to civilian open also for part-time enduring USD$70,000+10,000bonus of annum pay scale for joining civilian-military teamplayers non-reenacting any of this blog or its linked types for official is the attacks against public sector noticed at picture level to formation attempts as done-data onto Kinsean bell-curves from 40+ a day lowered some days 121 today that if not of normal humanmade picture that if coincidental to the arriving ecology-economy declaring pictures formed onto it (graph) of some declared type:flower, shell, boat, see it? for labeling to explaining a grouping of data points, et al. CIA nearby is reimbursed by its American or Mexican counterparts funding for also from Artillery known already checked into a Military known for its 'cue card into promo work' for below data on more books/gifts/data/texts/sound/filmage/video-type/+ of today and for many months expected; thanking several famed and honored authors as listing, daily some have changed groupings working in collaboration. Thanking also Law Enforcement and Judicial, CVCC and Civil workers who answered early search and rescue call for today including of stepping into Victorian era friendly groups arming money sites hidden with burning subtances removal and replacement of injured bodily parts being done no cost to victim of on NASA's ecology repairing budgets and of paramilitary special-ops proportioned units at-large and on homeland terrain today and any day for it volcanic system heat underground also for and exiting wave goodbye to Alan Hopkins of NASA former and entering in his stead Allen Dulles teamwork member of special-ops already underknown, for ghosthunting unit work also. Again, of some topics below, or by topical searches:
* tulane_extras:read-all-about-it novel, murder on campus novel by f. Director Freeh of FBI and kmwall
* approach; novel by James Clavell kmwall
* vulcan:novel, perishable unit or they thought; by listing
* fair_hair:novel about why Luciferians were; by listing
* christ_a_new_concept; from USMC ARTS/R
childrens:* pirate_ey: novel by dr. baldr the cat and Dr. James Marks and kmwall
texts or level of:
* new heralds: by SAS and kmwall

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion/art director, fashion designer
USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/ finance
NAVY(any/ project literature
USSS-1018-DEA-SEAL et al