Salutations, on a count-day as Incursions' statistics remain in-tact to defending homelands all-globe with Pentagon demanding headcount soon soldiering at-home for abroad-returned by now turn in your armiture to any condition of resupplying of at-home handed over to you into shortage of one-tank-suddenly-appearing-Senate-official-less-1-per-hundred-thousand-homes-by-today: use official routes to send data; one major-general of past hand rusted-out bazooka all left reported in repaired now, all new weapons to homeland defense coursework for attacked Economy-Fashion-Resort arriving by Autumn 2011 into 181 years ahead 40 years waning Music-Economy-guage had it remained untouched. Law Enforcement has overture from Military of caseload offered from sudden yesterday voodoo-styled-morbidurean-attacks-to-known-restored-victims-already, into tour soon from USMC ARTS/R Abess to White House call for yesterdays' discoverers of Incursion victims found on full Reconnaissance+USSS-allotted-hidden-from-view-surveillance-proper, 2-years-old-under-free plus two wave to screen to do, into scholastic of real Roadworkers filmage-live-footage, to courtroom reporters any courtroom official for report-in time to view films in State buildings or to general-bloggers of most newspapers worldwide ask for blogger-report. For these count days just books to other listings: today listed below for buying or reading recommendations for a day blog to save costs for certain ones on blog and reminder to go to yesterday's blog for State Department sign-ups moving open-business part/all to 3rd-World countrysides guarded fully armed resort lands filling up, and black sun tours actual fallen & caught quick tours, but scholastic level books first below then after-Summer reading-lists overt-teens-contacting-FBI asking for proper reading lists for their grouping. Take care, and more recommended reading listed soon.
CIA nearby credit card to those who need-to-know or for scholastic need and soldiers similarly those wanting to own a thing can purchase so all credit card companies are lowering lode on it used 1%interest whole balance of to raising credit limit by $220, of mostly referential desk to scholastic and textbook to entertainment topical of this blog and seargents' sites noting overnight ruling by World Court known 4-star-general-relayed(any) of how to that I author of blog can be topical study to students in regular study of form or field of into mostly Fashion books later devised by court system anticipated if I as others precedent am revovled as topic in regular coursework on-topics of/like and can be drawn from book or manual type production not ads if resembling branded/labels to identifying them or mocking of it/myself allowed due to contracted to be protected from all-countries solid documents viewable any Police Station soon send for Depts. of State to protect others by similar to work for workforce providing, provident of planet or will for own not used in lifeform process to guarantee a world remains to improves by all signed known and unknowning arriving able to support as any contract or treaty by country&type remains (more onto) for students and business may use 'got a card...' or similar to educatiing or free lecture type or typical of industry such by stipend formal payform known to taxed by if over overage:Fashion, ghost-hunting, nothing not allowed on contracts-dominating, specific to USAF dominating contract by my work/lode, thank you for asking to study me after ruling. To buy:
* seven a-denim story, by namebrand of
* xall: fashion compendium, of blog, free from IRS 1-day of blog reads, call to also
* thrice_a_bear:an organice medicine manual; by doctors james marks & kmwall
* a_grouping_not_mistaken:about jewelry mound, on Afghanistan War, by 3rd Brigade 4th Battallion 104th Division (to Civil Affaires office for more on)
* buy_1_division_now:[on philosophoB] how to add math in cuneiform-UN, additional [textbook]workbook for Fashion Economy, Paramilitary Economy with weaponry; by Armory, USAF Travis AFB
* trend_S, a civil affaires economy war, how to read the data on economy graphs (new, old, olden, ancien, ancienII) of subsistence [to:soldier benefits and on-blog,of]
* try_it_triad, why a military unit stays even in history, by official heralds listed in
* a_seti_lunch:how to start a science club lunch star watching, conversation course; by Seth Shostak of SETI
* grate_gay:good compendium on gays in fashion; includes code_g of publishing unit 101; by "S" of Civil Affaires
* booked:how to be model professionally, how kristin marie wall (blog author) does and others; by FORD Models an Agency
* left_left_left_right_left:a day in bootcamp basic training missed what to expect at-home in homeland defense; by mick_z, mitch_q, grace_d, elevated_one, Senators listed in book (all seating +)
* trying_a_blow:how to blow a kiss on television and ads (funny instruction) DVD within; by james marks, john_dough, kmwall, joe_maum
* a_book_on_messerschmidt_art, by joe_maum, dave_h, ko, kmwall
* queen_of_dom; by Royals of Portugal
* book_it:a-model's handbook workbook, men; by male model don_dough
* glance: an occasional etiquette, on i.d.-theft be able to identify them, by dom_dough, (f.) KROLL employee kmwall
* nine_today_is_good:a fashion compendium; by teacher_star
* book_to_commission:a-textiles of Yoruba Tribe; contributions; of data archives:pictures, swatches, data, how to wear them (imperial cloth how-to, tearsheets, level-Z, vogue-to-iffs); USMC ARTS/R Abess office any base free phone call
* dredful_red_again:a-doug book what it means; by tom_tu, thom_to, tom_tom, s_maum, kmwall, a Civil Affaires group
* too close:an old music industry book; by john_paul, kmwall
* black_pearl:a story about a life a friend missed; by kmwall
* sea_menagerie:about real life search and rescue; by kmwall
* granted_crandall:a NASA star how she made it; by dom_joe, kk_klux, dog_dough
* two_cents: a-game included, camp lore; by james marks, jay wall, dom_dough
* a_day_in_the_life_of_model:how-to, one day at, how to say I diet, please not patronize, cover an ad, move; by ed_red, denver_joe
* genver:a-fashion code system for times; by denver_den
* aul_2_extraterrestrial:forced to be extraterrestrial from fashion code war; by ARMY, kmwall
* i'm_a-royal-ware_boy; economy work, fashion coded; by boyd_k, jenver, dom_dough, cancer_queen, tu_tu et al
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion director
Marine Corp(any) USMC, ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any) finance, USSF, SS-renew
NAVY(any) project literature; SEALs
USSS-1018+ et al
Friday, September 23, 2011
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