Good afternoon to everyone, it has been quite a few days away from the blog because of the local Asparagus Festival that closed the library and its computer loans for awhile as the festivities were across the street, albeit Incursion II raids are now the level of attacks on persons and personnel identified, since the last time. The last blog identified invaders as the official designation and now with the downgrading but not downsizing by attackers, the raids have come closer to houses but by less enemies at one attack. The school districts are informing of the new if small problem that by allowing the children to wear a military styled uniform undisguised once monthly that the schoolchildren are also sometimes trying to wear the uniforms disguised more often, this to break the rules a bit. Although the schoolchildren are also helping tremendously very much by bringing newly sewn or constructed gym wear to the soldiers arriving from the bases in their neighborhoods who've had no time to change to uniforms. The soldiers are arriving with weapons but only underpants or pajamas, but fully armed by the Military. The words thank you are also a new problem because Americans have learned that in parts of Mexico where we've hired from to defend against Incursion II raids that saying thank you means to go home and leave a job or career and never reappear, but that is now being handled correctly because here in America it means the work is being done right and the behavior is correctly and there is more available, and other things. In America, we are glad to say thanks at many occasions at work and wondered as urban defense professionals why these experts hired from other countries had to be recontacted and rehired, when no offenses had happened, no deaths in the family, no sudden illnesses or other typical reasons for someone to leave employment too quickly.
There are gladly, though, with the new employees of cities like here more rescues of the military trained animals of the past and especially today there are about 50 search-&-rescue dogs available for co-adoption or fostering. Again, the Military helps support fully these animals and provides a level called fully assisted which relates to the veterinarian care and food supplied and continual training of the animals. (Not fully assisted as in for the lame or brain damaged going to convalescent homes._
The partial problems between subcultures has brought to light the fact that the USMC which is in charge of all religions worldwide has provided quantified data proving all goddesses are deceased and not working in religious capacity. There are those raiding cities in Incursion II lying to say they have children or old women or mentally ill women (or men) who are the goddesses telling them to raid and harm and embezzle or murder, and other crimes now equating to warfare. The real goddesses were a variety of unique and not always either good or evil persons considered long lived or revered, which in Ancient histories gave them a clergy level called then, goddess. The levels of warfare declared upon the reenactors illegals (meaning illegal re-enacting in public places or to harm others or steal data or embezzle, and more) by all countries will be escalated to include all illegalis. Sooner or later, or very soon. When will depend upon some matters to be determined. All Militaries, all Churches, all Governments request that all illegalities dubbed illegalis be declared official warfare upon, once and to last forever. And forever. Not changing back after an embezzlers dream of one day plus one month, or two days plus two months, and similar progression. This will take place in days, now, as the danger to everyday and ordinary citizens and residents is too much to endure. You will therefore see more uniforms in public, but more importantly you'll notice more law enforcement and military and civil workers and civic officials in public locations and neighborhoods doing patrols and protecting and underground battle in tunnels. The police departments have special budgets for this type of urban defense, a non-ending budget that is useful and doesn't take away money from their case-cracking monies. A separate budget that increases, therefore, each time it is used. For information that is useful, some officers of the law explored tunnels unknown or under known about and were attacked: 10,000 officers bravely ventured underground that received almost identical wounds or evidence in behalf of the Military and these budgeted funds were signed out to restore them by the military physicians. After, the used budgeted fund was increased. The funds for this come directly and partially from some of the fundraising greeting cards that you as readership have been purchasing from this blog text. (No further AVON fundraising for the urban defense funds, presently, though.) www.ladydiwhymsycard or www.unknownsoldieri or www.ydazx36 for some current giftware fundraisers.
The USAF Air Force One's Project: Fashion One is pleased with some new trends spotted that are outlined in clergy offices of some unexpected but good for the public things coming up. There is a partial Mexicana-styled food-delight trend of a richness or fun atmosphere of dining; the foods worldwide that are over cooked such as twice cooked beans, or potatoes, or fried foods, or blackened or charbroiled or seared meats or vegetables, or some of the fruits and vegetables that would normally be kept raw are being poached or used cooked or with a warm salad dressing, and more ideas. Recipes are also available, or if you have some for sale that might interest cooking show celebrities or caterers, and further... Send in yours, if you'd like.
Count Zorro the military tomcat is pleased with the performance of the many military animals in his territory which he assures is worldwide. The superbly trained and impeccable Count Zorro prides himself like our militaries on truly good behavior. There is a recent amending he has done in behalf of his protege Dr. Baldr, the 28 pound Siamese and bobcat mixed tom cat. Dr. Baldr recently received an honorary doctorate degree for his work (as I and others in our household and group have also received some from the years of hard work with the urban defense and military studies). His reward day, though, had an emergency call to the police department's animal control division because Dr. Baldr went fishing in the wrong pond, but his large weight convinced the owner of the koi fish pond that he was actually a baby bear. Not so, the tracking chip informed. It showed he didn't comprehend that some of his rules in the field of battle were different from his days off rules. While out on military sorties he went fishing, and scooped up bait from the bucket. He learned that ponds in homes are not the same as buckets and he is not allowed to steal pet koi fish from neighbors he guards. The good news is Dr. Baldr is behaving well, again, and Count Zorro went to meet the owners of the koi.
On a brief note, Kroll the company is receiving applicants from psychology backgrounds formerly used to assess the public (a practice now illegalis wholly) for identity theft raiders and similar. Please apply to them, if you have time for this.
Take care and I'll see you back on this blog again, soon.
Sartorially yours,
K.-Marie Wall, C.O. (commanding officer, officially, worldwide)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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