Monday, July 25, 2011

Official Incursion Alert and Camels to Fashion Codes CIA

Salutations, the morning is grander than most in the Incursion to-XI attempts today that are of the methods of extortionists that attempted a White House takeover as happens up to 67 times daily from any site with computers to on-site, and today by stealing prostitutes and mentally retarded dna-lines hidden by ecclesiastical charities called to the forefront to not endanger the populaces with them as the housing raids and home-invasions officially coded by HSA as homeland invasion is at 70,000 and the animals to be repaired by NASA free parts and veterinary service paid-reimbursed again of now reported 70,000 victims. Also, a few copycatted stragglers may be found, still treatable, too. Mostly wild cats to dogs and camels of travelling militaries arriving for tunnel and search and rescue where these superior trained animals for any terrain are welcomed again. As once during the Victorian era, then espied in Mexican deserts and entering caves and tunnels after military service forgotten. These gentle animals have a good ability with saddles and warfare more than historic steads and war cattle or war donkeys such as from the Mon Asinarius monastery breeding lines some of you recall some things about from my other web sites before this PhD referential one of History, of costume; and official site of the military for Costume, of history. Thank you again for the Law Enforcement that helped look up data while busy to work with the military in the Costume and Economy areas, while answering questions on differences came up for codes of fashion economies of the ancient past and comparing to gangs and gangland letters or symbols about places. The reformed gangs as you know are welcomed by the militaries particularly to a comfort zone of homeland defense often stationed at home, for. The CIA Factbook has an opportunity for those interested in helping themselves in Fashion or Resort or similar Economy outlook to gauge the threats assessed by the DA Office that are of those all benign used to attack by strangers to them on the Economy Kinsean bell-curve graph or other types; or to attack in other ways called picture-attacks upon the public allowing for now unlimited numbers of jobs for civilians also out of the ARMY(any)heraldry office, about it and to prevent picture attacks upon the public and to respond to even with the codes of fashion taught at no cost for those employed. The codes chosen don't endanger the unique codes of the various workforces of the ancient system. They are of the worldwide FED selected scope-handling level, while most workforce dna-lines are of the only-for-their-interests level. The CIA Factbook Office has a credit card number to use for those in the need to know to stop such attacks or who are viable to prepare against these types of attacks and can benefit from a purchase of the State University of New York's Fashion Institute of Technology's list of 71 degrees that have data and topics relating to the actual attacks or those anticipated that that data can help prepare to stop. The CIA Office nearby is adequate for this request. At the SUNY-FIT please enter the CIA number given at the 'buy now' prompt. By phone is fine, also. The attacks on the Incursion affected cities relate more and more to these Economy factors. Other attacks in the public places or to its populace again still include from Incursion III to IV attempts to poison the public with medicine not its own, from transport-methods to attempting what U.S. Congress and all countries say is illegal to try to put one on medicines for something such as 'paying a bill late' or 'being into clothes' or other normalcies that don't relate to their participation in your part of the world. From the Justice Department where I'm a part time as needed military psychiatrist, too, it was correct to be determined to remove most of the populace from most of the 'meds' it was under for about twenty years as most medicine would only be short in duration and only allowed if assessed by over six months of conintual need for by a family member in residence to the supposed patient, anyhow. Up to lethal force may be used in self-defense to stop a pretend to actual attempt to medicate someone in a public place or public sector known and understood. There are so far almost always identity theives behind the medication attempts illegalis, and my and other executive orders are encacted daily to protect the public from this type of declared by miscreants and deviants warfare attempt. Had they not declared it recorded by USMC Reconnaissance and other legal methods it would still have been detectable as takeover attempts by non-landed non-indigenous non-ascending-or-inheriting persons or groups. Rumors have gone about of nine-year-olds leading takeovers already claimed to be in place or holding position places, with authorities supposedly, but no facts stand of such claims; they coincide only with raids illegalis of even numbers multiplicable by ten. The profilers at the FBI are all on-call today for quick and active assessment in a 'birthday spirit' of no-cost service for the profiling of the types of raids or threats near you, especially of the Incursions I to XXI underway or attempted worldwide. Into the letters and words spelled by the incursionists as they traverse visible from the air such as recording satellites.

Ancient Economy included several partial segments labeled that are the renewed interest of the Governments and FED and heads-of-state who are often beside others in desks or such studying the fashion-codes of at The Language Training Center nearby Monterey, CA or closer to home. Remxort is the latest topic of interest, modernly said, re (like read) mort (like more), written often as remort. The ancient remort system was gift giving to exchange of gifts. The seasonal gift giving to birthdays is the type I'm discussing with you, the Good Readership. The ability to participate in this economy was once thought to 1)require equal gifts to be exchanged, or 2) be given both directions so both are recipients and givers. The Xmas Season and other grand holidays is the eventual realization on Kinsean's bell-curve notice of such economy teachings still with us. A simple concept. Others of the Ancient past selected for study and accepted by the powers-that-be for modernization will be future topics.

Pedigrees are also behind the hopeful attackers of the Incursion to-IX that are now related correctly to a general populace known to be the first focus of the humans since designed around the Garden of Eden and its lore of up to 70,000 or more years before it, influencing. The bloodlines raising animals never left them by deserting their care so it was only necessary to track the animals and livestock for centuries as people were known by what they raised, trained, grew, and similar. They had records but less obvious than once thought and more for modern genealogists to learn about, for searches. The animals were given titles of importance, as often still seen in competitions in modern ages. The USSS reminds that it once used this ancient system to protect working families with royal lineage or ennobled lines in my and other cases 103/14. Of my badge 1018plus. That relate to procurement levels of protections, and now known as family pedigrees published or publishable over something such as the Internet were not allowed to endanger actual royal dna-lines, but used the historic and still legal tradition of printing the pedigree of the animal lines still with the same families, happily. And successfully. Thank you again to all who cooperated over centuries to the recent decade with employment and other records asked to be guarded in various manners to allow all to work equally and not for less or more or not at all due to dna. Not the same as from personal work records or crime pasts recovered or from reforms, etc.

Those of you knitting with me this Summer may have found audiences to it, too. The project I'm working on has made many smile and then recall that I've regaled them with becoming permanently the USAF fashion director. These types of projects are available also from the USAF AirForce1Office's "worklisted" by topic. Ask any operator of the phone system for example or a reference librarian or civil office for example on how to find your public access by phone or otherwise. My Project:FashionOne is one I hope you'll look for also. The work is good from it.

Many of you, the Good Readership, comprising 81% of the known populace soon to be joined by another 10% in training by the Military and governments for the data type are reporting in through the churches a low income time. Net profit being low is part of the current business trend cycles I've discussed here as have others but not about the lack of ability to invest or plan income into working in smarter ways. Such as combining into the group investment clubs recommended by the IRS again ironically from the high times of the Technology Economy of Silicon Valley. Remember to not be fooled into faux investments of non-monetary methods such as was announced by Congress to help many recover from ploys to have cosmetic surgeries in low economies taken from homes for higher mortgages owed; into signs of mental illness if done and as most persons would never be allowed more than three cosmetic surgeries if needing them for wellness sense anyhow ... another round of ploys to lure homeowners into quick monies from houses to have suddenly satisfying cosmetic surgeries is being addressed at lower costs by the Churches of Funding now. Most females within the 'youthful' categories are being reported in to the USAF AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne as being unable to purchase nail polishes as normal this Summer. The bare nails are not out of trend, but often ideas of how to combine colors on hand or with friends can be useful, too. Free training from the Girl Scouts of America about, or from AVON if using their cosmetics (or not, from some representatives) and other volunteers from the USAF AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne, listed of.

Take care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any), finance
NAVY(any), project literature

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Alert on Incursion and Official Call to Private Militaries to Laces and Keys

Salutations, the attacks upon piglets and cats and other animals by Incursion to-XXI by attacking-with-spray-to-sticks-poison-dipped is still being handled in overflow today kindly by NASA again for the (custom) replacements of organic donations, and now reports are that the Incursionists of earlier dna-coded by HSA as homeland invaders to any place and time cause a hiring of private armies again by USAF to those places and an ARMY(any)via-heraldry-office of "z" to guard manufacturers in fashion and decor to lifestyle items. The pay is USD$400/pay plus all expenses of the related job such as travel and the equipment, including the loan to full use of or gifts of from "charlie" of USD2comm in Military file for USAF AirForce1Office. To day of, the expenses start and to return. Tanks on down already on way, for. The custom paint is on another budget already set and paid of quick application for customized teams, units to special-ops soldiers, of unit of, into private military logature as gift from Monsanto on a funding-$1USD already prepaid by taxpayers giving separately for an additional Schedule or type reduction of tax bill for them. Please apply for example by project type as categorized on the matrix becoming familiar by now, such as a lace robe haute couture being tatted takes 3 days and provides 4 day location work on matrix schedule. All pay up front, if said, ask to FFL for assistance in filling out forms and similar. The locales include announced for Zimbabwe, the Zunaye, and three more places of iX concern historically to heraldance such as in China mainland to other areas on the triangular city-by-city agreements to co-manufacture worldwide and ship-to or through that this blog and other seargents' sites are familiarizing you Good Readership with. If familiar with the historic matrix system of the Fashion Economy to Resort, the schedules of the V-matrix (guarding at 71) is acceptable for the schedules of the private militaries that are reporting in for assigned-paid duty. Thank you in advance. Also, para-veterinarians to paramilitary accustomed veterinarians for the sites, also, for the full-restoration repairs to the livestock to wildlife. Or to receive them at alternate sites from USMC planes handling active animal transport to tracking-chip tracked search and rescue military to M.I. animals In Her Majesty's Service getting off the planes in surgical readiness or injured a-ready: call service work for paid for and surgical teams, etc., and of NASA funding again applied directly to it (similar to trust fund categorization as you are likely familiar with, as only for that thing). Also listed at AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne worklisted, by project type such as fashion topically.

More for those at home and not abroad on the Llenten detected called by some double--or-triple-llenten if participating. A life style trend of participation, not required. In its cycle Llenten from 28 days or until November 11th by tradition. Detected in the energy and environmentals. The 20th year Llenten is symbolized by tabby cats, about teddy bears and bear hugs proverbially, and telling stories. Backwards-L lenten is 30th year cycle of yellow-blue-point-black-cat and 'visiting mom' types of activities. 7lenten 80th year cycle of is about yellow-white cat symbology and space and mountain type stories, and novel reading. A thoughtform in common with others is this type of astronomically placed llenten activity for one or many. Four types are in now, but the 4th is for clergy. Try if you'd like. One purpose to seek through llenten could be an historic one for huxll_heart (whole heart okay) but also for finding the dash thing and filling it in in your life with by default a one thing you've found goodness to wholeness for ... or perhaps something else undernoticed before. Blueish shoes to socks were once a symbol of participating, also like the money exchange days or any other commonality in system days within regions now counties.

Another type of trend and set of trends from the Garden of Eden times and lore are available from Funding with your churches. Ask for light.

For those working in trend-up or trend-full-but-filling-down business areas, such as the Kinsean-graph bell curves two halves, more data for your backdrop of business concern. If for example you purchase trend data, this would be added to it as already in place like the weather or time of year holidays, and more. Simple to know. Such as the mentioned 5th part of the backdrop also treated as trends this noted from the USAF AirForce1Office:ProjectFashionOne. Picture a four part diagram square with a central circle, all to fill in with the trend backdrop data, which is like the trends it borrows from. The top right boxed portion is for trend-a now of shortage of net income but money trends for in-use money such as to invest into owners' equity and grants for future, and of 20 years duration noted so far. The top right box is about 40 year trend types and of now the d-trend type being of shortages accounted for in if textiles smaller seams and selvage, for example. The bottom right squared portion is for j-trend arriving type of backdrop. Into finishing school level overt quiet use of the symbol appearing to come to mind and representing floral styles of wardrobe planning, etc. In the central circle is 9, the overall symbol for Fashion Economy or the right-hand-side of the two-in-one Kinsean bell curve stopped short by the middle by egalitarian traits dividing the two halves of the graph. More from the FED on or your church funding, again. In this present moment, the bottom changeable left square part is 'tred' a type of word mistaken on many documents recently found for trend so therefore found, anyhow, but of a series of ecclesiastical to monetary to pre-war-wares into skrimping and reduction of useage such as cost-cutting. This vital to many business data is in training films from the governments but also from the CIA office near you, new to film and training systems, and also needing more to film and artistically portray this type of information for the business worlds and students of.

For those watching the newly explained and renewed by public awareness seismic-ozone measurements for day affecting business trend developments to crowd-management and crowd-control gap handled by Office of Emergency Services in each county (new): for the next few days the reading is -11/1 or similar in a hundred column, meaning on a scale of normal energy and heat affecting the nerve centers of the body at scale of 1-10 these days are about -111. The alter-current is noted in unique markets only, and not of OES levels of notice. About 8 days total, and with terror-levels of historically by behaviors still in terra-raizon mostly of change 40 to 70 minutes mercurially. To misbehaviors and strange thoughts but not emotions, not racing thoughts or mental health matters. An extra moment to think and analyze is all that is normally needed along with adequate rehydration to exercise as this relates to care of the nerve centers that include the brain matter as part of the nerve network system of the body. An organic computer of a type, itself. Unlike in moon-sun chart systems of the Ancients, the timely changes of this type of data happens not at cusps but at 11 am or 4 pm in New York State, an Ancient time-standard center. Much like our clock-setting place in Colorado for atomic systems.

Thank you again, Good Readership, for making this the most popular blog worldwide and for your responses to requests to pick up work and enter contests from the Militaries and Governments available to a public known. Take care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any), finance
NAVY(any), project literature
USSS-badge1018plus, USSF, et al.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Official Alerts of Incursions,Piglets,Hope funding, 103

Salutations, the official alert today includes the piglets counted poisoned by invaders at 230,000 to be repaired as ecology-level attacked by NASA free, plus 10,000 more poisoned kittens to wildcats, already today; please take them to the nearest veterinarian service that can be reimbursed by NASA often same-day, or to the military installations mostly cafes to restaurants-with-bars. The attacks were gauged to another false attempt at a heavenly-mother church outlawed by laws already in place called 'adjusting' by USMC ARTS/R. Welcome Algeria in counted among the helpers to stop the attacks in homes and on dogs in assignment level today here in Stockton, CA, one of the affected-by-IncursionIV-XXI-attempted. Also requested by NASA and AirForce Bases is social-club level interaction for answering anomaly calls to investigate cases for a tax write off from the IRS grace on Schedule A to other line item if explaining to agent Foxur on phone or so; to assist USAF over-calls-on normally going over to NASA for investigation that requires of-100 same type anomalies of danger to citizenry or communal abodes to establishments of business and are now serious to ghosthunting so that those anomaly calls don't have to wait until a hundred: are considered official search and rescue level work such as many affected cities already do, to daily. The data will be accessed first by the Mexican Air Force or Police accustomed to the handling of anomalies within civilized areas less fearful and interested in facts. Others recruiting for more help are the Yoruba-2 Tribe in U.S.A. that is fashioned after the original African one, all returned to Africa historically. Yoruba-2 has good lore and leadership in clergy from USSF. Needing to have 74,000 part-time into the work of the tribe that accepts only persons of color by governmental documentation; i.e., at social club level or tribal designation legalized, such as Indic not color by countries' any longer. More work opportunities listed below in this blog. But before then, it is good to mention to you, the Good Readership, that there is a new abnormal amount of attacks on the Kinsean economy graph daily in attempts to form pictures on the graph detrimental to any or all for its appearance. Twenty picture attacks were countered today by the combined militaries with others who accepted positions already from the ARMY(any)heraldry office for economy-cuneiform-fashion-resort; more openings still.

The USAF AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne is glad to mention the FED's requested 40 workforces for a entirety of Economy is able to be accessed now in the new categories. If participating in the extra-cloth trend levels, also trying your regular non-extra cloth with an extra dye or contrast level than your normal is also recommended.

Alleviating stresses and effects of home-invasions attempted at homeland invasion coded levels according to the HSA is helped with funding activities by the Churches. The counter to is a funding grouping and types like it from many religions: Hope, the breaker of, funding for non-lds catholic background to upbringing into counter-funds; new of Mormon Church by their Headquarters is Teflon(c) personality of a queen of a logaun for equivalent of funding. Another funding is at some of the New Age to Alternative bookstores for whole-earth-type-foods, and from a grouping of Churches (ask yours) on Vegan-training of dining (Vegan being the original Naval medical styles for longevity to correct healing methods with food included, non associatable with sound-alike names or terms in recent convicts of pornography removed from citizenship in Israel).

Some of you have asked me in the past what I'm working on, and that includes new investments into the ARTS at art den levels. Some opportunity for many of you, also, from the IRS assisting you to do something similar to help open or re-open 240 needed by the USMC ARTS/R to the 800 listed wanted by the Mormon Church and IRS offering monetary backing to assistance with 'comp' a new style of investing tax-free for the long-run and that IRS agents can handle making the investment transfer for you to a sudden investment in an art den. Building or reopening art dens that can be offered for purchase are fine, also. It came about, this opportunity, Platonix philosophy of opportunity for monetary way-full-gain now is because I co-invested by buying into a quarter percentage of the BlackWaterCafe in Stockton, here that you've seen on this blog before, one of about 30 or more surviving art dens of '30ish' on fashion-resort-matrixes some of you know. The other non-secretive investor who hopes to make more friends back after an overly long seeming officially acknowledged and still in-service after it about forever mission from the Military is Bobo B, you can contact via or your usual military system called regime by many. The first ownership wishing to remain secret to the populace. Of others to buy into and purchase partly or fully to some level, there were for example 80 people arriving with word of mouth offerings of monies and legal documents for to buy into one or more art dens. Then many more expressed interest. That is how the reminiscense of what art dens are about comes to this blog today: typically the art den is of certain squared dimensions since Sherwood Forest and the Arabian Knights timeframes, little changed since then, and a bit Spartan, and that have on the same avenue flavor places (two is good) such as a liquor to liquer or cider stand or lemonade one, etc., plus a type of Saigon sounding or typed like it restaurant or more, and a bookstore often expressed in some formal quandry such as lost books of types and as by the BlackwaterCafe the next door neighbor formerly Port City now Yosemite St Bookstore with stylish-sought and caravan thoughts of gifts for attire. Usually such places blend in with a big name place such as University of Reknown or Vacation Central, or other hybrid types of places. Many of the 34 known art dens are soon to be driving-toured by around August, a typical time for such things. The DA Office has been especially useful lately protecting my and others' interests in art dens and our new owners' equity levels as they assist the USMC ARTS/R directly. There are many others being thanked with deliveries of coffee from them for errand and quick response to them such as Police, Sheriffs, Fire Departments, USSS or equivalents, and Campus or School Police, and perhaps soon others as they have also brought good business in along the way. It is a type of form from gainsayer economy structures of the Ancients that are on plans at the Office of Emergency Services near you, the county office designated to handle crowd management to crowd control as the gap between the two areas, and encouraging many to learn German or other worldwide movements underway.

Most Ancient Kingdoms are not going to be thought of as missing, soon. Those of lists that said lost and to be found are located, and for Economy purposes to high-educational there is some information available from the Military and the CIA office near you. There is for example located by again DA Office searches requested by the FED to find missing workforces that bank of El Dorado the fabled city of gold located with good information on the currency exchange system. No religion of the fabled city, but it is alive in lore and more within a still existing if non-landed for now official royal kingdom: to USSS caseloaded 111/-. In Ancient El Dorado, the First Language was unchanged, still spoken, and the language many of you learned recently by The Language Training Center nearby Monterey, CA is on the information permissable to those with a pass-4. Military to those with a good reason to learn of exchange systems of the past, into how a government stays alive in the unlanded state such as a real kingdom. Please contact the White House switchboard to be transferred for this opportunity to the financial communities interacting with government interests.

The War Department work is again available; please see your usual source book for or contact USAF AirForce1Office...

commanding officer
USAF fashion director
USMC ARTS/R, co-head
NAVY(any) project literature
USSS-1018plus, USSF

Monday, July 18, 2011

Official Alert on Incursion Invasions plus Extra Cloth Trend

Salutations, there are about 30,000 more wildcats to house pets being treated daily or more for direct-contact poisons to noxious and their parts damaged being replaced free (no cost) by NASA still, so please bring them to the Fire Departments also or the Military or its installations near you mostly the new ones at the cafes and bar-restaurants many of you know already up and running: of perpetrators extorting via Internet to phone systems tactics and done by stick in eye with micrograms of poison to concocted spray bottles of substances with minor amounts of a poison used already demeaning its overall effect but still requiring care. Wiping off the poison with water will work a lot of wonder, as the wildcat mothers are seen putting their kittens into ponds and pools to save them. See on Funding for satellite and guided tour of their experiences of courage; many now joining solo the military working animals learning search and rescue, to carry their weight in documents or lead animals or children even in extreme conditions away from harm, etc. Also of search and rescue with the USAF is the 80,000 people found attempting to rescue known decedents discovered trapped by assailants from Victorian era onward for their business trend savvy and who were fed by the Church when found trying to help beforehand a handful of victims recovered, with classified coverage for them now to get back to work. Mostly around ghost towns. Thanks also to the 240,000 cops who arrived within minutes impromptu Friday night during dinner hour to try an off-hand approach untried before to find DA Office's listed missing workforces as the FED is seeking to have rescued. The showing was great.

Extra cloth donning is a new trend moment for those who wish to participate, inspired of the secret-agent-of-Ireland sub-trend, akin to the Carmen Miranda game trends of past decades some of you will recall. It reminds of the Victorian Age when men cut shirts short and including sleeves to use the fabric for handkerchiefs in their wardrobes. Interesting capers have been claimed by some authors, imaginatively, for some novels approaching the market, perhaps. If you'd like, you can join in as I did for the recent news coverage of my Military cap delivered by the Travis AFB personnel for official use with a scarf or bandanna around it as an extra cloth of fashion moments noted.

Take care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion director
USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any) finance
NAVY(any) project literature
USSS badge 1018 with additional, USSF, et al.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Official Incursion Alert, Solomons and FDNYs

Salutations, the preparation to make from this official alert is from the Military of the brittle poisons by p.m. possible trailing arriving into cities wildcats trying to protect neighborhoods from wildlife destroyers, and FDNY is in this City of Stockton and others for the response to requests by urgent residents wondering if they should flee with those from their abodes attacked to point of injury in home invasions or on the roads by militant-styled now homeland-invasion-coded groupings by HSA; same as dna-miscreants to deviant-'be'led. Victims can be treated no-cost by the Military at the Military Installations (most cafes and bar-restaurants). Insurgent style not yet determined as that would be an anywhere everywhere as either participant to a warlord lode to any level on lists of. This is secondary today to the suddenly bumped into Solomon's self-grouping that was Bhagdad styled thievery-guild-styled in attempted organization that while searching for a missing person allowed since toddlerhood into a home for ice scream cups left for didn't arrive, the cult-attempt was uncovered by an agent, FBI, code-named Drake Faschon. For this self-groupings attacks the musical keys were used graduating it from its last incarnation when signage boards were used by its mentally ill leaders using colors and numbers from; the data from the DA Office level follows. The data can be more accurately transposed by math lab workings of data to compensate for the seismic-ozone-hole relationship that is of the transposition level of light to music such as speeding up x-rays becomes sound, et al. The self-grouped self-styled Solomon's perpetrators were using D and A or A then D and from Ancient Cities' healing maps of bodies. Key-D was for lung and shoulder attacks and a hybrid gemini affect sought with symbols of the man (circle above cross) and frown (check in if using any in mapping in Military, also color blue, magma, and dawn's light. For key-A attackers from same grouping, relates to orange-reds, cross with 2, associated with Capricorn. If D and A combine, then the data becomes oxen-white and grey-base-added-with-blue-brown which the grouping was ordering shoes in special order, caught out by Agent Brown of case files to and of. To apply the data, the offsets by math would be used for example as you've learned, Good Readership, for things like search-and-rescue coordinates on the planet. Any relevant mathlab costs for of this data lode are covered by a warfare-funded-4-3 of special-ops-trust-fund from US Congress filed. Or the FBI or USSS desk at the Police Station near to your needed requests affected area. The other type of attacks located from this grouping involved in related businesses in Fashion in cost-accounting where it would not have worked.

Already apprehended from altercations in public but also still harmful is the other case for this blog today about soldiers or federal agents tossed out of places of business for the public being accused of wearing inadequate quality of textiles. They were in uniforms, or Native American styles used in work for the Military especially as heraldry and other responses to the counties of O.E.S. once regions called -go as you've read on yesterday's and other blogs. The Roman-heraldry the colors and schema of the attire were based upon relfect our Roman Law systems, to some. There is also a grant available to assist those attacked in their uniform status that was proper enough for any establishment now on record in all courtrooms worldwide that is for Native Americans in uniforms, especially. The organization of day-of to-attackers-attacked-storylines-unfounded-by-full-reconnaissance-surveillance-instantaneous-at-any-courthouse-or-police has more data from Sardinia's factional heads and their Police. On, about histories of. The social-call error of those in tandem style tossing out illegally the men in uniform and one woman is being addressed officially by the USMC handling sociability. Some of you Good Readership applied for jobs for this category of work.

Unusual but real work from the USAF AirForce1Office worklisted is the work-on-space-platform-Tundra-level-Spartan-style-productivity with beautiful view of the earth as quoted from an astronaut on the recruitment tape (called seduction to work force level earth-below-us). Also hired already are those in wheel chairs, and with specialties that are unusual. For mining site specialties as a job type to food production which has been allowed for private firms already such as mentioned on this blog. The pay is good.

Today's news for watching in search in rescue is of skunks engaged to do so by the Military and Law Enforcement with two in the highlight as their number symbol came into view in the morning-starry-sky. That is a box of bubbly light about two symbols looking like 11. Their number of expertise. Their code names, S1 and S2. The data also linkes to a triple-one on scale of seismic-ozone reading levels of the O.E.S. and crowd management to crowd control levels of data used for further accuracy in calculations about. More on this topic sooner or later on the blog.

USAF, fashiondirector
ARMY, finance

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Official Incursion XI Alert to 18:81 80K Cats &Moon

Salutations, this site is glad again to give you data on the newly attacked cats by poisons of spray to bottle of 80,000 even number needing cleaning of eyes and orofices and possible organ transplant again free from NASA, as a homeland invasion correctly coded by HSA and all Governments dna-Insurgent styled using military garb and gear tactic. The apparent exhtortion was a method and available as motive to Law Enforcement, and others also targetted illegalis. Fashion the Economy-Industry is beginning to function again as are the preparations of the Resort Economy as the Incursions are battled away into new letters formed again viewable from space. The rumors of sudden moonbase shutdowns and slave colonies floating above the planet are as rampant as others of no-truth as one I heard of myself being supposedly in print of being a strippers, which I've never been, of course, being USSS guarded 24/7 and with security clearances requiring not even dancing, always being ensured around me and others alike. The same big view to small pettiness is typical prostitution madame now pegged again in Los Angeles County as whereabouts of attempts to reformulate a station of even though Law Enforcement and with Military assisting in that city of same name were able to close down and implode the prostitution underground tunnels and apperature. Mostly incest cult attempts, also, but no known cult. And attempting to drug illegalis anyone in the public to claim entrance to their houses, so watch your pouches and pocketbooks, and more than proverbially. The attempts to run dry cash at drop points to delivery points is a great amount of effort unusual to normal populaces so that there is a sudden shock sometimes of the sudden awareness by a victim of what took a long time and machination in planning by perpetrators on the road to do so for a very long time in the Incursions. Differing from petty crimes and ones of opportunity. Confirmend from the USMC ARTS/R is that no cult is attacking or ancient religion renamed Mormonism as some assailants claimed today, once again. The faux cops attacks, though, are still adding up to the awaited 844,000 to match the list of 8 known categories of 844,000 typed attackers by job-categorization that you've seen listed on this site before and in special funding for pre-war, into ware and wear for these times. No alarm need be had though at an authority figure being impersonated illegalis as the USMC Reconnaissance surveillance everyplace requested by prior White House Administration gives instantaneous confirmation to 100% dna still at any Police Station or Court House with print outs, and into the judges chambers or courtrooms for instant calling up of any date and time and place and other data including the existence of the "one" and only person at any given place and time. Into search and rescue again of the most likely places for people by their existence number to their avocations by coordinates on the instant hand held gear of Police, Fire Officials and Rangers and also many Military Units. Including officials you'll see on foot and answering calls of intrusions officially such as House of Representatives and Senate and Administration, taking the Incursion XI as others personally. Although the raids of the White House have gone down to nearly half daily from 67 per day attempts to take over this country by that door and gravel route. More on this day's raid topics, as the countries of Sweden and Switzerland and Tanzania and Zimbabwe and Canada Special Forces check in also and South Africa later today confirming better states happening now and more reinforcements of military arriving both ways to guard neighborhoods most regularly; and Mexico reaccepting for deportations to convict in person their own major amounts of perpetrators again similar to about 13 months ago in Incursion styles. Poisons that are mild are still being detected about places such as in local air qualities or business water sites or other beverages so that the FDA lists of its guarding still up in public places is instantly accessible; symptons of mild exposure include up to huddling and reflexes to cover heart or genitalia of a sudden. To over reaching. More of today's interests below.

The seismic ozone hole readings of energy affecting nerve centers and the electricity in the Fashion Resort Economy fields plus now daily of FED useage are good data for business sectors and workforces to find out. The ozone has a once unexpected effect on the electricity of the nerve networks used to on this earth a range of 1 to 10, ideally, up to -21 to 24+ occasionally, and now for many days on astronomical calendars plotted over 100 more. So that today's 181 is very high to a point of 'normal' if even a momentary hallucination. Similar to the other day's blog of Incursion proportion of reaction to soldiers learning they were being affected by many thoughts of worst fears of types of attacks, handled. But to the everyday person, there is no urgency in my opinion as a military psychiatrist engaged by CA Psychological Operations for such a task. But do realize that some unusual heat sensations may occur someplaces on the body including of jewelry or regalia, etc., measureable. Sitting in a shade spot will alleviate. The extra activity of the body's electricity is unreported in from the medical community still other the the Army School of Medicine, which also has again the deageing dietary recommendations for the 10% of the populace's support that didn't receive it with the list of wear from the USMC last year. Military installations at cafes will again be glad to hand out the list of recommendations for, either or both, or direct you to the Police Station of a nearby court house which ever has time for us. Most of the military installations set up of a sudden are still in tact worldwide at the cafes and bar-restaraunts fully functioning with mobile medical facilities for any attacked including animals in a military style or approach, no cost for it, but a possible wait for the surgeon to arrive. Or waiting in place.

The ARTS this past weekend saw more direct visits from many in the USMC in particular, as I did at the local galleries, Tidewater and Elsie May Goodwin Gallery. I have others on my list to visit, soon. Today, though, I'm working on color code charts and Fashion sector items with data on the worldwide trends hoped for. The type that will employ others in groups or individuals to some countries. The finishing school codes are being noted and added in by many, for information. The color groups of awaited missing workforces' trends are going again all the way back to the proverbial times of Creation stories, including the charts from Garden of Eden. Noted are the heraldic influenced colorings and codes of styles from royal courts avoided by tribal that were meant to deter affection being automatic about them. The basis of using but not wearing for fashion paramilitary-/courtier-attire, although most fashion-codes are not about making one loveable or endearing, but about the other things going on in the world around the time and place. More workforces are being formed up by the USAF AirForce1 Office's: Project Fashion One, 'formed up' being the military term of getting onto the parade field in uniform and in formation to march in cadence and prepare for pagaentry to the music and bugle-form, with flags held and waved in synch.

Thank you again Good Readership for making this blog site the top one worldwide in ratings, after it went over expectedly on a regular timing to CNN's blogger(s) as happens a couple times a year, or so. The next groupwide activity that is of historic interest the USMC ARTS/R is inviting for participation for worldwide understanding of Ancients and their connection with religions and trend-focus has to do with another llenten. Recurring twice in a year happened every few decades and required no more than voluntarily abstaining from a chosen substance, purposefully saving towards something. Reminding of the international and local financial planners who were on television shows, too, such as the David Bach with his site referred to on my earlier blogs with thoughts of how to save with something changed in the same lifestyle. The saving concepts being good ones, and more on this in a next blog, as it related to the cyles of ancient business trends and travels of stargazers.

Take care, and thank you for visiting at this official site of the Military on Costume, history of and PhD referential of History, of costume.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion director
USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any), finance
NAVY(any), Project Literature

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Official Incursion Alerts Rabbits and Vessels Ancien

Salutations, this official site of the Military's alert today about the HSA homeland-invasion coded home-invaders in military styled multiples of ten attackers included yesterday lots of rabbits freed by many of the youths of this nation besieged by extortionists with them by dawn; rabbits tortured and sold illegalis (films of) were the methodology of a series of DAR-typed raids by 'those who came up under her' a now dead known-prostitution-madame herding dna-social-classes and maybe more than one, plus other attempters at men-as-redhead-goddess-replacements-for-to-it to do the deed of evil upon a landscape otherwise unhindered and other terminology of pasts in militant-Common/s. That the styles of life and shipping at the time of the attackers apprehended by the D.A. Offices and Law Enforcement noting cult-attempt attack-lines continued on after a pairing of identity thieves entering DAR social lives in college years when many make friends for life found a judge's and a royal's identity thief among the pair pretending to buy a local business. Also apprehended by Oregon P.D. was their own casework to stop an identity thief pretending to have worked for them and joining local Sheriff's anyplace travelling in erroneous cars, stopping at houses with pretend interest to buy them. More business sector attempts will be announced later as affected noted by the FED's worldwide announcements of missing workforces now being found and reformed and new ones (up to 40) trained in the Economy sectors. White rabbits recruitment of supposed secret agent levels were also linked to DAR followers chased out of Australia years ago already and seen on surveillance by USMC Reconnaissance now worldwide placed always recording and at Police Stations and Courthouses worldwide for instant printouts. For Law Enforcement also like for Judges instant data up to omnipresent seeming levels of information 100% verified to non-invasive dna-tests 100% accurate to the conception cells of the person and defining all organs such as skin and percentages of that are grafted or other differences from an instantly calculated comparison to the duo-conception cells of the four from the sperm-ovum. Already familiar to you the Good Readership. The rabbits being freed into the wilds again is a good funding level available now, and the boys lauded (mostly from Scouting BSA and others for that run against the enemy declaring itself by technology of familiar phone systems and Internet). Other data on the mostly Fashion Economy and Resort of History attacked lines being repeat terrorized by old leather-logs of seismic-ozone hole terror plans is in terror-hazen, a level of enemy following it by 'instinct' or by also now stolen leathers of and using the steps listed from elsewhere and else-when to scheme at the same historic pacing of terrorizing a countryside is in the FED offices and the Military heads: Joint Chiefs of Staff are fully apprised, and heads-of-state.

Useful are the now mobile protocol services information levels of networks exchanging the new rules added or changed of etiquette and other good things worldwide between cultures that appear in Department of State revision-levels seen as completed. Ice for example may be chewed a bit in public again but not poured into steaming cups for now if adhering to the crowd management crowd control levels. Foot wiggles beneath a table or putting a foot on the table pedestal on the floor is acceptable not required but care is still being taken with chair legs not to scuff, etc. Mostly rules due to crowded places and amount of personal space needed to not kick someone passing by or to cause attacks in public. The idea being from the White House level on down to have uniformity in expectations: if people from all over the world could sit in the same event at a State function or in public places as happens now, there would be consensus on rules by the attendees to keep to them, for the sake of peaceful terrain. Other rules of living are abundant in the 61% of Americans now having put themselves through finishing-school in its four year levels as noted in recent blogs. Many schools are now giving grades for work and homework and college homework that includes finishing school data of training, acceptably.

USMC ARTS/R is the Abess office open for more data on the historic cults in history that others are trying to retrain for meaninglessness home invasion circuits spelling letters across landscapes again if viewed from air above to satellites. The letters have begun to spell common words that may be either threats or a missing workforces attempts to get fashion-resort-economy codes of business trends out to the public. Including stalled ones that cause all others to await, as you've learned here and in other places.

Uniforms are being designed all around you into daily attire or job attire, now 'wear' from anywhere wear lists too handed out by the USMC and USSF to 81% of the populace known by years ago now. The dinnertime suits ala uniform styles of the contests from the USAF AirForce1 Office's: ProjectFashionOne are quite the success, and if needing to be viewed by Education, for their time-adherence to notable historic moments and facts, they are available now, for a pittance or a song, proverbially, into grant-paid. Some other winners of other contests are still at Moffett Federal Airfield such as the train contest submissions honoring a bequeather known to support the militaries. Great entries, all, in all the contests.

Balloon histories are being looked into by the USAF also for its timing of the historic points of interest in the Military histories when they were once designed for survival, long term, too. If you have interesting or any data on this type of ballooning to racing data, please send it in to the USAF AirForce1 Office's Project:FashionOne.

Animals from the Spring litters by the Military into other groups such as the DEA have requests out for fostering homes to care for them in between work shifts the animals report in for to search and rescue, again. Second litters this Spring. Recalling most of the working animals under untouchable funding 'budgeting' amounts from the private sector are paid for for daily work between USD$40,000 to USD$50,000. Emergencies to surgeries of the animals are also all covered, automatically, so that the imposition of one being prioritized in care in homes is eased. The food and medical care is fully mobile from the Military and for now including from USMC ARTS/R and USAF.

Remember that the ARMY(any)heraldry office is still hiring for the Economy of Fashion or Resort job openings. USD$70,000 plus USD$10,000 for accepting part-time work. The jobs are on schedules of it all and long-term but the next few years are foreseeable as scheduled. Also remember the listings in Fashion or Resort (into food and housing and jazz) from the USAF AirForce1 Office work listed includes a few thousand directors-of-[topic or cuneiform] for handling Fashion the term including trends of Business worldwide. I hope you'll keep applying for the many other jobs listed, too, at below directors' levels I'm told are very good.

Take good care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion director
USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any), Finance
Navy(any), Project Literature

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Official Alert Incursions and 240 Numbers Attacks to Homes

Salutations, the identity theft raids into homes as homeland invasion coded correctly by the HSA and declared warfare permanently against by all heads-of-state is at even numbers 130,000 into each affected city by invaders also called raiders (not a game or reenactment) and stealing identities of royalty travelling to real estate attacks such as 240 first mortgages on singular houses already owned by military or governmental personnel such as federal agents working in another area, and violently trying to attack guards to 2400 police threatened yesterday p.m. The blogs of the last few days are clear that the militarily styled attacked animals and people may be treated to full-restoration as U.S. Congress ordered done, in any military installation and as the Insurance Commissioner ensured all its own companies are able to comply with due to non-normal situations causing the harm. The raids though also happen sometimes at the installations and attempts to attacks in other forms such as victims being lied to and told to don a fake skiing and hair or hat and boots of something to pose illegalis as a federal agent or a DA Office employee or a royal, etc., then to await surgeries free to repair war-wound-levels from home-invasions. No illegal spying such as that is allowed, and there are no occasions where non-military personnel or federal agencies' and as specified by the Law otherwise may 'spy' even by a singular disguise made and wholly used only for the purpose of a spy game on the way to surgery, et al: see Judges' call on U.S.S.S. or FBI manual level today for 4-";" to enter it. Extra law supporting the already in place. The attackers today again are here to cause the Mormon Church to be thanked for pursuing them in a hunt-down of them from an illegal of-their-own-lore coven attempt that has gone illegalis. The DA Office's have the funding for the pursuit against these home invaders. Guatemalen-Mormon but prostitute-unknown-motherhood links are trying to defend illegalis these home invaders. The German code for is guam, to. The other news to empower responding faster as the ALL NAVY arrived in the affected cities to defend homes is a now combined worldwide Navy in effect for this and anything else needed, ever; but the USNavy now doesn't have time for SS and that is back to ARMY(any) that is not requiring patches or other data changed as it goes into and 91% and over of you the general populace known already know. Many are to be thanked for their efforts today to stop crust-of-world invasions, or in the illegalis cult an attempt to have-been-by-subterfuge-and-therefore-become-one now a royal. Mostly these attacks are led by mentally retarded persons behind or in the lead somehow, with more than two steps in attack plans; into battle array. From the USAF AirForce1Office:ProjectFashionOne is the list of work for pay from military to civilian alike from fashion director of categories to teaching gardening or building aircraft to houses, etc. The ability to comprehend the work is based partly on learning how each type of job plugs into its type of pay, and that it is a type of market-based rate and of the nowadays and not other historical decades, but good pay. Considering for example the median incomes have been between 20Kto50K or so in the U.S.A. the pay for example of the economy cuneiform picture attacks on public sector to Kinsean-graph protection level jobs at USD$70,000 annum plus USD$10,000 per annum from the ARMY(any)heraldry office are good pay. Even though some economist trained persons were shocked that the top five economist jobs worldwide were filled that pay USD$150,000 annum or so there are these I'm discussing open for still about 80,000 more persons with 800,000 same-slots already filled with persons working hard to gauge and attack-respond to the economy-attacked. All the workforces known and investors working very hard which would've brought the Economy up more by now, as you are aware. The cases for Law Enforcement from the Military are very much available around this level of attack discussed here with help from the U.S. Department of State or Affiliates of with the paperwork involved.

The Fashion Tribe has gotten going on a project for now about breads that are flat, used in many ways, such as historic recipes at campfires that press together the edges for a type of sandwich or similar. I hope those of you who joined the Tribe will enjoy the sharing of Ancient and newer recipes. Since the Military has gone into the 600 year silos as you know from this blog and seargents' sites for things like wheat and grains, to keep the shelves in markets stocked, I hope you'll enjoy the frugal on grains recipes also coming in from the Vegan histories. The USMC ARTS/R advocates their use for soldiers as devised by NASA staff and staffers of other organizations trying the frugal-too recipes available for ultimate endurance good for many. The food wrapped in leaves and steamed or baked including into campfires if wrapped is a good place to think of starting on this type of taste-test. It is also not a medical recommendation to drastically alter your diet without medical supervision but most can try a recipe or two. The Military uses the Vedic system of medicine and psychiatric battlefield medicine that includes for many the Vegan style of life if available. Vedic being a type of area and time where the style of living came from and finds it useful to add to most regimens about 3 to 4 days per 7 if healthful for the added benefit of it.

Yesterday's list of things I'm inviting you to do along with me and others still is a try to save shipping costs for many of you, as you'll note, and also to include thoughts of Winter and Holidays that once were this month in histories undernoted. The waterways are inviting, too, though, and I'm pleased to have Military doctors' permission again now to begin to enjoy for more than for work with them the water sporting events such as swimming, diving, hot tubbing, snorkeling, deep sea diving, lane swimming training clubs, fishing hole artwork, delta strolling, paddling sports, and more. Kite flying is one that is being requested by some children's groups now as the balloons from Ancient History are being learned by many groups who wish to join at the FED's invitation the lineal if secretive Fashion or Resort Economy bloodlines reviving and taking more in. Balloons are part of the fabled by clergy for learning benefit and analysis levels Garden of Eden story times, but used by combining more than one history of time about similar restarts in the world economies. Water wars were on before. Now it is about food wars, and water wars by homeland invaders and also as recently mentioned the sewer attacks in this city alone, now, and surrounding areas that Military and India's experts on are alleviating to being undernoticeable while employing all the known guild and typed plumbers about; for. The balloon histories overlaps with kites as primordial Air Force weapons and transport. More about it non-urgent will be a gift from the White House in a future as I write about it more into a book form. For now, be more aware also for sociology levels about the attempts by 'enemies' declaring themselves to influence also social sectors into power-fans of native lore that are good if one at a time, but not if changing social sectors by using more than one sociology power-fan in the public going at a time. All found were combined already by USSF and its worldwide special-forces. Any others attempted can be noted and carefully reported to the Police Station who will know how to get the data informed to the right military units.

UFOlogy sightings of military and other personal craft and perhaps various anomalies are welcomed to hired private UFOlogy clubs and their Military counterparts interacting. Fourth of July, here, there were several valid reports of benign nature. With fireworks on. There was no panic. And, the Fashion Tribe is to be thanked for its gift to me and others of a fireworks show at our home areas, which was quite the fun: they took up a collection for the fireworks costs, which was a good and generous gesture. The Military animals also enjoyed the fireworks and those of search and rescue training such as working for the Fire Departments and Police Departments as they are acclimated to sudden loudness or sparkling and so they watched the shows, too, side by side.

Take good care, and enjoy the Summertime.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall,
commanding officer
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/R, co-head
USN, Project Literature
ARMY(any), Finance
USSS, et al

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Incursion XIV Loom and Woven by Own and Openings

Salutations, the Incursion VIII and future ones are including the caught home-invasions of 100,000 in affected cities to the flooding by fecal product delivered illegalis to flood and float, to a sewer system in place for all with 2400 soldiers still underground booted to assist the local unions and plumbers guilds of paramilitary heraldance and from India's Governmental units-applied assisted again; this time not customer-service oriented. Many pets and persons still attacked in manmade poisons of 1A.D. and other times to primordial times (also of fashion-code developed times on schedules adding in tabular codes for finding files to): keep checking in with localized military installations at your close cafes and the fully mobile paramilitary hospitals-en/acte[d) for free medical full restoration per U.S. Congress' Act of see (sign) by NASA courteously and non-organic parts to replace later (like bandage/cast equal but faux of type i.e. fur on cat cover as bandaid with healing matter) from Monsanto and others in Technology Economy of the past. Decades of work are ahead in the newly urgent to reply to via-USAF job openings part-time to full-time to any-amount in Fashion and Resort (both halves of the Kinsean Economy graphs, see new training/funding) such as fashion director of cuneiform-treixe or -envogue or constructed-by-too(th), et al, at USAF AirForce1Office's:ProjectFashionOne as "worklisted". Since 4000 directorships-of in the evolving Economy are open to civilian or serviceperson alike I hope many of you the Good Readership will apply. And also still the ARMY(any)heraldry office listed/linked economy-fashion-resort work posts that are economist level (nowadays) equivalent in pay scales to the public as part-time(d) of USD$70,000 plus $10,000 added-on for taking added-to part-time. Resort is the stuff you hope will come down in prices and that you can make more on by using to get other things on the up-trend business trends in the Fashion part of the Economy graphs, a 50%. As the Insurgent-dna miscreant-macreant-bold home-invaders coded accuratly homeland-invasion by HSA and all Governments are back to 860 years consecutive warfare declared against a public sector of any lawfulness and regulated control for no reason and no politic or church, etc., the added percentages in affected cities today into at-home trained-anywhere anyplace bootcamps now prepaid still by a Visa Company known as at their president's desk list of who is covered by the new $109 per day paid already by the general populace undertaken by Incursion IX (lecture on) and also same-like at AMEX for Open Card (a product of theirs known used by myself or other lecturers on days of or using accurately mine to be there for such as Art Bell lecture series filled in during snowball fighting but real UFOlogy lecturer faux pas missing by bad tires for under-the-weather-auto in snow-season at known ski resort location days on time nightbirds cleated it in for a fourth time hopeing awaited lecture was the right date listed on tab: code in -UN, file of for FBI internationally a five to seven comma series per applicable for explanation of why necessary today). Only four more days of ilk-discovered Xmas by July 2 (not to 23) secretive if not Santa origin to shop for year ahead or put in orders discount co-op level for "goods" shopping. So, if you've done something in your ilk-echelons to help yourselves along that has been targetted miscreant-level or the like, please contact your local Law Enforcement for the Military linking to of casework-2. Again, the Law Enforcement and others responding are thanked for help to the Military over this country's holiday weekend when crime-raids non-military seeming approaches included fake fire trucks with localized numbers and non-hired persons on them, threatening the public in drive-bys by dawn, aimed at military mistaken for 'badges.' Remember that for Military without usual transportation the Police Stations are still kindly alotted to hand out to the soldier their normal car request in, usually a half a dozen or so delivered that day awaiting for another week or so until the soldier learns they can pick on up there on Tuesdays ... By word of mouth always helps. Alerts to Universities and School Systems of attempts by unknown to pay for substituting illegalis in identity theft plot to invade at campuses and give a lecture: enemy declaring itself thus offering $800,000 of unknown exchange or rate and of unknown duration and length of time considered an attack upon the ARTS schools first. See USMC ARTS/R for Abess data on how to help schools avoid identity theft plots against students and faculty with both false lectures and unknown harm planned. Remember that reactivating in the Military is almost all imperative for as many as can work to get paid with us on newly formed by former President George W. Bush for continual annum pay (not one hour as rumored, only a once) scales and matrix-add-able, and necessary for 81 to 108 years of age soldiers already trained in this type of battle-warfare-coded or for all RAF by HM's order-decree (to RAF joining other Air Forces to satisfy and welcome).

61% of American homes have completed a finishing-school level on their own impetus and 'earned' four years in one. A good thought from the Ancient's past for them, being carbon-dated-equivalent are lecture-notes available (soon, within minutes) from Soum (or a version of Sam) of H.M. Jamaica a King's relevant Air Force league of lecturers, on and about the first finishing school level training shoe. Still in, but all in black-tone, just so you're prepared. Available as Funding for Churches, Schools, and your usual sources. Funding going as usual to the locales where it will protect you from home invasions sometimes doubling the cost daily of any Church worldwide in its actual historic obligation to protect 'parishioners' or any within its legally bound -go or region. Unchanged since time-for-humans began and you'll recall from this and other sites are now in this country called counties. A good lecture to see what the shoe shades and weight and styles were about to differ from other regions as -go (or similar spelling from usually matrix-posted now decipherable). Many a finishing school of training started with a shoe. Now many have changed to other items or focus or styles of living outward to communicate correctly. But, still mostly the same etiquette and close deportment the higher the level of behavior expected even to the Department of State, Office of Protocol Service where I still reside as a part-time revisionist. Dictionary types welcome, too.

The training for animals for work with the Military has begun anew with the USAF out of Moffett Federal Airfield and one from Viet Nam to be disclosed upon application acceptable; military animals you volunteer for certain scheduled services mostly of search and rescue they are capable of such as the cats you've read about on this site in the past blogs with firefighting and so on are paid USD$40,000 each day they work. An unchangeable non-budget fund only for it, and includes their healthcare and food and grooming, and often of the household members, too, and known to work with and transport. Also same training overlaps with USSS and Fire Departments at differing amounts of pay per day. Since the animal is in need of mortal courage even though revivevable in most instances they also have retirement options that are good places for them to go resort it up afterwards or transition into work such as at space agencies where they train and play on other types of gymnasiums with more in the professions. NASA's Space Camp was entirely taken up by search and rescue pets one day having more fun than the minors; some film footage is available for those hoping for stock-photo-level work-conversion from said files, useful for a public known or those working with computerized programs for such: non-famed pets and search and rescue animals.

To perhaps save on shipping costs, after the mentioned President's good lecture moment caught by the News gave the idea, sharing with a colleague or other, the reading recommended list is for business-calendar-quarter-of-three-months (July to September). I've enjoyed them all, and am already working out a list with those that be for the Fall Quarter deciding what is good for the general public in these times. I hope you'll enjoy, although it was hard to leave out some from the next lists laden with brogue and lingo of regions that don't translate fast enough by translators and other logistics for now. See: Hope for the Flowers by T Paulus Library of Congress 74179985 1972; Chaos by J Gleick isbn#0140092501; The Message Give by Extra-Terrestrials by Rael isbn#294025205x; Dark Brothers Dark Robes by Hilarion (more than 40,000 on the market will be supplied to, by Kinsean supply demand shortly); Legacy of the Dead by C. Todd isbn#9780553583151; Introduction to Music (a B&N Lecture Series) by H. Miller; Before the Fall by P. Rosemoor isbn#0373224397; Youth, Brainwashing, and the Extremist Cults by Enroth isbn#0310242711; More Alive with Color by L. Eisman #1933102098; The Sacred Magic of the Angels by D. Goddard, isbn#0877288623. As for more Summertime, I've started on a Prussian blue shrug to knit ...

Take good care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
a commanding officer, worldwide
USAF, fashion director
ARMY, finance
USN, project literature
USMC ARTS/R, co-head

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Incursion IX Official Alert of Mormons Apprehended Cult

Salutations, the recent raids of homeland invasion coding by the HSA and all countries replies to the Mormon Church offers of cult investigators (of illegal attempts to make cults as attackers of homes and persons) with thanks for their help in the apprehensions of incestuous and pedophile attackers by extortion in recent days in affected cities; sequential, as part of post-macreant but bred-by-dna-Insurgents according to the CIA of this country. And others. The fourth round of them, though, saw fake prophetic-'blessings' of supposed famed but still living persons or bloodlines as the motivation for some asking for Government and Military clarification that had those with the truth-quest followed to verifiable sources for data followed by the stalking cult-attempts. The USMC ARTS/R handles religions worldwide and the checklist to be a legal cult is about the same as for any religion to fit the lawful requirements. Hiding withing the Mormon Church memberships were more of the typical but grouped homeland-invading coded. They are pretending to hire investigators into their own types of crimes, obviousness to the Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement and others such as the DA Offices and more are thanked by U.S. Congress, also, and recorded as is the President of the United States. Gratitude was expressed to the latter, also, for taking time to teach civilians and military that are new how to do the courier types of essential work loads available for pay as an intermittent income stream possibility, and also to explain documentation such as my PhD level course written data on the international news segments as examples of types of data needed now to search as the FED instructed and gauged correctly for missing workforces, and those around them. Although more illegal cult investigations are going on, they are being paid out as Mormon impetus grouping by a DA Office fund from the Military that is one I and others helped fund since bootcamp and also because they were observed underfunded. The funding is reinvested if not used as noted recently. Those still trying to get into this blog for the recent four days posted may do so and also the sergeants' sites. The non-historymaking raids of the affected cities include repeats from several histories of this type of listed invasions that today are cuneiform as then: teradohn for the day and in recent days each a differing form of the root words from tera or tetra and other letters-cuneiform linked that show which types of matrix actions or the medicines that cure the related to crime level actions, again in archives and available along with other sources from the Stockton, CA DA Office's list of 500 cuneiforms once benevolent only being used to attack the public. The actuality of the aftermath of 100,000 raided homes in 100,000 cities affected is the need for emergency plumping assistance in the invaded houses; the Military already has several plumbers hired today to assist from the private sector, and other plumbing companies are invited to apply for the unusual situation as the city mains are affected, too. Other experts are already being flown in to prevent overrun into deltas or such places, respectfully. Paid work. Silmarillion, the book, is still the more prevalent styles of attacks; again, a JRRTolkein book that used factual battles as the fictionally renamed. Three trapped underground 'militaries' though were converted (in cuneiform: cunvorts_ed) from illegal gaming that was torture-battle-scenarios they were told were normal and that talking in civilized conversations in approaches in public places were huge battles; they comprehended immediately the ethical correction and are integrated now into our legal systems and school districts and militaries. Each day's cuneiform terror-level of its in sequential order still from any recorded history is available by about Noon as it is received by the FED for interacting with the Economy. All Governments are in cooperation, and helpful to one another on these matters. Ask at the Abess office of the USMC ARTS/R. For the Churches, also please refer to the USMC ARTS/R clergy data for moving about the monies, again, for funding in the coming weeks and days ahead if needing to comprehend the Economy fluxes that are on normal cycles and can be responded to well. In History, in archival places, are in the gold dust to gold dusten files. Remember that the -GO is the title of the county levels of regions still unchanged since recorded history to find the files. The ARMY(any)heraldryoffice has still more of the economy-cuneiform-picture-attacks-on-public-prevention-fashion-resort-business job openings: 80,000 open to civilians and military alike, still USD$70,000 plus a USD$10,000-for-taking-a-part-time-job.

The UFO and ghost hunting worlds will be interested in turning in sightings worldwide of anomalies of blue-gray-dust formations in the night sky or on land, or perhaps other places. The Military is interested in assisting the investigations of these anomalies, to the transportation and other facilitation. There are no particular warnings away from these sightings, but it is interesting to be attracting from the public to ask for the nominal work, in some instances, being offered; stipend to pay-per-event. Digs not out of the question, as grants provided already if reasonable.

Today, between meetings, I'm working on next Winter's knitting, and have been compiling a suggested reading list which I'll try posting quarterly to help with shipping costs for those who wish especially to share the costs and share the books amongst each other. Take good care.

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer, worldwide
USAF, fashion director
USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any), finance
USN, project literature
USSS, USSF, and others of specialty