Thursday, December 15, 2011


Salutations, 9th pronged formed attacks on countryside accurately coded Homeland Security Agency homeland-invasion 22nd/44th of algiz-lettered prong a tripod-Y 1st-lengual taught free at The Language Training Center by also data-accord styled all Militaries so-named for donated by populace via Senate at Visa Company president's desk/top or American Express Company's for 900,000 cities affected by dna-Insurgents attaining uniform look/overlooking by beta-behaving DelawareMaineExodusDovelikeAccurate/S-matrix in ploy/employment for all of it by Holiday staffing Oversight Committee to nonwait by alter-government's CIA-equal switchboard system already assisting clean-up instant repair to algiz-upsided tradition historically pretension of Peace in any attack/war deluding enemy-satisfactions by destroyed levels; SEE present to counsel-4 or assist with data news arrival as historical reconstruction success filed their archives or Office Emergency Services any county/equal/-go or District Attorney Offices'/equal, of 30/40K raiding in swath-letterspelling event apparatus to replace game-tactic exclaimed disarming victims hope-play-yellow-voice-don(non-pimp)/knights-equal:Pentagon-repentITlisted2 of unusual weaponry level-6 resorting, level-7/any given free to all soldiers/O.E.S./+ any depot/ScoutingUnits assisting 2-CIA task, see gifts/books below from. Ask for topically free to you Good Readership for free-by CIA any/AmericanMexicanrepayany for gifts/books/texts/data/wares/filmage/video/movies/sound/music/media-need/+ from f. President Teddy Roosevelt's fund to give to public in down economy such; help schools any forms delayed by unfilled from budgets or seeking donors for more getting you IRS/equal deduction full of party (see their rules new) or 1/2-credit pre-party; buy as non-topical for lowered by its use lode on credit card by 1%-interest from any credit card company; ask for casework with novelized; thanks and seek work unlimited by self-propel of USAF AirForce1Office's freesort"worklisted"anytopic:
*solvang:interlude music prxoelud ancien; by case_cue
* sav:novel; by dan_d, kmwall
* milk:novel; zoo proportion; by a military known as his special-ops obvious callsign "bo" not female movie star rumor
* fell:novelized, of Military installation raid day of today; by don_juan a CIA head
* franco:novelized; by don_juan
* dun:novel; by cop_jay
* sand_1:novel; by cop_joe_1
* sand_2:novel; by cop_joe_2
* sand_3:novel; by cop_joe_3
* sand_4:novel; by cop_joe_4
* serpico:novelized; by Sydney Sheldon
* twelve_noon:novelized; by Tony Hillerman delivery after noon today
* dan_qs:novelized; zoo proportion; by call-sign"bo"
* dan_dav:lore, angels: by cual_q
* dan:lore, angel; by cual_q
* gauche:novelized; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* god:novelized; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* gad:novelized; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* top_gain:textbook; by Dr. Henry Kissinger
* dungeon_I:novelized, on island; by Dr. John Brilliante
* dungeon_II:novelized, divorce by force; by Dr. John Brilliante
* dungeon_III:novelized, Century2-OXAC Military calendar; by Dr. John Brilliante
* dungeon_IV:novelized, lennifer roses in art not in Fashion deadly; by Dr. John Brilliante
* scott:novel; plan death by religion; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiverso, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* zetas:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* retart:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* umbrella_rose:novella; by kmwall
* hunt:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* design:novelized, dead bonnie; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* formula:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* square:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* wolf_song:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* whale:novelized, heraldry; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* thread_bare:novelized, bees and fashionistas sting; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* honey:novel, Bee City; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* berg_king:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* quen_:novel, anntte; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* quen_in_war:part 2 novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall with Jim Ricks
* quen,I:part 3 novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* quen_through_the_doors_darkly:part 4 novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* dry:by RAST royal storytellers unit of HM a Jamaican King's Forces
* dead_one:novel; by King of Spain
Orbs: black sun orbs at 120 last count after 900th arrived through matrix formed by lightened gold seeming seen net-appearance about Earth from NASA none hitting matrix flying through anomaly known expected calculated with FED's announced accepted by Spring 2010/1 as normal new Ecology-Economy aka Fashion-Resort-Economy altered from Atlantis records of black suns other names for returning amazing ancestors non-affect of Earth tilt but of dryness of skin to remembering to drink enough H2O.
Angels: Americus was called the America's angel, grouped to defend countrysides from it as motto/lore welcomed by now as forces known. Other mottos reclaiming. Manuevers archived, used.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
all Marine Corp's USMC its ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any, finance
NAVY(any, project literature
#101/+DEA-USSS-Sherriff-Aparamilitary-unit, Unit_1, SEALs
Ministry of Fashion
et al