The cuneiform-first-language-UN that is being taught at The Language Training Center nearby to Monterey, CA, U.S.A. is still the decided upon international new communication level for economic restructuring and restoration. Of the chosen economic systems studied in the schoolrooms, it assists. Of the instant solutions, it is not, but is reliable and always explanatory of the fractal patterns in place in the actual world that spins on unchanging motions and therefore is describable. Don't forget that if you are working with us in the Military or in civic or civil work of any form that you automatically qualify for consideration grants from the victim's families donated for such. Post-doctoral work on down to any training school level or specialization training accredited coursework covered fully from food and housing and clothing and medical care by the military system automatic being fully mobile but not spending money. Some partially fulfilled grants are also being returned unaudited deserted by death or anticipation of, and in the interest of expedient time are re gifted to the Good Readership of this blog. Being worldwide networked already. Many topics unusual but appropriate to the present are being chosen; regular degrees are available, but the others are terrific choices. Think of things such as the walled-in cities attacked in the past histories, such as in Mauritania and Mesopotamia. Their costume history alone is fantastic to learn of. Their teeth gleamed, for example, on terrarium grown oranges and cherries, both with natural gentle cleaning abilities. They then chewed upon leaves and culinary flowers for added breath control. Modernistas think in terms of one tube of a solution that does both. These ancient but modern thinking ancestors left all their documentation on how they survived the miscreants raids and were protected by the wildlife that chose to enter the cities and defend them from miscreants who'd destroyed the wildlife habitats. Explaining again the earlier years' topics on this official military site blog, while it was becoming an official one, about how good all of you were with the USMC tests of patrolling unmuzzled wolves throughout the threatened by then cities, affected. The Sheriff's Department here houses and has patrolling in vehicles and on foot four trained wolves alongside the other K-9 and M.I. trained animals, canines included. The USMC has bred nearly 200,000 guarding and defending anyplace wolves fully trained for any K-9 to our own specialized levels in the military ... from the befriending wolves again you'll recall fed by the USMC during land-sheep-domain crises years back with petitions successful the Wintertime feeding wolves from our trucks with dog food. The bobcats will be added to the military heraldry for paramilitary, too, in a few years time. Now, appearing with tails added by the USMC officially for their forays to defend again in our affected cities. The bobcats are described as a fun-loving animal that is able to acclimate and like the wolves come and go and return again on their own schedules to work like sheep dogs and other working-dogs. They have no known natural enemies in any food chain. They like the scent of military, and more sociologists-animal-husbandry grants are available for those with the patient acumen to determine scientifically what a soldier smells like and how to detect it. On technology. Since these animals can and come straight to any for a quick pat on the head or snack from the hand. They also bring their litters straightaway for medical care, to the veterinarians in the military. Which you'll recall from the (Ayer)Vedic medical degrees of training required in the Military include veterinarian degree credentials as well as for humans.
There is more from our ancestry in Mauritania and Mesopotamia that became at one time coined as Maupitanians by their grouping. Many having traversed between the two, genetically. Moping, an Americanism that made dictionaries if not popular lingoes often was derived from these cities when they were affected by miscreants. The soldier languor that you learned about and many non-military are being led through in affected cities by you local judges from your own known judicial systems, and courthouses-regular, is what was referred to. Sleeping very little, therefore, on timed military regimens of food and activity level (physical motion of the body) in order to cause sleeplessness that is productive and de-ageing. It is a military system, and the information on how to do this has been handed out courteously from military installations, and may be obtained from the AMA. Or, specialized charities and non-profits that handle growing concerns of medical care or may have time, simply. During the awake-hours in the ancient affected cities, the similar escape routes were designed around runic and heraldic routes. One I chose when it was my job to select one for a large grouping has a predecessor from those cities, looking nearly the same, on a similar signet type of keeping. Not much is original in the offing. Predictable, sadly, but not very original. But, comprehensible.
One of the many things that people did in the times affected by miscreants raiding in massive numbers from 'down below' historically was tale-telling. Entertainment level. In story and song and stage play equivalent. The USAF Air Force1 Office's Project:FashionOne has another contest for you to consider, besides the fashion design contests daily for heraldic to glamorous but professional evening wear women's dinner uniforms and children's shoes and socks. The new contest is asking for an essay or a story in any form typical to creative and legal to tell how the musical symbols for treble and bass cleff came to be had and held by humanity. Many species make music. In the Garden of Eden times, as they're thought of, or choose your own creation story time frame, music was an early implementation. Used to announce when the fed and name wildlife and house pets returned home in the evening for their daily feeding, a gift from the caretakers, then vegans. Living through a jungle system of routes and what became a humorous child's game later, Chutes and Ladders in imitation of. The music is being found, also, in many musical renderings nowadays as the historic lineal Music Industry professionals take to their archives, also. Sounds. Rythms. Keys. Transpositions. All useful, again. From crowd-management control levels of calming and energizing to wellness sensations a general public. And, along that train of thought, the Music Industry by representation has asked for its own economic-'boat'
Once again, thank you to the Law Enforcement that particularly is working alongside the Military handling the deterring of miscreant raids listed officially here and on international news networks. And thank you again, all, for your patronage of this blog site allowing it to become a PhD referential site for History, of Costume. And similarly an official site of the military for Costume, history of ...
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer, worldwide
USMC, ARTS/Religions, co-head
USAF, fashion director
USN, Project Literature
Army (all), Finance