Hello to everyone, and thank you for your public gratitude and cooperation with the announcing of the security levels in your Incursion I to V affected areas of the mind-reading computer chips used in detection and now prevention. The law enforcement getting their equipment retrofitted with the computer chip that reads your thoughts exactingly and records them are glad to take you on scheduled ride-alongs that may cost a few dollars and fund. About a hundred thousand law enforcement are receiving this mind-reading chip that the soldiers use at a time, and it is manpower timeline driven, so about a hundred thousand chips retrofitted and eight one-hour ride-alongs per day are possible in each area, or thereabouts, partly for your education and somewhat for entertaining you with our technological advances. I was told to expect more soldiers arriving in Stockton and other affected cities today for training underground for a couple of days of camping and doling out their renewed supplies and benefits, so while they're exploring the tunnels and such, I hope if you have a security clearance level or civil service type of training such as working at a school district or for a registrar of voters at voting time that you can volunteer to help hand out things and data to them. We are simply short on humanpower, not hours, or supplies. Some of the soldiers are already signed up to hand out the benefits-added listed yesterday available and now utilized by all law enforcement and fire departments, etc., that of food provided from private funds and delivered to qualifying by USSF or Civil Affaires and now others who want to hold down this style of preserved peaceful living structure. Please let the military or city council or mayor's office in your affected city know if you can help today or soon to help distribute things to the arriving soldiers underground. They are, for example, accustomed to having spent one time a day in battle, and most affected cities have been battling underground or in outlying or in city limits eight to ten times per day with law enforcement in formations, also. Gratitude goes out to all who've helped, but this new level of added freshness and expertise is simply part of the character response to Incursion V which is underway. Some current dangers to the affected cities today include attempts to drug in the water systems and at cafes with a laboratory devised synthetic hormone that makes one feel ill as well as the Dramamine that you've heard of or handled in city-wide attacks before. Other attacks in affected cities include fecal-powder attacks on air pathways, again. Be sure to report anything unusual that you sense or feel as it may not be the pollen.
A quick refresher list of what the arriving soldiers are getting, as well as the added benefit list being delivered to all on lists such as law enforcement and fire departments and school districts and civil and public servants or charities and such affected negatively for helping combat the Incursions I to IV, already:
*Soldiers are caught up retroactively in the arrival training with their new or renewed accounts set up with their full salaries and upgraded pay grade scales as arranged by former President George W. Bush, and Administration.
* Fully-assisted, which includes scheduled meetings paid for, also paid are scheduled entertainments where they partly work at to protect on site (dubbed, getting out of the house), weekly deliveries or refreshing of items stolen or used up as needed up to full support levels, etc.
* Transportation, they select something
* Housing, they select from lists or their own, introverts alone and extroverts together for upcoming working from home
* Clothing, fashionable as by USAF determination, delivered or up kept, etc.
* Full medical treatment and care and performance levels upkeep by Military as well as veterinary care for animals owned or cared for
* Unlimited work projects
* Ten certifications or degrees of education verifying time in service or at work with the militaries that encompass passage of time, on funded grants and run by soldiers; twenty are required soon so that the next ten will be batched and bunched up after this round of distribution
I'm enjoying three days of blogs in a row with you very well behaved readership, and have been delighted to get a beverage from the resident military installation at Ola's Cafe here while the library is preparing to become a military installation, itself. Some people are working very hard to make these conveniences for continual warfare and eternal safety measures happen.
Other types of volunteers are needed if you have weekend timeline hours available to help returning soldiers catch up on technologies on the public marketplace in use by many, already. Basic explanations, and the soldiers are geared up for about two days of training on their schedules. The President has been by already to meet and greet many as their schedules overlap. Some families, though, attempted to meet them along the way, so there were a few glitches in communications among other things. The number of meetings that are rewards for the public and those working with us now to help in fighting the Incursion V are unlimited and prestigious. Some are rewarded with meeting a favorite celebrity, a head of state, a notable personality, etc. Searches on databases of who has bought real estate or other types of things have led to interesting discoveries of who is in the area, at some times.
A quick follow-on:
The USAF Air Force One Office's Project: Fashion One hopes you'll think about our question today, What would you wear to meet the president or the Queen of England or a favorite diva or others travelling through our city? I found out that as commanding officer not only am I allowed a first in the ciao line time, but now I can also have any unlimited styles of uniforms on any day including our business uniforms you've heard about. Have fun designing your own possible attire, now or in the future.
Take good care, and I'll be back on the blog with you again soon.
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
Saturday, August 7, 2010
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