Monday, November 28, 2011


Salutations, 104,000 in 900,000 city list handed to Military known from united Police Stations globally attempted homeland-invasion coded correctly by Homeland Security Agency home invasions 2-level to pets-harmed-to-mortally on driveway/doorsteps for corrected data of required from at legal courthouses to add-up, prohibiting apprehensions of all but some incarcerated/deported-for already for small-tank/trank driving (new product, 2 per soldier allowed now by Lockheed order forms fast,) with feces of some terror-laden moment for discoverer on site of attacked pet to guardian/housesitter for it with fecal-product to define; smeared cleaned up style of work available still repeating attacks while sweep-up (Police Station term for) is of day-mode until done; exhtortion-2 defined pocket cell-phones-detectors new sweep up general populace not officially trained in genetics testing for non-invasive approach to 100%-dna accuracy instant disallowed use of to hobby level compared of ghosthunting heat-sensors used by California a State in this Union of for its State Police useful (tomed, lored:speed-traps) ill used for confusing populace and stalkings into violence into homes of mastermind capable plans scaped worldwide only, by military mind allowed to defend; not toys. 104,000 orbs netted by NASA dominating job from USAF/any for it to capture earth's round departed fragments expected from Black Suns lore/archives today labeled moon orbs or any other like purple moons red orbs black orbs earth orbs, like. Noted in Trade Winds fractal-matrix tracked decents mostly nightview, one day+. Same numbering of equalling attackers amassed in Incursions 3 to 2-4th prong of, to today's and yesterday's equalling recorded only orbs falling. Two level ufology sightings reported accurately interjecting into casework final form for leaving or linking a file is in from FFL a King Kourt or staff-2 (ask for privates to retreive, resident in Stockton, selfsame author blog; or any staff-seargent worldwide any military except USAF today, tomorrow fine.) Treason/high-treason convictions upheld and added mentally retarded grouping under singular woman identity of stalked-into Mormon wagon trains mid-Victorian era of non-lettering-C concotions s/l/n/arla/n/web/b said sharla/tte (l and n mistaken on olden records recorded for letter-h) of Los Altos Mormonism but from Los Gatos residence plotted from fleeing actual family types housing hidden by Military/GoverningStates to USN line of to non-contact for its military recorded purposes past World War onward hiding ageing in groups of from wagon trains not allowed now not penalized but hiding with attackers from Victorian brothels toting into wagon trains 100-year apart attack plans to conquer a countryside this one Mormons then expelled from legally (for banking system fraud unknown to them by ignorance/education-lack, official reason, U.S. Congress training level taping for its data soon by same below requesting method:non-hairstyling ultra-violent 2-attacks in home stalking in house provoking, on/upstairs). Insect houses shown at zoos attackers real motive in realism warfare declared incursion styles of Insurgents-dna of for it misbred not allowed hidden in files of others by impressive embezzling and finding of; zoos or insect public displayers alike qualify for funding unlimited various timetable from any D.A. Office like county level this area or any region equivalent so named its own from mapping if needed Office of Emergency Services (O.E.S.) and system into/from; into Boy Scouts of America (or likened, legal non-profit, akin to) for it requesting allowed. Stargazing of Fashion Industry trend data below for sudden daily trend 1-day or little more length, how-to get it any to workforces idealized for other than their own workload normal training or if of work to pick up alike while recovering own area trained for. Soldiers benefits no cost to staff-seargents'/seargents'-sites transferred to list of more optional/operational benefits linked to various for same/over-purpose (many unable to retreive/extract causing over years to enable purposely now for homeland defenses accurately any countryside). Thanking Judges and Police today for sudden actions by cafe sites opening for and military installations used as 44million of +1 global a-ready. Order topically or shop for school type order forms prepared most by asking, similar, from f. President "Teddy" Roosevelt fund for free to populace known any of its now over 990 books/gifts/music-sound/film-type(any media requested)/texts/data/+ of it some requested such as postman bloodline stories 1001 of now and soon; optional purchases instead if by using credit card (any known) lowering on its lode by 1% interest rate by purchase, thanking them for generosity; ask for any cop story too:
* trail_days:novelized by/of Mormon missionaries forming from it all special-ops unit for USAF Fashion Industry anywhere, by missionaries_mormon
* jennifer_had:novelized why not to breed your own eugenics; by staffing seargents' all militaries, dan_dean, kmwall
* g:novelized Masonic trip, by James Clavell
* gettiquette finishing school course

Technical fashion-resort-economy industry as FED labels, to business trends data sought actual users of it/data: today typed: trend_d a 1/5 proportional approach nearing and of it: enchanger, deer, Arkansas university wear, Ozark charm, glittering on heel, et al, or mathlabs transposing for it -- USAF Air Force1 Office's:worklisted, a free sort also for of workloads to any topic given to civilians or military qualifying; career-manage.

Prejudices in histories topical again; of women travelling alone until 1806 she/they couldn't, men only allowed to tip hat courteously not stop to assist/abet rescue/getaway but help was sent back sometimes, by 1908 practice stopped of roadside assisting levels to women allowed capable mode to restore own situation; harm not expected from; during centrury+ of new style travelling only men stopping to aide were safekeeping of/by gentle-persons (deportment trained-2-level).

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
Marine Corp any USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
DEA-USSS(101+)-SS1, USSF SEALs et al