Saturday, April 30, 2011

Incursion VIII to XX Search and Rescue ARTes WorldN

Salutations, the better of things of this beautiful windy Sprintime Day in Stockton, CA is that nearly everyone I know was up at dawn, working, and still on, a term used in Fashion and the Military, as "on" and for replacing the term for trends being "up"; if you can follow this, please consider today by contacting the USAF either RA Office, or AirForce1Office, or ARMY(any)HeraldryOffice for 1)search and rescue sudden-call off to South America for rumored soldiers held hostage that may be mistaken for citizens of anywhere but the RAF is in advance with 10, plus duo-unit sent by sunrise, and two more nurses accustomed to the triage-type setting already, and more volunteers are being asked for to remove from harm unknown number of personnel to their offing of 24 or 24 times ten of any count, up to 240,000 anticipated to go to a triage-unusual at a Peru site of a dig for detection archeology now underway led by a Police Officer (do call FBI and any service for details); 2)any manufacturing or production system lines of to factories of usefullness that can be added to the ongoing production schedules revamping the Economy worldwide, by relieving the overworked now African cuneiform obligated by agreements to Households production groups returning until, but the sign-ups are by the revived cuneiform-selection, 3)economists-worldclass jobs part-time or specify, then add to schedule and get paid with any dominating contract for work, 78,000 job openings still, ARMY (any) Heraldry Office taking in applications today. A long sentence, but added to yesterday's urgency of helping deter on short notice the attempts to torture educators 'sakes' (those in their care and concern) while away at school and today for their overtime until 4 p.m. and 80,000 victims already: military statistics, over degreeing of training and education levels, called leveling in military battle tactics for those on the way to it from bootcamp called-out; thank you for applying for this soon future job opening too from the USAF AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne to protect including FIT-SUNY and Wharton College and some pre-college.

An Art World being in existence in Peru for 40,000 years before any economy raised interesting questions today, already, such as the two-mark system of removing a thing from being a trend by marking it with a green or brown stripe. Green could be verdigris, etc. How the trends became accepted will be an item to discuss later on. There are job openings, now, for ART World applicants, via the USMC ARTS/Religions, please apply to the abess, any military address will be fine.

Eight more contests are being added to the USAF AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne, so that I'll list one more by the plan each next blog. Please consider, Good Readership, the Yoddler Music Contest. In any form, in any guise. Overt welcome, too. It was the first vocal chord vibration selection used in the musical evenings of the fabled 70 locations grouped into Garden of Eden, when the wildlife came home. And, people. Nocturnals peered, blinked. Food was provided to them all, too. Lone eating was not permitted due to a head-count taken. A prelude to information on this later in more contexts from the White House Administration/s of the past, an assignment I accepted. Some Tribes and Households have in their posession or archives the first music from this, some have taped it for the USMC ARTS/R and it all tested out well for the public sector. Yodels were a welcome entertainment suited to the need to entertain the many all at once.

Take good care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer, worldwide
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/Religions, co-head,
USARMY(any) Finance
USN Literature
USSS-USSF-SS1&2-to-USN, badge reactivated USSS 1018(additional)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Incursions IX to XX

Salutations, as the parking spaces have cleared here from the Asparagus Festival, there is a great amount of good will still in the aire about Stockton, CA, where I reside full-time, but despite the nearly 160,000 homeland invader attempts by homeless miscreant cults-illegalis that by their own choosing are eliminating one or more illegal act while starting another one on the spot, so they are not to be reformed but apprehended and even full defense in all measure of your lives by order of U.S. Congress (factline) paying USD$132Million per bodybagged invader, today. The good part is that over 111,000 more new job openings are available for world-class economists for 7 years of scheduled already work to battle economy blows, attempts to take it down by any level stopped regularly now so that the real markets can do their own choices. These jobs are at the ARMY Accountancy but apply through any agency of the military or governments for them, including the ARMY Heraldry Office. Glad to take your applications to join the other 111,000 that are already there. My own good news in adding new levels to my own over-employed status to the list of work I do with the Militaries and affiliates is with the D.A. Office, every day now. After an 8-day assignment working with them as scheduled, they are a worldwide linked system like other offices that have many interesting projects that link to what I and others in my paramilitary special-ops units do to defend areas. They are already up to date on the cuneiform-UN first language of Fashion-Resort Economy, the queen's cuneiform of 5,000 years being taught from my own family archives from the fashion workforces behind the scenes and now the version the FED is using by May 2011 to bolster the economic future internationally. The schools are giving out the degrees to especially challengers of their scholastic programs today and over 840 weeks from Wharton College and FIT-SUNY to stop the aggressive court actions and threats of sudden warfare declarers trying to close down schools where students can't afford to graduate yet. And so extra emergency services workers are needed to do on the spot rescues of such as the animals of the teachers, or their friend or family member being attacked and broadcast over the Internet as one type of relaying of the threats while the educators are attempting to get their degree programs ahead again. The Police Station is sending a couple of law officers and the USN a lawyers and others are volunteering to go to court in week 860 to do the rebuttal against the supposedly anonymous filers, but that are now linked to the physical harm of the also warfare declaring assailants. The search and rescue will come with cleaning of your own supplies and clothing and even replacement of items worn by the USAF Air Force One Office's Project:FashionOne of the same make and name brands, just as they are delivered by detection on the USMC Reconnaissance Surveillance near you. The entirety of technology companies are working in this cooperation now, also, as well as the phone and Internet service companies to stop the attacks that added yet another level. The best thing to do in such a threat is to tell the nearest law officer or military personnel near you. And the rescue will be done immediately. Over the last few days, yesterday's attack victims were about 40,000; the day before about 3400 and the day before 2300 and the day before 1. 40 of them being elementary school educators, also, perhaps all parents of accelerated children.

Of today, I am painting a scheduled watercolor and working with advice of another art teacher on how to complete it later. Like much in the ARTS, there are steps that are always able to be added. Later today, I'm challenging again some of the FIT degrees to assist in the tally described above, and also to further my own preparations for my job as the USAF fashion director. I'm also pleased to be looking into the additions of art direction pieces for textbooks, so that if you also have some that are worth the study, please submit them through the USAF Air Force One's Office. Like with the contests. More of which will be listed later.

For those in the UFO or Angelology or Demonology studies to Ghosthunting work, there is more of interest that you can contact USSF again about through the Northern California MUFON, or the Air Force of Mexico. Or, in your own region. There are good things happening and new tools available and even some new life forms to study or work with. Especially if you are able to do search and rescue of the functional set up and workload of a NASA contact level by the special-ops unit novelle9, ARMY and now linked to all militaries. The interesting footage and direct progress made overlap avocations of hobbies to those applying for new jobs even if about 'what I hoped to do with extraterrestrial contact' since childhood.

I hope you will all be well and able to continue in the prepaid for continual bootcamp training for those of you who are the 81% of the public sector already put through bootcamp at home or nearby that is succeeding in deterring the Incursions of dna-Insurgents attempting the coded homeland invasion. I've been pleased to hear back at your alertness, to the superiority now of those who thought they were working at bases or military offices but told to only show up at a short limited interval, rather than the usual of using their facility 24/7, standard procedure. Worldwide. There are many who are in equipment they thought for example was real and theirs but was not of the military, and who are able to now enter bootcamp for the first time. Not during after hours or dinner hour when everyone else was gone, etc., as you've read about on this blog and the news before. More importantly, insist that your 11% of the populace friends are no longer fooled by the reenactment illegalis going on as the reason, that is actually the list of crimes to the death you're already familiar with. If it breaks the laws in the religious areas, then you are likely to have found the reenactment illegalis today, or of today's versions. Remember, though, the groups such as the USMC ARTS/Religions does actual warfare of real religions so the fake religions I just mentioned don't elicit religious warfare action, but are treated as the street crimes they are. Today coded by the Office of Emergency Services in your local region/county officially at crowd management.

To those working on the green movements abounding, and who would like extra fertilizer to have bushier and deeper colored blooms, please contact the FBI desk at the local Police Station near you for free supplies. The garden near you will take on a different proportion. Your new design. And thank them for their extra effort, of course, as I know you always have been by their reporting back to the military.
Of other interest if you are in Northern California and have a security clearance, there are some tours underground of the sand scapes made for camelback rides of the newest search and rescue animal teams because the group attempting to pile sand over the entire growing lands of this State were apprehended. There is a survey underway about it all to find out if this is a good future income tour for the municipalities accepted.

Take good care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer worldwide
USAF, fashion director
USMC ARTS/Religions, co-head
USARMY (any) finance, USN literature
USSS badge reactivated from retirement 1018 (plus additional detail)
*showing at the Elsie May Goodwin Gallery near you the watercolor USD$1Million Le Temps Fuit, a Victorian tea moment

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Incursion IX to XX and Green Economy More Doing

Salutations, the Asparagus Festival has sunshine on it, although the temperature for awhile for me working on the Incursion-deterrants with the Military and Governments and your Civil Servants and Law Enforcement have taken us underground or airborne for scheduled hours, offices away from home in a different way, to work through the steps to stop the still 905,600 affected cities' attacks of 10,000 only last night per affected city, but lethal to deadly-intent of the supposed reenactment but illegalis. Attempts to take over one country yesterday were not in jest by them, and so recalibration of those who were supposed to be guarding the Fashion and Resort Economy officials and now also businesses attempting to stay open on their own in especially Fashion, worldwide. These hard workers are now finding they have a microscope of focus as the paramilitary economy, itself usually independent of any and autonomously acting to enacting-of-powers is for four months embracing entirely the regular economies. Typically, this type of action would last only 2 months to bolster or assist any flagging area, or as you'll recall the mention to push up again a notch to keep economic rise on schedule. There are recalibration courses going on to train the persons involved in confusions of the preying often anonymous attackers who cause regular underknowing but skill-trained persons to attack without knowing they are incorrect by actual law. Such as in misqueing on lists and documentation. If an FBI agent is on the premises, for example, in a residence, as you'd imagine your X-Files personnel would be kept track of by any country, as they are, then misqueuers were telling falsely by hacking and similar phone-switching illegalis from old illegal equipment that they were authorities upon or superior ranks and that they were giving them quick instructions to then assign any FBI to take the house over for their own use, first come first serve type of error. This type of sorting out takes time, and effort, and personnel. Has been happening left and right and north and south and in-between in many a housing error with guns and police and military used now to remove even erring legal-job holding sudden new residers who are misreading falsified or under-clarified listings to reports and showing advance-casework correctly defined 'spies' how the systems to guard our world operate. Spying is not legal unless through the various governmental permissions that entail high ethical conducts and so many people are being stopped at the obviousness of novice efforts to do so labeled for now stalking for some, others as immediately to deter with finality. Thank you to all who assisted from retirement or otherwise, sometimes confused on the new laws in place and rules of conducting oneself while in public settings of crowd management to crowd control levels to comply with U.S. Congress's bodybag paymnents of ascerbated known lists of populace attackers. The retired USSS and similar were out on foot and in many governmnent vehicles to assist the military and law enforcement with the task. Schools are granting time off to some of the paramilitary units formed up to protect at home levels, already, and gladly granted. The students guarding and rescuing animals from Incursion IX attackers of dna-Insurgents as miscreants particularly are numbering about 9000 daily; still their reward is a $150 wardrobe plan for life of the child or student assisting. In Stockton, CA, being done in a municipal building during daylight hours, with good window views of the city and Springtime arriving. There is a lot of transition in the personnel with Fashion being hard hit in its two-sevenths of the economy but some are not stating their hardships at the workforce level until very late, and so the USAF handling Fashion worldwide has many bolstering systems of no-cost to the factory owners and business owners to tide them over or to reopen those closed by illegalis targeting of the economy in a big picture or the clothing line or similar type of focused seeming fiascos. The worldwide governments and militaries see it less personally coming from the individual owners and so the assistance will take a first 4-months step and then ever after. A 4ever (spelled anyway) special-ops unit of USMC-Navy will help with the business lines restyling for better monitoring and sales personnel to expediate the threatened businesses. Since it takes even much guarding of fashion items such as fabrics in trucks, finding drivers and transporters has been a challenge. This is usually a type of soft-job, and those helping are thanked, of course.

Egyptian eyes or similar were found in the astronomy and were useful in ancient times especially during Egypt's and Greece's active historical ports for amusing travellers with their lifetime wardrobe plans. Pictorially representing the fashion wardrobe style lines, then, drapes and angles and luminescence and depth and such the astronomy eyes were used as the unchanging dependable crux of a wardrobe. Travelled far for, worked hard for; similar sometimes to today's efforts. The sociological similarity brought up the studies that reminded the revived interest in wardrobe plans is partly due to the USAF AirForce1 Office's Project:FashionOne detection of low quantities of clothes. Eight per person is now down again to 4 or 5 per person, average, even with the Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of America delivering for badges and other rewards the clothing of regular designers used by the recipients of you, the good readership, worldwide. The wardrobe plans of the Egyptian eye system are available at no-cost-in-exchange for historical wardrobe data and lore of (stories of who was seen where, wearing what when: my grandmother rode the plains and talked to a bandit type are fine). To low-cost from the funding clergy returning a gift through the Egyptian Museum in Santa Clara, CA based upon the merit activity of worldwide clergy led (Irish priests) study groups on Egypt. The studies come from the archives of the first royal courts in history, which before any thought of for fame were originated in form in Ireland. Itself a cuneiform-UN first-language numbered '1'. Ireland has succeeded in deterring to almost none, now, the miscreant raids, once again, actively assisting in other ways. So has New Zealand, only 3 or 4 raiders logged per day. A short educational tip from the USMC ARTS/Religions and USAF AirForce1 Office's Project:FashionOne to look into some of the aboriginal arts and fashion when considering extra degrees in these fields and perhaps future products, as the sociologists are noting a lot of talk about, on. Not trend, nor direction of art, but just talk. Perhaps amusement or just good interest. Ireland had the Picts as aboriginal tribes that mystified on their rites and leadership selections as they required not female clergy led groups but female dna-ascension lines of women from royalty to marry a potential ruler. Their kings were beautified, first, before resources were spent on others. Beauty, then, included tatoos everywhere but the complexion. Hair was short and if in jeans and t-shirt today, the jewelry would fit right in to the every finger type of heavy metal looks that blend into noticeable to avoiding gazes. The tatoos were of flowers and vines and other items regarded in nature.

The CIA FactBook group is offering for no cost pamphlets and data on the present economy underway that is going to entail the government hiring by the U.S. Congress funded private trust funds (warfare funded, a name of one) that they refill with assisting the work of investing steps in (non-taxpayer or budget monies, privately held only, for use in any warfare declared ... ) that will hire 10,000 economists as soon as possible. 3000 of the job positions will come with support at room and board level if needed from the CIA-DEA combined under cea-DEA. The brochures will define reverse forms of cuneiform-UN viewed worldwide to localized to individual economies, and are no cost to the asker, and assist the hiring for the positions listed at the Police Station from those listed by the USAF AirForce1 Office's Project:FashionOne. Urgent, is the hiring status, immediate work and regular workload if needed in economics-respondent. The FED working through regular taxation funded budgets that are under scrutiny and compliance levels by the President on down are still doing fine with such deadlines as they are complying with those rules in place. During the warfare-declared status, these other measures are also fine, additional, and quite legal. The economics will involve the pictorial examination of those formed in the Kinsean graphing, matching up to traditional responses when such pictorials of repeating patterns of human behavior in the markets that cause the dotted-activity to form the predictable pictorials, transposing the data into the manipulated forms for convenience of decision making. As the Ancients graphed entirely, you'll recall, all the regular behaviors of even dire-stressed populaces, based upon regular human behaviors, and explaining why the patterns repeat in certain orders some of the time, into the trend data often to usually leading these economic data point systems gathering into snapshots of timeliness. The work is not hard, but focused, and not meant to challenge, but to supply tools as the Ancients did the scaffold-level work on this revolving about the sun type of regular system. Although the calculations may take weeks to months, the computers of the universities supplied and personnel there to assist with the calculations will be part of the tools provided with these 10,000 economists jobs. Open now. And of the others as 'tools' along the way.

The USAF AirForce1 Office's Project:FashionOne is still glad to receive your daily anytime fashion design contest entries. Please see the prior blog lists, and as I have more time to blog on them soon, I'll be glad to discuss some of the wins and good submissions.

Take good care of yourselves, and I'll be working on degrees of study along with many of you who've contacted advisors for new and sudden grants gifted from the public sector prepaying degree costs, and I'll be working on the artful views of the Fashion-Resort-Paramilitary Economies bolstering the worldwide ones for now.

Sartorially yours,
commanding officer

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Incursion IX to XX Official Alerts and Fashioning Greens

Salutations, I appreciate the local Asparagus Festival beginning that will alter my timetable on blogging from the NSA-guarded library with the military servers guarding all of you the good readership while on this and the seargents' blogs taking you from here to your areas of interest on the topical alerts, that are official, of the now 905,600 affected cities raided by dna-Insurgents as miscreants. Again, they are still formulated into claims of reenactement to disarm as they home invade and embezzle and rape and maim and steal identities and torture and murder especially in the purvue of the USMC ARTS/Religions to stop now especially of the attempts to put evidence of in pictorial versions in the Arts replacing special effects, again. Eighty thousand even or more in tens of thousands usually up to 120,000 have been raiding the repeatedly targetted-illegalis houses and business. Today through tomorrow noon, USD$100Million is paid out for each bodybag or equivalent of these home invaders correctly coded homeland invading anywhere they are stopped, apprehended or not; apprehensions accepted for law enforcement post mortem, by lawful law judges complying, et al. Paid by your Congressmember in person or at their office, if needed, but by military in regular military carriers and transports within minutes to hours with full assistance by the IRS and taxation bodies. Bounty hunters welcome, too.

I hope you are patient with the USMC ARTS/Religions contests underway listed now also adding in to the USAF AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne another contest for boys in beige fashion designs.

Sartorially yours,
commanding officer

Friday, April 8, 2011

Incursion IX to XX Official Alerts and Foos to Fashions Duex

Salutations, again the official from the Military worldwide alerts of the Incursion IX attackers coded homeland invaders of dna-Insurgents miscreant led in the affected cities listed at your local Police Station are broadcast from this official site of the Military and also any of your recurring news networks as has been happening. The home invasions and business hold-ups in military formations and repeated number-game formats worldwide put the Incursion into the military hands, already, and especially as the field of Fashion and now also Resort (food, housing included in) of the missing workforces that the Fed sent myself and you, the Good Readership to look for in search and rescue. The good news is that about 1/4 of Sweden is mobile in an effort to assist furniture manufacturing families missing that 109 of the Swedish Royal Households fled their own homes to assist anywhere around the world. There are about all of them housed in Northern California by the USMC, as they assist their governments and our militaries. The manufacturers were working and still are from the cuneiform-UN first language that is from their secret and legal methods of how they do business. There are no particulars about the groups missing other than several already were located by the search and rescue methods utilizing mathematics from MIT and University of Utah today where the missing workforces of Resort had gone to seek work following trends forming, taking their business along after being driven homeless by threats and intidimidations into the weapons drawn, and now being assisted fully to reacclimate. The manufacturers missing them arrived in meetings with the military heads and bootcamp trainers this morning, and elsewhise, to also train these new sudden recruits in self-defense, calling trees and lifelines of escape routes, and also their own part-time career or full-time ones with the military options. The films of the ten little Jane Doe girls are now fostered in their appropriate homes similar to their bloodlines from their Garden of Eden dna-testing which indicated their likely ancestral agreements in fields chosen. The films of the animals working in the rescues are helping many understand more what the military search and rescue animals do. The one that touched my heart was of the fallen by exhaustion ten year old girl who kept trying to defend this city in in-tunnels from miscreants raiders, and met my cat in the USSS who played with her until help arrived after trying to pull her forward into the visible exit to safety. It was the first time, I realized as did others who handle the animals in training, that the cat had seen tears. Thank you to all of you for your ability to accept these new and unusual members of our search and rescue paramilitary and special-ops teams, including those from the wildlife recruited by the USMC.

There are things in Fashion that are less honorous, but just as telling for the USAF to report. Today, from USAF Air Force One Office's: Project Fashion One, there was a good report from our viewpoint on the teens preparing for prom nights. These teens, similar to in the Great Depressions, became a noticed workforce and have been overall as an age group able to find some work that allowed them in this study to save an average of USD$1500 towards it, but instead of spending it all, they're investing all but $200 of it average into their other futures, items for the home included. Canoes, furnishings, schooling, etc. Wondering about how to help them afford social lives prompted the study from the hired sociologists.

As I am the commanding officer worldwide, I'm noticing how many times per day now those who did not comply to provide a valid certificate of birth or school records or other legal records indicating legal names and backgrounds to the governments and military are beginning to approach me for severe questions about what is happening in their sudden interruption to their delusion that reenactment was happening from all governments. Which is not what is happening. The President declaring warfare in return three years ahead of schedule as you can view at the Police Station; in Stockton, California, I pay from a set fund that is not depleteable for 8 computers to remain up for the executive orders to be viewed that have declared warfare against the homeless miscreants and home invaders and identity theives and others operating in paramilitary or other methods. Today onward, there is room for 10,000 per minute to do bootcamp training at home or school or any place assigned paid for on credit card company charges by the very real and concerned general public. To do warfare against the actual home invaders and others like them. Continually, and continuing, and against any form of it. The economies, meanwhile, are being taught to the general populace. Please contact your university advisers to find out about special and new grants to the populace in these fields that are new types, considered exchange levels of currency in many forms. There are olden types reviving alerted by the interest in Chichen Itza, such as its ix chel cuneiform being actually six shells of economy types. Economy graphs in Fashion and Resort dominating as 3/7th of the worldwide ones, historically, and forming up into pretty sea shells on the graphs plotted were what were recorded there, mysteriously, as in other places, on matrices with a letter "S."

The masks of extraterrestrials of past attacks on cases from the USSS files 103 today is still about impersonating military styled extraterrestrial images from many years of ufo reports, to ghosthunting, or similar. Once, it was only involving thefts from laboratories such as Spielberg's movie industry ones, and then followed up by break ins to homes; caught in the past by retired then USSS agents. Now, by any and all, since ghosthunting is the most prevalent hobby. Helping out law enforcement. Since I've come out of retirement, myself, some of these old ufo typed cases no longer ufo logged by of only humans changing their look by illegal surgery with originating dna of their own mixed with known dead civilizations archaeological sites where bones were still undisturbed, but known. Different shapes of structures has been noted throughout history as humans evolved, basic educational data, and inferences of from museums, etc. Those with data about such things can continue to let me or other agents know at the USSS locations and as my badge number is now linked to mine in the DEA changed today for my part-time work on the same or similar and also poison flower cases if you have them: USSS-1018cc, DEA-10182. All badge usage is verified by 100 percent dna verification mobile by handheld devices that explain exactingly the brain-stem cells that are who is in the organ donation repaired bodies worldwide of the over 60% of the populace the Military has repaired from attacks by dna-Insurgents and miscreants in homes or otherwise. 80% to 90% or more appear in grafts or organ donations for some years to be that higher percentage of the donor, not to be misconstrued with the actual person of that 80% or more. The percentage wanes bit by bit over months and years. A parented dna reading shows accurately only 40% to 50% of both genetic parents if of the birth, itself, dna-readings. The dna-readers require, however, literate and normal IQ persons to read them, and some teens were found breaching military locations of cafes trying to trespass and read aloud what they couldn't comprehend to populaces about, and also caught out were mentally retarded persons uncared for at those moments. The courthouses do the 100% accuracy readings, and it affects correctly and permanently all cases and attempts to have them. Check on the organic medicine degree lists easy to read from Stanford Medical School, and others like it. I have 15 medical degrees in this topic alone over the years you can look over, perhaps, as do many others have these degrees of interest. And there you have a little more about me, as surveys indicated you the good readership found of interest, and you'll know more about beauty-marring incidents referring to these types of degrees, some requiring more than one medical degree in some areas before taking the organic medicine ones, or vedic or Ayurveda medicine ones, linked, referenced, et al. The Police and other investigators are using beauty marring casework actively again with new budgets, overlapping with DA Office's every other day work on the same, with their own lists of also cuneiform-UN first language solutions in process to request for cases used by Fashion and Resort.

The blossoms on the trees here have received comment again, perhaps due to their frequent paths with our high winds. Lovely trails for the visual artists, as well as others about. The local symphony, also, has received much in the way of good comment from those it is drawing from in ticketing, about half of the country in spanning of travel plans. If you'd like to participate in ballet surveys, please notify the USMC ARTS/Religions through your local Police Station or write to them at any base.

I hope you all have a good weekend, and enjoy the previous several blogs about the contests and work available from the USMC ARTS/Religions and USAF Air Force One Office's Project:FashionOne. The wins daily for the evening dinner suiting for women is still happening, and than you for entering them. If you'd like copies of the poetry wins for your school, please notify your school district's finance manager. They are all terrific, not just the wins.

Take care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer, worldwide
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/Religions, co-head
ARMY (any) finance
USN, literature
Thank you for viewing the watercolor LeTempsFuit:TimeFlies at the Elsie May Goodwin Gallery listed at USD$1Million.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Incursions IX to XX Decoding Histories En-Lenten

Salutations, the actuality of the Incursions IX by dna-Insurgents miscreant-D led as coded by all governments to be an official homeland-invasion anywhere they attempt to raid is dawning on more who were hiding or decided to suddenly deny facts and go into re-enactment illegalis. No tolerance is the level of approach and deterrent to full-military actions, underway. All police worldwide have now become Military, also, as have others. Today, your Senates are out on foot looking for ufo-impersonating attackers who surgically illegally altered their facade to look like extraterrestrials or races of humans from lost civilizations. There were a few dozen apprehended already, raiding work environments that were all trying a new approach to business productivity or employee morale as the economy-oriented companies worldwide have been rallying to do together. The selectivity of the targets to business and technical or improvement oriented levels where attaining degrees of education while on the job was part of the new environs. There is also the experts worldwide in this field of ghost hunting at levels usually handled by the Military or Government, and you may approach your medical specialist or physician including at any non-profit medical clinics which are all prepared in case any of you the Good Readership have been attacked or raided by these types of ufo-imposters. Crashed golf-carts disguised to look like a spaceship have also been retrieved today, handled again for even tours done curiously by the Senators, or their equivalent anywhere worldwide. After yesterday's blog the cats of the USSS -- the office where the strangeness ufo cases reside or are worked from including the number 103 today -- have been placed into millions of possible fostering homes for the USSS benefit. Thank you for helping these devoted and unrelenting USSS and Military and Law Enforcement search and rescue animals. Footage filmed of their touching moments underground in tunnels that they refused to leave while guarding the children escaping and trying to guard this city is available to the school district near you; please ask for it in the Finance Department. Or order from them and your library reference desk is geared to assist this step for your timetables.

Comments upon Lent are happening more this year than most, and so it is interesting for sociologists hired for other things. lLlenten, as it was spelled in some recent histories translated from cuneiform, more or less, since all its letters are part of the originating cuneiform-UN first language agreeably agreed upon. Begun upon what became Saint Sebbi's holiday from an Iberian history a little forgotten compared to others, the August 29th date chosen began a savings for vacations of prestigious or expected levels back when adventures to flowers in another country was often of the level sought. Something like Expanding Light in Nevada City, CA promotes for its tourism, with 800 tulips along with water lilies and deer on the walking trails appeal to many, still. And, also from such historical timeline traditions, it is still focused upon culture and education for a purposeful trip. Annual music festivals, for examples. lLlenten was not observed typically on the workforce schedules you may request for educational or economy working or military or civil servant purposes from the USSS desk at the Police Stations near you: filed; Kristin-Cristen 'due-role.' November 11th to 16th or a Fry Day in that month, or a 70th of the month were all options to take off of lenten; and any 4-days. Neither a popular or unpopular holiday series. Just one that was functional for the workforces setting goals, and later accepting Church inclusion.

The USAF Air Force One Office's: Project Fashion one is pleased to report on unexpected finds in data as well as listing contests I hope you'll keep looking up and entering. Such as Afghanistan's military uniforms and country-costume being the favorite of most polls worldwide or requested by military for their own use.

I hope that you'll continue to utilize, Good Readership, the degree grants for any level of training you've already signed up for. A good video is available through your churches for details presented by a DEA Agent extraordinaire on how to approach such aspirations; in tandem with the NASA DVD on how to earn 4 degrees per year their way, or 8 per year the military way; both helpful to such long roads ahead in changing times. Or, in times dedicated by all known persons contacted with backgrounds legal and governing bodies and militaries to keep the semblance of peace around us all by restoring quickly evidences of war, raids, attacks, crowd control, et al. Today I submitted one to SUNY-F.I.T. flown in to its offices by the military about Mother Mary's visage and a trend she participated in in blue. The good humor of the regular populaces you know include the auto industry which was interacting with the military and looked over the data, curiously, and not only signed up many of its own employees to get degrees in the Arts or similar, but also donated 500 vehicles in the same shade of blue to the military clergy and some others. Reserved for their use in the military errands of clerical or field of operations, the over dying process required by some is being assisted by the sales forces of the auto industry today to have personnel comply with their requirements of colors. Using their lists, it is easy to select an inexpensive next coat of paint for the vehicles that are neon-light bright. It was fun for me to write about where the term light bulb came from, because historical persons like Mother Mary were recorded in detail about their colloquially called 'bulbs of light' meaning her eyes, their shade falling into the category of blue, then. Only certain Polynesian Isle tribes were called brown eyed, for no reason in particular except that the tribal grouping mentioned before on this blog have more rods in the eye that see more colors vibrantly, and enjoy them. Similar to the time-saving and space-saving reasons that scribes called all of Africa Egypt in business records you'll recall, into the Reconquest time frame of Spain's history, because the port all from that continent tended to arrive from was in Egypt. Different philosophies, and interesting curiosities about the ancestors.

The cuneiform-UN first language is getting a worldwide economists slide-show moment today as MIT in conjunction with University of Utah and BYU transposed the astrology data from today's date in time, and turned it into a flowering pair of red tulips on the mathematical screens depicting the astronomical movements in the sky. To find the tulip pair, please contact NASA's library, or SETI, the non-profit club. Or, perhaps you have handy your MUFON chapter contact numbers to requests. I hope you enjoy these small and timely delights.

I'll look forward to blogging with you again, soon, and take good care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer, worldwide
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/Religions, co-head
ARMY (any), finance
USN, project literature
USSS-USSF-SS1, USN-SS2, USSF badge reactivated
view at the Elsie May Goodwin Gallery the watercolor for USD$1Million letempsfuit:TimeFlies

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Incursions IX to XX Official Alerts and

Salutations, Good Readership, I hope you are doing better through each alert officially about the Incursions IX underway of dna-Insurgents coded homeland invading as miscreant attackers in homes and businesses, non-reenactment warfare declared against them by every head of state and by all executive orders of ability to do so on view at each Police Station, still attacking workforces of Fashion and Resort inclusive of Housing and Resort. The USAF Air Force One Office's: Project Fashion One is asking again for any ufo artwork you may be able to send to any air base to assist in the prevention of attacks work going on, also underway. The workforces of mostly children or teens deserted by deaths in families of violent attacks by miscreants have been put into their similar groupings to be raised in businesses of Fashion and Resort as they've expressed the wish for. There are still more search and rescue animals to foster, now in compounds of good care but not the same as homes that are paid for in basic living expenses for the families and the animals' care, of course. Please register with the foster programs at Utah's Humane Society. There are Federal grants already to cover most fostering shortages that would occur that could prevent some families from donating their time and effort. These heroic animals are being revived and medically cared for after they've spent days in tunnels guarding children from Jane Doe traced origins, the children being placed already in adoptions. Of the 2,000 USSS cats doing the search and rescue and guarding there were over 1,000 left for dead in the tunnels, after their rush to guard the girls and preceding the rescue teams. All are revived medically now, and returning to work, but some need only short fostering while in casts, etc., for those able to volunteer. You may also contact your USSS desk at any Police Station for more details.

The inventions of the past are meeting the present as the USMC ARTS/Religions is hiring for projects those with historic agility and maneuverability among the ARTS profession, so that personnel can be freed up to do other life-saving critical jobs upon the Military schedules, now. Work is for pay, and some already listed at the lists you know from the Police Station's courtesy to help all of you find the jobs you'd like in your career focus that are needed to be done that the Military doesn't have time to do. Yes, this means some career Arts profession jobs are now to be had from the USMC ARTS/Religions.

The interest that is growing in the 2012 non-religion discovered of Chichen Itza's culture dominating known texts and documentation in Western histories. Some of that culture's confused if decipherable overlap of cultural influence includes what you've learned on this blog and elsewhere in the secretive work schedules at night time useful in caravan times to add extra products to the saleable offerings. By morning. The difference in Mayan lands at the time of the Conquistadores interactions was that over-night money made was dedicated to fun, not living expenses or investments. In other places in European regions the extra night of work was to empower to invest without depleting the usual resources. Not into saving, for its own sake, overall. The ability to save was a Roman Times philosophy recorded for its obviousness but not explained in Bibles since it was common knowledge. Still going on then was the 4-month lenten, not quite a Lent, but of its origins, just as many religions interacting developed the people who developed the ideas of how to organize and run the later Church. The lenten was for saving costs of extravagant foods which entailed often forays into the allowed areas of wilderness to hunt or graze from the lands and to await monies arriving or to not spend money on hand. The saved amounts was considered self-effacing prestigious and for the use on vacations, themselves a prestigious experience.

Take good care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer, worldwide
USMC ARTS/Religions, co-head
USAF, fashion director
USN, project literature
Army (any), finance
USSS-USSF-SS1, USN-SS2, USSS badge reactivated
*at Elsie May Goodwin Gallery, Stockton, CA, a watercolor asking USD$1Million LeTempsFuit:TimeFlies