Salutations, while more data on Incursions IIItoXXXIV being analyzed for usefullness after day 408 flooding tunnels body gear shapes soon on; here listed are suggestions for Summertime reading late to Holiday gift ideal; also CIA paid for free by nearby office being repaid by American's or Mexico's or Artillery of books/gifts/games/music/video/+ listed on these days of it and being from historic now (f.)Pres. 'Teddy' Roosevelt's monies left by his funding advanced used to buy future teddy bears or books to liken "his Public's confidence in strength of togetherness on topic (1){to} it being covered costs by his requested donation to use for agency known soon designed to grouped like now trust fund designated of evenly available lots and appropriate now after (Good Readership recalling days before on blog) warfare declared against teddy bears with heavy artillery to weaponry and multi megaton bombs now removed from locales (see at Police Stations, try Tuesday any for free use computer/s to them on a trust fund itself for including, to view) as this gifting timeframe; or of any credit cards known not dedicated for not-this-purpose or annexed by to not be included for but unlikely found by populace so that term any credit card may be useful in asking for from purchase its 1%-lowered on lode of it all balances to purchase any of plus these:
non-fiction* 4-warfare: by doctor of war and battefield; by Dr. James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* sancqo's_war_work:why it became adopted by all militaries to alone; by doctor of warfare a coded afield and battlefield to surgery within zoned any all of kmwall
novels* hiegt:novelized warfare historical of new to geneticists rediscovering a type of hate that controls battlefield warfare wins in genes, data to warfare code within for top-level battles denied unless military academic training to PhD coursework (now Masters) into bootcamps; by James Clavell, Michael Levine, Richard Marcenko, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* to_kill_a_parasite:-a_cookbooks; by kmwall, bob_aznar, of lulu_wall estate provided
* fallopian_verge:espionage novel of dark Russia's knightly codes, kingdom of; by HIH Slobodon Brankovich advised by knights of
* codes:novelized espionage historical warfare codeII; by Al Gore, Richard Marcenko
* 3_crowns:novel of; by James Clavell, Michael Levine, Richard Marcenko, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* any_forever:Mormon novel of hope, traditional reading; by James Clavell, Michael Levine, Richard Marcenko, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* victor_grapha:a soldier's morass, of Charles Wall tales to tell, a Solvang soldier coming home; by kmwall [to: children murdered;I]
* red_soil:neo-mormono novel, hockey to hockney, Scott Mcnealy within; by James Clavell, Michael Levine, Richard Marcenko, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* throne_to_bear:heraldic novelized data on bears in heraldry reality of and thrones to kingships; by by James Clavell, Michael Levine, Richard Marcenko, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* white:novel of organic beginning of humankind
* white_ru:sequelized of above novel to tell of other colors story in timeline, by James Clavell, Michael Levine, Richard Marcenko, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* sir_suire:novel investigative continuing a Sir Tan series; by dean_raiut (of 4th Dimension Publishing)
* orphan_avenue:novelized, recruitment of these homeland invaders begins where their murders were; by James Clavell, Michael Levine, Richard Marcenko, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* 11th_century:bazaar to sea; finance, civil affaires, strong econ fashion, jilt to new form of; by Dr. James Marks, Steve Young, kmwall
economy/finance* next_a_good_company_to_purchase; by kmwall
fashion/arts* art_and_disgrace_in_the_confederate_community:about a father loss and an art beginning, to casework for loss-of data and in typical to further any and investigations like, type of attackes at home to abroad politician involved; by doctor_dau
* great_and_grain:how to do art from the past/ by Mexico's Chief, a CIA Head, a Chief of Police
* fashion_no:manual; by Dr. James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall [to:fashion afield]
* -a_sunshine_leigt:'artist's eye' art book (level 2+) rubies in anomaly by water to art glaze for, fun,constests to educational of) for forty days on now in cyclic; by kmwall
* -a_munshine_leigt:artist's eye' art book (level 2+) hawk-glare anomaly see on others in air by water to art glaze for, fun,constests to educational of) for forty days on now in cyclic; by kmwall
* a_blah_assignments:workbook eleven blahs, one mitten included [II trend]; by kmwall plus guests
brochures* heroine:what it is, for writing; by kmwall
* hexer:how to write one in the novel; by kmwall
* stxellness:a stone well's stillness, of appropriate churches
* tone_tune:a dogon of Spanish-Germanic ilk, Spano-Guam; by danny
Recommended for holidays, a few:
Herbaceous, by Sarah Baker, isbn#159223173
Small Garden Handbook, isbn#1861470592
Sudden Riches, by Nora Roberts
Yuletide Treasures Christmas 1989, by Heritage House
The Great Cities:London, Time Life Books
Next blog soon; take care.
Sartorially yours
KMWall, c.o.
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY/any, finance
NAVY/any, project literature
USSS-USSF-SS2-SEALs-DEA (of lists)