Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Funding items distributed by USAF Publishing House: By-CIA any office the American Mexican or Artillery of office where already funded linked to or at OES to short-file the reimbursement to any CIA office at its place picturing third world country locale a type to this form system allowed, the Teddy Roosevelt funder his left for a good book or teddy bear toy his wish from it his fund found allotted by CIA approved and invested to increase his wish for all populace to receive one or more, below type or of any this blog site or staff seargents seargents sites listing for it the continual by being well received:
* count_zorro's_dawn:novel;:about:: "Met a marque' on the road to China," said the actual Count Zorro one day saying; twenty had tried to be him and died. Since it." Setting during Mexico's Military coded new calendar officially synched oxen-3 year. by Count Zorro the feline former of Stockton Fire Department or NASA, bill_weil, kmwall;...Of it:included:; The water important for its changing one to a fashion code made by it other information in it about from kmwall' professor at SUNY FIT; metn_one:of how romantic fan was helt to meet one , by FBI f. Director Freeh, lie_lily_lei:;: also in: from NASA NSA film belza_bu_a_story_of_u; a hacienda economy text book leveld to actual buyer to be sent after recipient receives buying it now, though;,;,sand_castles_cream:text Fashion one once the color shade called done code 'in' filed [to:SUNY;once];,;,; sainted:music directed by Doctor of entertainment James Ricks with casting call found then and there to rescue one more a good tune of type Count Zorro used to write--his actual transposed for musicianship along the way his having sung brightly now dimly done, by chorale style if in the requested musical sheets for it the trained to sound alike voices even it being best found;,;,;,; hacienda_economy_was_in: economic packet FED approved in by Al Gore, Alan Hopkins.
**texts of medical below three of off often already used standardized all countries official governmentally supported at to Stanford University, Dartmouth, others alike and same of topic this page blog blogger on an official use at for the topic of men's demographics attacked them by 60% grouping of bowels loss it in to vomit to other fluids above below beltline sudden the medical doctors finding no reason it being from a weaponry by school children errant devised others removing from them continuing attack visciouness worldwide repeated mocking size shape of it any Fashion Industry code official:
* diverticulus_do:text medical; by Dr. D.E.W.
* diverticulusus_1:text medical; by bett_oh, cop_jones, dengen
* hopi_gone_galore:novel, introduction inside by Michael Fitzgerald; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, John Jakes, James Clavell, judge_grand
* movie_in_night_sky:movie novel of being attacked by astronomy seen guises of now day blog mentioned by others; by Howard Hughes
*topical any pare' bear story book but children asked to recede from computers systemized for it long enough for Abracus to help devise and write more of them for them, overwhelmingly ready.
Work, pleasingly from the for the public also available to get by topic type of workforce alisting at the USAF AirForce1Office as 'worklisted.'
History, economic data found useable nowadays the ancien revived to textbook soon entering again any within two years likely the friendly once lowly cxourdell_kolland economy said cord al coal and. It being a daily amount earned from a home paid or nearly overly secured by it the mini economic boon system providing a comparable continual over the amount needed to pay it the housing cost by a home business income streamed into as this comparison City of Stockton's houseing average costed compared to USD$7 or USD$8

Take care ....

Kristin-Marie Wall
writing as with others aka kmwall
with others as
commanding officer any
USAF director fashion/art designer
SAS officiator
omc All Marine Corp its USMC as cohead ARTS/R
ARMY(any/finance + USSF a special_ops unit in
NAVY(any/literature its project + USNSEALs a unit_one
CA-PsyOps Moffett a Federal AFB +
any Military
a Knight of Columbus
minister Ministry of Fashion
chaplain of Industry Fashion legwear any of it the defined category at /\-aSNS
online: Yahoo!Group believe_in_one_writer manuscript reading fees

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies burned cyanide a beauty marring incident expanded absurdness 2 level harmful to OES files for defined untutored in of swaths plaugerism again against all any; of it to OES office systems this one time for it any Catholic writer excluded for one day for attention below of catholic seeming product in Mormon lored world awaited not authorized directly to them only their Mormon Church Offices doing previous set up of study of it the family lore an angel actual and abounding data more in older Catholic Churches and others for it combined to all public. Enjoy the pare' gifts below also from Vogue Magazine and alerts of for any day of today typical not expected wanted condoned all Military to report in anytime any of to free of all gear replacement also all costs covered to travel and of the on this listed site a blog official and of staff seargents seargents sites lined contacting you the Good Readership for any topic free by CIA office American Mexican or Artillery of both for it funded already and to it for other places the nearby office CIA of Teddy Roosevelt funder for book gift or more for public at timed economy. Text included, for students 4 day special offer helpful from Scott McNealy SUN Microsystems from, also:
* grace_cat:book film; by Catholic Writers Online Yahoo!Group (did the only one not in it as moderator exit me? they're sail on work pleasing)
* good_clear_skin_of_oily_2:text; by dean, kmwall
* wedding_power:novel; by Ian Fleming
* wedding_etiquette_3_planner; by Ed Cromarty, kmwall
* newsmonster:music; by Metallica, theresa_m, Dr. of entertainment James Ricks,
* vogue_pare'_boulder; book text level 1 ;pare' bear swank or how to wear white in any era from stuck up code of centuries redone to modern translated; by Vogue Magazine and State of California bear official Boulder
* romarque:novel hate a Clan K story; by daque', devon, kmwall
* an_art_book:extraterrestrial contacted art book; by Them
* grass_gown:novel; by judge_r; in it also vogue text called dawn_green_gon; by kmwall
** all featured below allowed to first to Military and lengual first one studiers of officially of the especially for angelology to anomaly blended for more ufology demonology ghosthunting interest actual factual categorized to entertainment the mormo religion once 17th Mayan not the one the Mormons got but wanted tried to study already from its Church Offices and all official below listing plus any more in by NORAD or approved plus dan_dan_d_man official military investigator plus kmwall and others listing
* auwl:storyboard of what is in; by cal, sal, theresa_m,
* to_you; by Them
* do_you_want_their_song?: by Rob Zombie, Metallica
* known_inside; by Dolly Parton
* once_c_u:credit unit transferrable to any training center or school given from Stanford University for homework level assignment inside all paid for to be done as usual
* jones_2; by cal, sal
* god_seed_p:novel inside of; by kmwall
* the_camera_breaks:about how to film one; by lee
* i_feel_like_a_god:book inside; by benny_bob of General Short's family
* then_their_daughter_isn't_one:music; by KISS
* rescue_a_book_within:book; by jugular_vein_team
* anew by AVON samples within of awared team by personal analysis by remote noninvasive technology
* about_us:how to explain to one what you are; by men_i
* where's_glory?:book major general in derth; by chip_q
* you_didn't_get_him_he_did:how she chose a home; by dick
* attackers_after:how to anticipate a landing site ufology; by HM a Jamaican King and his unit_A_one
* catch_as_you_can:song dance routine; by Donny Osmond
* mani_too:in also inside by herself the angel found to welcome of mormo the family one
* money_you_make_is_mine_in_real_estate:by Donny Osmond
* she_accepted_cosmetic_surgery:plaquet inside from doctor level to make appear more human; by dean
* youno:text said yawn oh!; by Aztec Society official study data of Mayan also sending their clergy trained to Mayan Chichen Itza predemised unable to reach in time to convert to lawful data to 15thC studies
* that's_ours_to_you:a white wedding will do text data on it for angel wear also in; by USMC and any listing
History, pestilence biblically any term translates over to include its term for identity theft ultra violent to abusive by following along as the real appearing into public places scaring out most away.
Fashion history, vogue the term from vague the word origin not its own but once said as same with letter a.
Military, FFL head of exits to own business assisting terribly dire situations onhand into retirement by provided as from Monoco its Prince of it now the head with others listing of in FFL to this blogger able to reach any for it of the FFL system in place or any soldier for dominating helpful form uniting all for any computers or systemized structures already lauded now in.
Work, from USAF worklisted a free sort by name it at Office AirForce1 or EDD linked to anyplace. Soon to Stockton of four industries here a new arriving into fashion design order taking any of it the leg wear items to hosiery to alerted tasks of sudden trends ala a fashion club typed work level as dying especially for a timed place trend set or alike to think of onto EDD by day ending as /\-aSNS. More on my house recovery system next time or thereabout. To prior blogs for more data increased personnel needed by World Court.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
USAF director fashion/art designer +RAF+
OES officiator
FFL plus any
omc its USMC as its ARTS/R co-head
ARMY(any/finance +USSF special_ops unit of
NAVY(any/literature its project + USNSEALs a unit_one
minister Ministry of Fashion
chaplain of Industry
knight a Knight of Columbus also
commanding officer any

Monday, February 27, 2012


Salutations, Homeland Security its Agencies alert of 908,000 cities breached by the county line equivalent of swath type home invasions weekend over to Monday this synched to all Police Stations international the same data alerts for it the color code off as en called vogen if in vogue styles or alike it in archives to similar of type in FED nominated officially guarded now on work swaths of it the likened attempt to unload sand again into San Joaquin County or the growing valley areas to fourth attempt try to stop growing in agrarian area and tunneled for search and rescue mobiles to know of sand wheels required tom-stopped the guy next door looking on to get the adequate onto it your vehicle to do the arrival departure in between of cyanide dropping over air same cities listing over thousands days recorded attempting by a level now to sicken populace with 48 hour malignancy happening the actual organ transfers to repair on the any for it actual additional to Military's medical benefitting the populace may use at any hospital there alotted the #400daimondGrant from any large insurance company to repair into including animals all of covered to recovery full by NASA or NSA the dominating today on it for it any budget needing covering recovering the actual budget war called it over by now not on today no purpose of it trying over for actual inside working out in public. The Mormon Church again noted having many id-theives proselyting typed or blessing in public typed to attempt by impostering illegalis the blessing to molesting for pay prostitution attempts contacted the actual as illegal to shoot to kill orders of it all to ignore none of attacks report them into police stations equal. Color dye attacks over weekend as though selecting of a color or treatment of textile created enemy sensation underlined by underprivileged to over endowed by military money or any one time campaign to repair it into writing book type equivalent from homeless to successful a limited amount to do it available now because. The weekend included up to 30% homeless appearing persons by their nature of behaviour to doing the nonentity schoolchild act of I don't want you to know where I am or why or when all grouped regrouped back into homes a sudden start of violent invasion intrusion to a trustworthy appearing to them in another guise meaning an identity theif startled them now a gone gaze of official file term:they went home after 3 days homeless path by startling suddeness some police reports already taken feeling more well. Feather light the granted gray day a bird feather look in anomalies normal expected into wind pattern named after it fluffling hair cut in feather attack style differently for the actual reason wind condensation more of it not of haircutters lack of skill to gel for it or after affect alternate for some months probably possible the anomaly photo worthy of today last day overwhite feathering appearing in dye named economy files historic studies to manuals anew into schools of it so called to alphatets numericals later assigned also of explaining when working forces in it were called by the dye name to get economy burst in area such as sell it with dye or undyed remained an own by tradition. Free by below as of all blogs prior referring too free to soldiers all day any day or night time to student tradition fun finds of any day dated posted such as of if within three hours they purchase or select a free from listing is theirs type to continual abounding. Enjoy as partial thank you to all assisting:
* metallique:music; by Metallica, Justin McCarthy, Ronah_j, kmwall
* revoxelve:text Fashion; by Sarghxuon
* bare'_viscious:gameboard for any child hunts enemy attackers; by State of California official of bears playing pare game board bears alisting.
ask by topic
Work from free sort USAF AirForce1Office's 'worklisted' for any topical to timed to frame of it, from FED or OES more explanation transposing it into regular other workplace terms for one day once session for it any work projected to be done by it. Fashion or Resort two main topics of each half of Kinsean a bellcurve used by FED and coaxed from traditional economics alikened suggested a search.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
USAF director fashion/art designer
ARMY(any/finance to USSF as a special+ops personnel
minister Ministry of Fashion
FFL to RAF a+ all Militaries
SAS officiator
omc USMC it co-head ARTS/R
NAVY(any/ literature its project and a USNSEALs operative
alone operative any of for it the unit_one HMaJamaicanKing'sUnit for it as one et al

Friday, February 24, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies and the accurately homeland invasion coded now of the swathing still but swarming homeless nearly reforming by charitable societies not inside facilities while tax season arrived untimely to their own worldwide grouped miscalculating over alarming cities by their apparent mental illness likened state by the Military psychiatrists all together grouped worldwide including this blogger of their nearly functioning but not of it by refusing to be grouped into known and knowable legal documents the lucid of among unfinished business restoring to them the police reports able to be made with next steps allowed discussed to them by any of the known public sector's public servants the military a gauged away unless of it the badged type equivalent for it to the forewarning they the homeless abounding attempting in areas to present 30% of an area already at work by someone giving them dress code into an area and of it the actual not their identity again they erring thought to present to a mistaking them for locals populace. The actual known persons are often of the overworked to overtime workshifts home at longer away from it hours scheduled regular suffering from the misnomer mishap and guaged to correct it by said charity chiefs by later today, thanking them for their sudden help. To the free by CIA gifts books music sound data more on any topic asking to the denial of non educational and denial of pornography or any illegalis literature asking by topic and for work from the USAF AirForce1Office,listing.
Kristin Marie Wall
all job descriptions day before still standing

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies all of homeland invasion coded accurate of business one level home for it business four the level three business omitted negated caravan caravaning the type not allowed this blog site alert as they go home to hide from identity theft the modern version in brougham files for OES the conduct conductor to any train official for it the more of to murders again of authors publishing at cost set rates to make the publishers housing fees the glamor industry the tirade of notes ascending into the all swaths alert global for it the overlap obviousness. To ness files FBI any equal to. Below the gift book or other alike likened to gear of full to non skin exposure any gear for soldier awearing law enforecement awarring the better of it the defense of homeland any in also to educator gift to schoolroom bear a pare' gift listing any call-up by CIA free the Teddy Roosevelt fund it from:
* ask for any topic to gather for gift book more rece
Work the USAF AirForce1Office: any workload into the listing of it to my own house of it for restored to me by DA Office listing at some the any of it in Military file pick up sealed workload file for it listed yesterday blog all fourty day back or forward four+ on sites land.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
-a commanding officer in to -un for workload pick up for new soldiers arriving granted graceword
USAF director fashion/art designer
minister Ministry of Fashion
FFL to head of for data
OES owner
com Marine Corp its USMC as its co-head ARTS/R any
ARMY(any/ finance
NAVY(any/ project literature
USSF a special-ops unit personnel recruiter to it alone
USNSeals a member personnel
a knight
a Knight of Columbus
SAS officiator
NASA mascot

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of Stockton California alike in 900,000 city groupings the poeple missing by way of helping other area attacked levels receive reviving by recovering unto full identity theft ultra violent loss of 90 over and 92 cities inspected expected to be of ilken fashion industry to data bloodlines of any history of it for now trends of FED enhancement to its required actual structure by the archive applied such as what did happen on that same holiday in 1909 type by demographics suddenly the same of latest modern technology to alike. Ilk in of identifying if this right city while amid 80 over search and rescues for daily normal until swaths of attackers outside areas release a city of its painful measure to recover by the Court House of it the known data by anytime judges at sites assisting with factual live satellite reconnaissance of the normal known free printed at any police station or courthouse judicial or alike worldwide. Mayoral offices handling the benefit distribution in part to wholeness data for it of previous HUD detail not now of housing to the soldier no cost for it continually the other benefits also of food delivered to photo coupon of it to the auto and benefit and money fund delivery drop interrupted the same as yesterday today also by my executive orders enacted and into tomorrows of it all the added only better for it the rest of the benefits including clothing attire delivered is by helpful from this blog a type by staff seargents seargents site links to also of Girl Scouts of America the type delivered late to get pay ontime to soldier for other area system on short call low staff not soon the latter a problem again. Heavy recruitment on. Yesterdays crime case international into Military concern again the worst of it to attacks upon children the guarding defending of the countryside city scape any of the purpose of the military at not stopping at children defense of to whole restoration by USCongress or any of equal it the actual restore repair. There being mentioned the author self storyteller book type of it A Child Called It not worst of it all any longer known by one million cases sudden apprehensions by police a military grouping mostly deported from this country of blogging origin to handle by its local police instruction of any courthouse grouping into it the justice department way online by soldier five of number or name to cuneiform letter most not having a singular letter or number standing in their call sign unless verified old to only of alike. Work below. To below the student four day on offer yesterday blog all costs covered for it sudden the actual extra benefit level but of this also the site and staff seargents seargents sites listing the any gear arriving free of the packaged the many to topical liked but of soldier soldiering arriving anyhow by xchris the maid maidens maum past a USNavy protocol officer perogative to assign.
* ask by topic the pare'bear a schoolroom system for children education plus any known namebranded authors to others of soldiering call signs for it the novel text music sound data media need gear et al.
Work by USAF AirForce1Office freesort called 'worklisted' daily renewed of 800,000 jobs listing any day to new link to through it graceful the EDD any area it alike. The best better part of it the pay equal to area at the timing of it all being requested for actual to the workload to civilian offered for it to get it done also by FED industry Fashion exampled needing it by timing required.
Thanking Today Show and others grouping volunteers to Stockton of it ilk the houses demised deterred to actual prevention of owner rightful being in like mine listed as World Court decided to be given back to me as named below no name changes to it the Title Company type attacked at transfer one hour position like a notary does a holding of documentation to prove it a like fraud found of loan given when no loan was taken asked and of the FBI desk schedule accounting feature for many houses purchased as sight unseen into taking an industry to character of city into decision and of Moffett a Federal AFB taking phone calls to recruit handle for it all the two thousand alike aliken more to get paid for this type of pay a USD$790 to get me back into my house finally the shootings to deter amazing instances of nonvisible parties to it also others of danger addressed handled by gear new recruits. Thanks.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any of FFL as one and SASofficiator and minister Ministry of Fashion
knight and Knight of Columbus
USAF director fashion/art designer and RAF+
omc All Marine Corp its USMC as ARTS/R co-head
ARMY(any/ finance + USSF as special-ops a unit_one
NAVY(any/ literature its project + USNSEALs
beleive_in_one_writer and ArtistWayWorkshop Yahoo!groups+

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 663Alert/OfficialIncursion/SchoolShopFreeDistrictCollegeOnListingByTRooseveltFund/TrendInNonMonth/More

Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies accurately coded homeland invasion level two three twenty three leveled alert the data airdropped poisons burned cyanide by pattern or black orb followers said Black Sun file to also at DAOffice Stockton SWEDEN/a"Stockholm link align into Mahwah New York State USA of it all to expunging going on clearly to do good to Office of Emergency Services or FED any region archive listing there free to soldier the day of need for ready mathematical quizzical style approach simple rigor mind only of actual equipment equipping the data for search and rescue primarily already OES and ChildQuest on onto today the day daily amounts of USD$100Billion gifted by ancien royalty of city civilizations once of Atlantis proportion time and place placement by agreement to helpful by the type of and for the data sudden personal interactive deterrant of children of homes all about abroad working to do family financial planning level that day to millions already over one million of cases casework the children abducted to by maternal apparent legal termed guardian like person they in care of doing the harm of rape malfunction and torture to public broad display of into parking areas streets in busy shopping areas shopping malls exempt excepting tourism districts of class level high egalitarianism also the liking of it funding to through there all search and rescue dogs to type repaired for it fully by NASA an Army Artillery like squad coming of already alert the funding for ecology repair a typed typing oh?myne the named fund and to it all doing the search and rescue the actual day of needing to repair of another the USCongress site goes to from there by the staff seargents seargents sites going link aligned here and there for known dna of noninvasive and instant by friendly alike the by CIA promoted gifts book fund for all educational by now the four days if opening all about it free categories to district colleges the type training center to language center to school secondary plus a military academy like to two year community college of Delta Community College in this city asking aware the by midnight shopping type rules allowing this round extra four days then later by Scott McNeally of SUNMicrosystems to this city a type alike and more from Delta AirLines air professionals for the return captured by loss of knowledge the aftermath of nine-eleven possible the soldier pilot a gratitude by them to it alike ilken of to follow later blogs topics of entertainment or listing of casework stated asking for any famed listing or of any topic or type below or any of:
* pachel_bel_queen:by ray_vo
* pare'_bear_vogue:by Vogue Magazine
* penelepoe_trend:text by DEW

Working lode the soldier making upper if of another try a round to my house housing listed by World Courts to pay out USD$790Million each forty personnel plus four SWAT about it already snipered to advance obstructed from success all bullet proof gear of full covering no spackle speckel or term from anyplay military monitoring police station type alike from it all provided the cost absorbable for active in it activating to pick up from Police Station any or Urban Defense Station Island here in Stockton this City limit of payout by whom requested list of as either cash by USCongress of DOD or DEA or of it showing pay and time into passage of if needed from USA based Stanford University a gift the money fund brought in already by RAF to transfer mode over not allowable tamper with asking it to hundred page report plus of how to listing stepped contact level preeminent already done by myself and others into each the every home of the twenty and grand into multiple of it all of other houses also listing also differing prices differeing levels of assessment from District Attorney Office the free lawyer service the akin to Embassy-level all in if not one there places for it the ARAB royalty assisting being assisted also by RAF and the others alike to Americans this transcaction all being or others of two thousand one more in Stockton California this city plus its linking to ten more of same named house like street into Orem Utah for alikening the verb of used to attack by of archive system relay over/tt1 the junction for it to Mahwah the NYState listed DAOffice above the same caseload into phoned in center other of for it all the same type work at any Mayoral Office equal worldwide the data for in it there of any day of two day approach into of stay over all okay all equipment guided in the area time day venture in the amount of all costs not lost to pay for the USD$50 no medical care cost or recovery loss from business if not able to approach lend to military personnel actual retrieve to extraction the house household return listed the military doquets same now of one a one type to twenty one approaching of any number preceding sequence worldwide gathering for anyplace the church guard attacked in each twenty plus times a day no reciprocal of it the reason the danger level into homeland itself on conspiratorial detected found by USSS and alike the cost above to advance=Accountancy below explained more further by staff seargent Jose Jorge or Troy . More. Thanking in advance the try of to no loss of not a game or reenactment the training for it all worldwide to the repetition of escalation into all over many years many hundreds mortgages full amounts upon each house abode the housing for the known soldier govermnent the one who is likely needed in the typed emergency situation of it for it all downed by it all the targeting of alikened type named it any category like Postal Worker the typical target identity theft leagues historical plans copycatted persons victimized inside buildings such structures the officiating or church guard type asking for verification of a record of a citizenry to elevated by immigration level status not the indignant of to asylum for about. It all the classification sxoecret other coded secret for a month about approach level off-code letter for meaning no appointment exclusive on; yours. Type of thanking Good Readership and Law Enforcement CVCC Civil and Authority.
Sartorially by commanding officer of any,
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
SAS officiator and Knight of Columbus and knight and FFL and minister in Ministry of Fashion
USAF director fashion/art designer RAF+
omc All Marine Corp it USMC ARTS/R co-head and director fashion
ARMY(any/ finance also personnel in USSF a special-ops unit_one
NAVY(any literature its project the USNSEALs also a personnel
badge#101/+USSS-ss1-DEA-sherrifparamilitaryunit et al

Friday, February 17, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of homeland invasion correctly coded by it of the Fashion Industry sector workforce defined by FED alike of useful ware clothing war twince twice any alike of it to use of birth or backgrounds as an adornment of allure to marraige secretive now revealed by intelligence level working to Court System Justice Department and Supreme Court its ilk or also World Court of all courts all doquets a oneth to twenty first of it showing already any Police Station now legal and using allure as exampled today of the homes being returned to owners of full ownership prior to non them taking loans onto it any of place placement to structure of it to dock docket docking all alike to useful data of a place needing a loan over it otherwise that uses and similar data below of personal. Gifts below all prior blogs listing of it the offer free-by or paid by useful listed suggested to benefit buyer.
* request by topic any today and of students alerts by their professor they may shop free a night for listed of many including textbooks on professor timed data, example green topic to green movement to green in name or title
Personal thanking the helpful judges and court assisting law enforcement and military now practicing only at it the ARMY any of it for retreiving my own house recognized to be returned to me by Law and Force of it from 2000 selected to be known in Stockton a city in California of the actual taken by forceful law to removal inappropriate onto wrong day of in my situation entailing eternally seeming extraction from harmful abduction into its interior the local church guards of any religion tortured actual for records of their grouped of identity theft ultra violent the specialization of my own medical career in the Military known all of them for it anytime anyplace if for Military or Royalty bloodline only the ultra violence professional medical psychiatric medicine level I have as a profession in the Military is coincidental. Not yet achieved the pay per fourty four arriving to it to the local fire station personnel Mr. Robert Kuben organizing the into it array with forty person manuevers akin to SWAT also signed on for four slots of to it the alike of all any houses in area affected same to similar pay of USD$169Million per helper of me to the forty with other errand of pay retrieval deposit to cash the day of as ARMY assisting by two required typical of an accumulated pay check if interested in being hired on the DAOffice has the listing of who can pay the said sum amount of it to the forty in and as now may be chosen from a check type pay from DOD DEA DAOffice itself to other agencies a choice good to be made. Thanking any who have expertise to assistance courage to do so for me or others alike in City of Stockton to others on list listed from any Police Station. Since I am single never been married the documentation level is simplistic and as I am the only one declared ever allowed to use my birth name same signature below to protect from identity theft same as for to anyone any countryside legal ones of also the use of paramilitary eugenics for such as myself the full dna royalty bloodline to others alike such as legal politician bloodlines depleted by murders aligned support by income persons to others of noted professions guaranteed jobs at the same time or type when requested to dominating by its need the countryside to be benefiting and of the localized churches doing training on how to with noninvasive to guaranteed marraige partners of before planned by all militaries governments of interest to none normal times.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
SAS officiator Knight of Columbus and minister Ministry of Fashion and FFL member
USAF director fashion/art designer and RAF+
omc AllMarineCorp USMC its co-head of ARTS/R
ARMY(any/ finance and USSF as a special-ops unit personnel
NAVY(any/ literature its project also USNSeals as an operative

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of often led into home two level four business level out and about in context to computerized mobile the attacks against any with green called gay green in historical archive premodernization terminology into housenumber attempt adding to same site attacked of violence level -un advised the gifting below of this prior also any staff seargent seargent site -a-links to do of worklisted sort also at USAF AirForce1Office:free sorts named by topic also in please select work by managed in profession advised to know of reference for public sector if overlode to military personnel as available thanking all law enforcement cvcc civil and justice system workforce allied this military any known on to its the urban defense island so called at Stockton the City in California training at will new form of to welcome by mayoral offices any for it the housing for it soldiering no cost to soldier for training of the homeland defense correctly coded homeland invasion response to learn to stop forrex attempts of any duration in eight hundred year type groupings threatened repeated as types nonmilitary of nonlanded nonreligion type assorted into fashion an industry at OES or FED daily to ask thanked by any military going back forty to plus forward or of any site link no cost to do by any commanding officer this site sited all for it any of not unusual to usual any not found and more:
* glare_bi:text Fashion; by denver_unit trim
* gourrex_vau:text Fashion; by denver_unit tim
* dressed_a_rose:novel; by cancel_qcue, Bob Lily
* brown_n_ken:novel; by jacqueauvnsxjoque, kmwall
* orange_a_day:novel; by Nick Nolte
* gory_gore:novelesque; by John Nesbitt
* pare_bear_vue:book pad; by California State bear made Abracus
* whiteen_leon:novel; by Cardinal Count Theo, Dave Barry, kmwall
* done_right:book; by Justice Department, Gene Wohl
* -un:music; by Procul Harem
* im_drafted_too:by joe
* flock:novel North Iraq with song almost_like by doctor of entertainment James Ricks and sogno doves by Rick Post; by dom
* sailor_man:novel; by James Clavell, kmwall
* maiden_song:novel new bomb Sir Tan and by him; inside song vague_vulgar_vague:by Distrubed, Gwen Stefani
*riven:novel NASA; by kmwall
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
minister Ministry of Fashion and FFL member and officiator in SAS also knight of Columbus
USAF director fashion/art designer and RAF+ NASA
omc All Marine Corp its USMC ARTS/R as co-head
ARMY(any/ finance also USSF special-op personnel NASA
NAVY(any/ literature its project also USNSEALs as unit_one
commanding officer any

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of Incursions any of pronged known into countryside of nine hundred thousand cities given list to Military any from anyplace Police Station same data of but more traffic of it through this blog site staff seargents seargents sites already alerted alerting of Fashion Industry to models of it attacked beauty also of denigration to disorientation of business purposes of it the model photographer to useful product sales of by trend dateline from this a commanding officer site and sited of any a never before but all ways trained at ready all places of up to 81%populace already known knowing all call up for by the usual methodology of the activate it commanding officer of need for a thing such as dollar sign a used attack if in astronomy today by tomorrow the payday of history used once or more around the day before it changes to apparent dollar sign in astronomy of shipping lines to weathered sailing flying uses for deliveries appropriate to calendars unknowing before now of the danger alerted public handling compliance to calendar sync of matrix schedule at school alike. The type day of it being the acting command to it all attacked already by poisoning to disorientation sudden repair of person physical harm removal by it from USCongress the budgeted each USD$480Million to sudden demise medical into angry seeming behavior unresponding any populace trained of it to sudden recovery situations to actual response for sickened person of the Senate trained devised by USN Mexico Arabia and others of ilk USAF. To do of poison dropped in package bomb style of Gibralter shape overt on 81 orb of typical black suns coded files of daily wear noted files numbered to count them historically of moon rock orbs from it rounded by reentry onto paths on air of alphabet used by Fashion an Industry to decode of codes in texts listing this site other alike of demographic to trend any of actual pattern return repeat like a comet or star assigned North Star nearby to type for sailing swimming weather a guaged of fractal to other math MIT Math Laboratory to Brigham Young University to University of Utah available to decode cuneiform of to any Law Enforcement free to do it the type with casework sudden of letters not known gangs reformed by now doctors doctoral PhD teaching level at for The Language Training Center R_lords the backwards unit of expert speaking it to other noted historical of to a guild align another matrix system of it to the performing arts set up guilds also having some degreeing into light lighted habitats of crowd management crowd control data sudden specific save cost if need by OES or DA Office to gift give request from SUNY FIT or of it alike the bathroom attacks recent upon populace of fear four grouping they themselves by it to black clothes all of strength revised to alarm none inform all police nearby walkaway to it with casework any university also as at junior collegiate campus level chased into from out of about it attacks at the place of assigned to looking like need for extra walk accusations chasing to demographic demise hints actual threats fisticuffs through doors to Stanford University a list free by NOW of the bathroom signs feared in posts all along to guise guide it for PhD some contracosted postdoctoral survey to it also allowed allowing the demographic for fear none but a demise axis pulled out through the data blow of it the Fashion Industry through the ministerial a Ministry of Fashion as I date posted below in signatory not allowing other mistaking to Santa Cruz parish Holy Roman Catholic for it the contact Bishop Jim asking the international alert data honed to all as his security Vatican link line also to SWISS Embassical clerical the Department of State also anyplace any line phone into the actual of from Office of Protocol Service. Thanking procurement sudden office of official data all about able to say USSS by it the clothing sudden to attempts to abscond it the new ware from attacks dusted wear by joke file returned to White House danger level known alone but of student breached a gift ware from USAF AirForce1Office the grace. Title transfers real estate company of it to exclusion also attacked by useful employ it the person who once transfers over to self to then transfer by legal new owner akin to own an under hour alike to verify has over casework sudden the many any place for it the commanding officer acting finding all the yesterday of before to today a day away data for from hidden in approximate 700 dollar cost to get it to spend to repeat it to pay a day every day until caught apprehensions started of World Court demise doquetsQwithinITthelink without it error noting not found of transfer back and forth a computer error to recorrect to actual owned by now forever imployed the casework dry tedium of it good level pace to accounting of sudden need yesterday noted 400K shelters needing ARMY any to do it by tax deadline erred by heading group all to ontime work for pay to soldier first during tax season heavy preparation for regular accountant firm of. Enjoy the gift book listing below all prior days.
*bare_n_food:coloring book a level to story in; by Dave Barry, kmwall
* like_a_wand:book skincare acne demise blue solution; by Dr. Perricone lsited site of this blog prior, kmwall
* dominion_tricks:novel shepherd landed; by Nick Nolte, kmwall
* tarantella_vue:novel; by Dan Millman, kmwall
* france_is_frank:text Fashion novelized; jacqueauvnsxjaque
* lite_brite_all_nite:prequel; by bi_taum, Tom Clancy, Bob Mayer, John Legg, Michael Ontiveros, Stephen Frey, Steven Segal, John Grisham, Robert Bruce, Colonel Surtan, Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, John Jakes, James Clavell, judge_grand
* prayer_of_the_day:bi counted by USMC ARTS/R 2 art cards in
* accountancy_X01:by govan of ARMY Accountancy at any .mil
* driven_snow_2:novel; by kmwall {to:war truck races; zone]
* vogue_pare_now_things:by Vogue Magazine
* beloved_vu_ode_to_you:by judge_d, STAFF
* jimes:novel iiu; by NAVYSEALs
* one:piano at by Hari, kmwall
* 21_and_fashion:text fashion
* dun_joe:novel plus casework in; by Troy Aikman
* 12_signs:novel gore galore; by joe
* game_q:whymen want no more; by dim
* golden_gau:online store Royalty of Jamaica
* recruitrex:by Tete Wall, kmwall
* ten_two:by Bruce R McKonkey
* ask by topical any about
Walk along flavor tasting today and yesterday I thank the sited guilds for writers actors and authors at romance and level focuses for buying me lunch combined for some with bigger chapter parent group of to flavor test requested such as for finding more from lemon away to chipotle or ilk aioli day with french fries at brewery or pub stop along any restraurant row to soup bar trend sudden Parisienne to student culinary school tasting of it in bowl of bread others of simple request, the wildlife funds to governmental agencies intelligence levels also attending for it all to enjoy the purpose. Gladly as my name as authors or ilk thanks again for buying me lunch.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
a FFL and minister Ministry of Fashion also a knight Knights of Columbus and SAS member as officiator
USAF director fashion/art designer and RAF+
omc all Marine Corp its USMC ARTS/R as co-head of
ARMY(any/ finance also in USSF as special-ops member of focus prejudice age
NAVY(any/ literature its project also member USNSEALs unit_one et al
badge#101/+DEA-USSS-ss1-sherriffparamilitaryunit NASA

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its agencies same at any Police Station of soldier stalked unaware to clothing war demise of into school category look looker u u trend it called by university alike a coin phrase to use by blue edge any of it ilk spelling to Fashion an Industry called by FED to OES simple phraseology a wilken the name used for search call up dial on known none for injured sudden to police department say any phrase any language anyplace for it the known notable technology the sir tan level of bookmark available noted to calm the public of it a funny name not for more than english soil done granted for its homeland defense level a mickey and a moused duck of it alike to nonsort it from the public spectre scape of it to described casework gifts below from public none but all of ilken public display to congregated to it the Music Military nonretirement more now than then of it all available on this blog all prior to it the link a-link the warfare code it a-called the name before to forty below of it any forward now available saved by law of day by Judge Delco Denver to all units of name it alike for forward forewarn nonsensical alert data to statistic any library refrence the call ish for it a category worldwide cuneiform interprable the vague a vogue now pronouncing the type of from first lengual any planet the best room being it the blue then of ilk to temple color nonfound now at oxblood level lookalike library the room devour level funny teeth in the code fashion industry describe it all the necessary reaction or it failed decor school study to homework possible all dye by lot numerical past to any now try at any Mahwah New York the State of it for any office Judicial that no charge to any of this type commanding officer actual to for it the war warfare preparation to gathering of it all into known moreover respell by Courthouse Justice Department redone by judge anywhere all offers apply to resounding sale of by fund given gift book to it other help alike to school district any to fill form by timeline other alike CIA listing listed thanking all who helped today sudden Abracus day the bear lion lineal of all time history see his new story by pare bare threix said the number three and of District Attorney Office the fund warfare any all anyplace to full amount anyplace repeat by button press if needed or call to contact the thought form electric all recorded as pronounced by all DOD representative included official all Reconnaissance level three to K the backwards of it lettering form for R_lords unit of special ops only lengual full first language known to yet despite teachers The Language Training Center of it found about and university levels degreeing in it the form of it my own degree found by sunday school teacher type buying it for repeat or the lesson on of the form formal bathroom sign of history scared all away to laundry the turn around the road of ilk to do more for Stanford a University the qualifier with its economics teacher past doing a more for it by graphical interpretation the same from the last conference of a first in it series the President USA for it FED also applicable to quite the name of it at Pacific Bell or hose the unit call sign at AT&T any phone company also now of it for data helpful thanking special today search and rescue for it with bear count official removal from first arrived site needing search and rescue to pull dogs wildlife friends to shore a first safety search and rescue after feeding them onshore by bearfoot claw marked fish for them tossed to by and standing their handler knowing it alright gifted:
* pare'_bare:bears of California search and rescue made coloring book by foot in computer tray for it the palm size mousepad equal to do arts by cuneiform the art light show anomaly level to any lecture hall of it for from if at observatory the crowd management by its the local city council to true tourism bureau for four Force the Russian system of it the country countryside away of special forces their category the ilk equaling USSF here mainland of it the blog site rested California the Stockton City limits of to all aware.
* doctor_pare''s_goblin_game_-a:training board game the soldier free to; by Abrasus the State of California bear for it the tactical from ARMY tree stand for former overseas overland with this blogger a tree journal included if you were there for it the artwear log by sundries afire on
* tooth_brush_ancien_translated:book; by Jack Nesbitt
* squat:novel; by kmwall
* a_better_table:White House level past hewn; by Ron Wall
* interested_in_interest:text economic; by Dr. James Marks, kmwall
* dressed_to_nines:text Fashion code; by Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Dan Millman, Poul Anderson, Anny Perry, grand_jacque, bailey_little, bi_taum, Tom Clancy, Bob Mayer, John Legg, Michael ONtiveros, Stephen Frey, Steven Segal, John Grisham and more listing on with kmwall
*ask by topic
Work from the USAF AirForce1Office it listed worklisted free the sort by it use useful archeology to accounting an a day letter for it u use the Artillery level attacks upon populace the shooting over households reports to tactical van wanogulewdopo was it you the accounting requestor asked for professor level to understanding of it the ARMY 3 level for use for it the tax season preparer unaware director level on down under the level line need/s proper shelter nontax form complying by not having soldiers soldiering to it the aide for it counsel un level if need by for proper post haste the accounting to turn in forms complying 40,000 shelters women only and any other by men male also included needing that by tax law date everywhere comply form please fill out form request on worksorted worklisted by AF1 granted to do this everyday if needed to pay for it from shelter a grand granted for one more day pay of off of shelter matrices the actual pay scale improved the soldier lot any of any time for any military even defunct the full training appreciated to IRSrasqukclll. To any public no this time but for complying with other workload workorder request please comply apply by it the matrix of it all the shade gray a being it day today.
Noted pay scale all anyplace accomodate the dot on pay form for into any banking alike of it the name saving by cost of ink inking inks cost a lot of money then use for it manual the album of it alike in the dotted dated a-link for warfare code -a the_damned a song of it by Metallica and Evanescence and the Disturbed band and kmwall and others alike to Judge D of any courthouse and others making a nuisance riff of Procul Harum the namebrand band of a time before it went to war a faring others of music available sound level to for from the staff seargents seargents sites a link a Forum Church group the Tribe Yoruba 2nd of America on land only for it the drumbeat a Aztec Society strumming it along to overcast the casework deferred to only the discovery by said same listing to other for sound level off song voice to get to resounding a sound for warfare a level alert to work by a package pine to rose a budding buddy system for it from Japaneaux the real place of crowd management crowd control level used by a Sumo wrestling group unit for from it the place by Hawaii found USA FBI office it Honolulu only the SWAT number no bombs there counting today the day of only this two day blog read about.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any of auul/S zformfound-unIScomplying
minister Ministry of Fashion a new Knight of Columbus knight also FFL
USAF director fashion/art designer also RAF+
omc All Marine Corp of it USMC ARTS/R as co-head its
ARMY(any/ finance the USSF operative special-ops officiald2
NAVY(literature its project also USNSEALs special-ops unit one
badge#101/+DEA-ss1-USSS sherriff paramilitary unit on et al

Friday, February 10, 2012


Salutations, official alert plaguerism worldwide swath to same art artwork of USMC ARTS/R a religion site also link to by staff seargents seargents sites and by Homeland Security its Agencies also a correctly coded homeland invasion level response repspondent to on day over one thousand any prong of over overt it fifteen levels of to spell ancien language first lengual to it being graphed mathematically any laboratory allowed MIT Math Lab first to condone console as degrees for it to scripting art artistry coded wear other alike it for its original purpose the paramilitary used usefully still to weaponry Armory division soon but for now to Stanford Univeristy or Univeristy of Utah or BYU of it others alike degreeing if The Language Training Center nearby Monterey to unable to comply with schedule and OES the county grouped region ancien any countryside for listing of it alike the regional motive to houseletters spelling misguiding to return repeat attacks to full harm of it the Military intervening low lower crimes of to respond to by it being outsiders evilly grouped by the Churches coding into other alike determent a USN herald on loan to others this one site also called the alarm for an Industry of captain level Chaplain to it worldwide conference conferencing all schools out to two hours only option optional anyplace for it sudden need perceived conceived concept by the self and Judges all alike working with a World Court system employed employing all to Industry any such as this site's Fashion Industry a Resort World from Atlantis to it records recording plans loved by all working with FED any day and of the conference sudden all students to faculty a granted non-cost to of it from NASA the USN using also it the prior enter for it smarter technology corrects errors for it the terms ahn reality real of it plus your topic such today Captain or Chaplain A Industry most like it the need in Stockton California this topical port delta a good scene again for over it now Industry chaplains A level many having rejected it or twenty nine city sites on location records for viewing openly at the Department of State a Office of Protocol its Service to do for it the City of kind that demised itself from overt overbusiness possible by it the need to move others of a kin to workforce for a new business industry level and of recent repowerment by taking basic etiquette provided nongrabbing of asshole near literal to graphic by judge demonstrated today how to get this blogger others to describe perfectly the retraining levels of ancien coded prestige to this City of it for demonstration a silver level problem to gold level thinking akin as retraining is of gift getiquette kit this site or of it same listing at Office of Protocol Service anyplace any language equivalent of the preceding conference is of Mormon Church heads and governing former any anyplace as Vice President to it this countryside Americano site listed listing Al Gore on bulletin to give speech of to student and surprise professor de riguer at anyplace Stanford University plus in Utah the economics to FED glory level coded its story for to student the author this site sometime listing as dave_s a callsign Military and Mr. Ken Levy retired by some but of UCP and an own venture capital firm gripped austere economy superb performance level as of all ilk ilken kind same to explain also the not less esteemed by later placing in this email like education site listing in business practice anew blog His Majesty the illustrious don Vicente Cadenas Y a chief and herald of Governing Household of Spain in countryside recognized it his job of the Royalty military proceedings to all of records all any need to add to it the historical disposition applied modern force to incure the indominatable HsLordship the Lord Lyons of Scotland onsite in Stockton California both of extreme Embassy please level to define how to conduct the best attire wear not necessary only of behavior unaware corrected to it the better for it all filmed also but of live production allowed only for by some, others of soldiering their depot port of city of stocktonian guage a one lone soldier unable to do alone can enquire contain in it the workload anyday this pleasing one thanking all patient the Police and ilk the official type Law Enforcement for quietness requested the industrial site not yet but of official visits now to endure attractiveness of city made once a noble or notable award all on listed twenty-nine by Judge D this any Court House Justice System Judicial non royal courthouses this to employ more in each city as the recoding is done by day end of EDD or similarly each its own business governmental unit to allow as dignity of solo motherhood success the unusual demographic proven good workforce from it the training to also the renewal of a code to train public sector social clubs revamped as workforce to train for also the Ancient and Royal Society grants its use to be of it the focus of nonemployable coded by then now altered to train them also a workforce for being prestigious in under economy was hindered a city plan path to care of them for it lookover from Saint Andrews Society to retirements as all also alike social clubs the advised advisement level equal by former reactivating in workload over Vice President Al Gore to countrysides. Free gifts those below of continual CIA nearby promoted from former President Teddy Roosevelt personal fund to do a gift or a book or each or some more to public place populace to it for getting all need entertainment of it former fabulous to now future fabulous the equalizing textbook available availability of Fashion and ARTS the recent made most needed granted ask by topic yours or others of one and on prior sites to links of staff seargents seargents sites the actual topic sent some bookshelving included in underoffer to other game and training alike and etiquette a staff of DOD equal to do for governing ruling a system underemployed but not royally titled such as a social club dominant and the agenting of such similar system as the immediate response today in each city listed for revealed retaining an industry each or any other the NAFE and NOW and equal a Citicorp official at each for security purpose to help along:
* purpose_purposeful:novel; by taum_tom
* 9_of:text fashion code; by KSWISS
* vogue_pare_now:books by duo Vogue Magazine; by California State bear official search and rescue animal coded full human Alabrasus
* sxym:novel; by john_-go
* rain_or_shine:of gold attacks; by L.Gardiner, James Ricks doctor of entertainment, a head of state within it, and Metallica
* 20_and_1:text fashion code economic; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* vogue_pare_now_things:by Vogue
* on_un_music:song by Metallica with booklet
* a_new_poetry:by Angus Young
* accountancy_X01:ARMY Accountancy leveled; by govan of at any dot mil
* better_than_you:novel; Anna Wintour
*ask by topic
Hint helpful children keen on bear bobcat games educational stupendous response to soon be in also educational sites as well as their schoolrooms the first cannibuales a known unicorn legend derived from it the first animal granted guaranteed by its ability to house household livestock to do search and rescue with USMC plus others official already trained also as the first animal named therefore thereby being Alacuus the canniubale speaking then the first lengual as they do now and of the paramilitary language only formerly held only for it now revealed a Fashion Industry and of Resort World to Atlantis the City missing on records only to surface records recording still in tact, more of it on the California bears trained for search and rescue alongside the dogs K9 dob8 plus it from Moffett a Federal Airfield is name Alabasus the first bear also of it all.
Gratitude mine to other writers of sudden poll by judges and their own grouping lawyers private to the Writers Guild and RWA of asking who'd be a dream speaker at international conferencing and my name was the unanimous speaker of choice saying much to me of which offers I'd always be glad to send for joncular vernacular of soldier broque and a Queen's English spoken of official to comprehend more from by less of mine this listed the soldier in uniform a USN or of it to give grand speeches to their uniform discussion being discussed any legal topic to this an educational site permanent only to the USMC ARTS/R inquire after judges thorough inquiring or to my private site listing at each or any of Yahoo! enounters now thanking you the Good Readership; enjoy the site.
Kristin M. Wall aka kmwall
minister Ministry of Fashion also FFL and a SAS officiator and a Knight of Columbus
USAF director fashion/art designer also a RAF+
all ocm Marine Corp it USMC as co-head its ARTS/R
ARMY(any/ finance and in its USSF special-ops as unit a one
NAVY(any/ literature its project also of its USNSEALs a one unit
badge#101/+/USSS-ss1-DEAsherriffparamilitaryunitformed et al

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of pronged two fourteenth pronged announced referal of it this blog staff seargents seargents sites aligned to same data also any Police Station every morning o'clock sharply handling over calls in of this site alike gladly a run to for data more of day to OES any actual fear medical treatment for populace animalia plantology affected by also NASA ecology a save funded budget or number 400 daimond a grant name from any large Insurance company for smaller also to use any hospitalization hospital work on for or at any emergency clinic to truck type of emergency rescue needed sudden response for it all grants linked same possible done for restoring especially after burned cyanide drops by air illegalis to error for it by coded right but wrongful pull approach to it done by follower of managerial of it the system for airdropping raids two level into cities a berth avoided by nine hundred thousand sites receiving the harmful substance by clear air systems employed more good health resulting again from its sickening to malignancy contacted level attempted presumed by factual overlay the spray spackle like patterning of attempted ufology approached sites of contact too hot to touch air exaust pipe vehicular a type for comparing unknown why rescuers onsite Library any to usual cafe military installation coded by its grouping fourty four million of plus by Senate USAF USN Mexican systemized military a production level for it to do all work accounted for accountable to none any may approach for viable reason meeting reasoning called a forum open non magazine or military like tribal USA only expulsion from African group its group-YorubaTribeofficial. Gifting below and workload assignments to gather your own type by topic new to Soldier and others alike but gift permanent in a changinging world now thanking all Law Enforcement to Cvcc Civil and Military responding and preparation done. By CIA promoted this site others alike staff seargents seargents Militaries any for it the gifts ongoing to topical of day casework to military historical educational inclusive archival recommendable:
* brass_plum:music; by Metallica also inside book doom by John Nesbitt, kmwall
* denim_and_eight_how to wear to dinner; by joe
* moon_n_marks:by joe_beluga
* ring_of_truth; by bulshevi
* trend_a_off:text; by judge_red
* trend_d_oss_is:text; by kmwall
* drate:text; by Gene Wall
* dren:text red n; by quein_n
* eggnxoug; by tu_Tu', kmwall
* pendulum_true:text economy;by skat
*ask by topic
Work from free sort called worklisted at USAF AirForce1Office by calling contacting any official by topic legal works only.
Educational further a seminar series by additional data for it the ballroom in history to class classroom for it of now; another alikened the Egyptologist Egyptology for travel to Malta Isle as a fourth type of Egyptian studies of sties referring to all beginning levels in each an Egyptian Kingdom historical record recorded OES also two level and of alike to a Rosicrucian Museum in Santa Clara California of its ilk also to learn of in lecture series scheduled approved data for populace educational.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any a FFL a SASofficiating a minister Ministry of Fashion and Knight of Columbus only for written documentation of mentally retarded attackers medical manuals about
USAF director fashion/art designer also RAF+
all Marine Corp ocm its USMC as co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/ finance a USSF special-ops unit member of
NAVY(any/ literature its project also in USNSEALS a unit one
badge#101/+USSS-ss1-DEAsherriffparamilitaryunit et al

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies correctly coded homeland invasion game ploy to disarm inhabitants business structure personnel to business four level of home office to abroad of it attacked for plaguerism once to oneth mocked of one more time of it the income receiving production level being the hope fulfilled once stepped of all harm to clothing allure lost by once more worn unknown presumed again not allowed by goddess supposed law of homeless prostitution disbanded by all Churches Temples again against codes of conduct older than all others of Law of or also of current prophets recorded by USMC Religion all Governments allowing legal religion a structure required to be existing annexing required. Poisons air dropped over cities affected swaths nine hundred thousand logged all Police Stations by morning o'clock the listing of daily it the sickened animals needing care to Humane Society USA or any of Delta Humane Society also by USAF Dave on premises if calling contact to assist by assigned region swath an also assisted by foreign governments the mainlands of any other to isles by its structure known for emergency services levels OES the office named English a language spoken international code for all in human cuneiform -un taught by The Language Training Center all listing of it for deciphering useful District Attorney Office any alike for listed five hundred coded attacked by anyplace. Ten eighteen enacted by USA Congress all alike it worldwide to empower placement site to business owned to benefit by soldier any hired onto premises for own workload needing facility type such as air to breath well phone a system to correct to through it the gated community to do the enguardment also of it to pay through the USCongress fund for Kristin M Wall this blogger so named because it is a cause not specific to be found of it for it the blog tour to onsite of alikened the advanced Lawrence Livermore Laboratory site facility named tour against no corner undone a type site used ProcurementUSSS before in corner away from laboratory racing access air light facility a type thanking all volunteering their premise already by five am sharp o'clock listening to Kristin M Wall news on the radio provided new alarm clocks of ARMY regular to onto gift the public a soldier needing a place also to around rounded up by Law Enforcement a bonus aware group to title its pule if needing separating from other types awarding access extra duty extenuating circumstances not needing just placement for four type not enough of computer board like setting out about in places endearing such as fourty four million sites by morning a clue to get for day work to other from open forum called by USAF any place site like of Starbucks a corporate thanked for it and of other meetings allowed Senate often sited residing in area likely the giver also of future of site location to any airline to help also of other global grant alike and eight hundred gorf for form or it the verbage defining a language common. The gifts below of all alike on prior blogs a former President Teddy Roosevelt fund for it done in type economy allowed by CIA nearby to any of global refunded by it American Mexican or Artillery Mexico of to do choose by topic or use prior blogs benefits including tax credit IRS one for help schools district complete forms ordering timed or credit card companies any for better than free only allowed by all Court Houses all of them allowing it the lowered by one percent interest on credit card if used to order instead of free by topic chosen of friendly technology used knowing hundred percent dna genetic known USMC Reconnaissance free to low cost printout after at not Police Station or Court House worldwide thanking all Cvcc Civil Law Enforcement and private groupings security for extra help especially during overrun on it the cities misnamed Armageddon of ninety eight more found plus ninety two of prior to casework novelized gift herein to staff seargents seargents sites of also linking alike and to work below:
* abare':double board games chess akin to children remarketed also for grown players; by Walt Milem USMC chess expert, by Michqueakeounvm also
* brother_navajo:novel; by A. Stephen, L. Wall together writing
* dignation:novel; by cuall, kmwall
* y_trend_data:text; by dan_jaunnexsa
* pizza_chop:text fashion code; by kmwall
* fly_2:novel; by Doctor of entertainment James Ricks of USMC civilian hire global music leader
* hitman_one:novel; by sams_dav, rip_o_hedrich
* vatican_glory:novel casework included; by Al Gore
* tough:novel; by dean
* buy_one_economics_2:text by KSWISS, kmwall
* harm_and_delight:book with inside also how to take back a house; by Gary Gray
* jest:novel glove hate pair included; by John Jakes
* buy_one_hope_for_another:guide of buying daimond ring; by NASA
* transylvannia_sin:novel; by Jorge
* transulvannia_son:song; by James Ricks
* terrible:novel; by Mitt Romney, Matthew Voyeuer
* trends_again:brochure; by kmwall
* delighted_duo:novelized id theft casework too strong included; by den
* gep:novel; by ben_-go
* healds_held:sogno; by number eleven an internation James Bond real life like from Arabia of it all
* purpose_purposeful:novel direct assault; by taum_tom
sanctuum_prequel:novel; by kmwall
Work as HSUS extra employee by doing so arrival included with airlines listed header plus others by asking a grant four hundred found named it also of alike to airline it asking that the animals be saved that it is not for concern stayover by photo coupon called at Mayoral Office any to ask if more than one hour one day continual pay onsite stay places to encampment dignified digs of archeology alikened for sudden removal of wildlife alike to pets household such as this bloggers myself having own bears and bobcats at the household feeding to petting zoo like handling differing from trained search and rescue housepet lineal groupings needing nontouch affection any USMC fully trained only for it the hand held outstretched has scent on it after final training anomaly for pet like appearance to hold handle carry to safekeeping after especially bear funds food for it the wildlife keeper itself found stolen to make daisy dissy soup a type homeless prostitution stolen regarded as fare for them to lure away harming others the graceful species held by this blogger at home a new fifty one pounds visitor welcomed aggressive others not akin to USMC its training methods for it all allowed in homeland invasion coded to other likened emergency roadstop to zoo overflow anytime after retirement specialized to any day anywhere pups and kittens of it likely to over eight pounds some but mostly four weeks to eight months old offspring and livestock friendliness geared to search and rescue animals foreign abroad more accustomed to it this request by training for it specialty the Military Mexican Artillery USMC bound or of it any USAF type of exacting. Needing help call HSUS to do today or others later. Other work of listings free at USAF AirForce1 Office's free sort 'worklisted' no charges to any soldier any way to full reimbursement now total by USA Congress any alike it also worldwide to get data from CO any also its workload the commanding officer to any missing personnel the actual answer from some above abroad or not knowing where trapped held to worsened filed into manuals training if had not held by an enemy abroad such as this blogger's training manual of one stolen known casework only one found used attacking any cities of shared by a whole unit living in Stockton California recently known training here to assist hospitalization out care if overflowing only not for attacks upon but codes for medical care sudden to on the streetside curb type used only for it known casework for it of USSS a case 101 today to others later sent to by request filing into a special need specialized to detective detecting useful for new technology introduced by normal hacker prevention programs assiting is for it the purpose used now trainin on hand full to do use by asking normal remark it requests further data needed to exacting case closure if needed filed by form of it you to correct if Law Enforcement needing. To do no thing to get it already there now gifting all Governments usefully.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer and FFL + SAS an official of and a Knight of Columbus for mental retardation attacks by them only for and Minister in Ministry of Fashion
USAF director fashion/art designer and RAF+ specialty
all Marine Corp ocm its USMC as co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/finance also a USSF personnel special-ops category of in it also alike below to USN
NAVY(any literature its project for also USNSEALs one of a unit
badge#101/+USSS-ss1-DEAsherriffparamilitaryunitforhomelanddefenses et al

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Official alert Homeland Security its Agencies harm to others than only Fashion Industry personnel into Decor of Swiss-Sweden new trend for lifestyle formation swish a term sounding like both types lengual together but of day deterring outward more than outboard motoring into harm of delta waterways cities in nine hundred thousand grouping attacked per data actual all Police Stations global guaranteed data overflow overabundant phoneing into o'clock any by morning time theirs of Colorado a State graced by timeclock sync of its known timing to Stock Markets alike attacked by Destroyer a game level coded called threatened attack note to White House of it all to it being a false game true attacks on Economy this thus et al Judges at Justice Department any form of world level all synched to guarantee stock market timing of it the seriousness of it emergency responded level accurate and to OES if interested in continuing education to Stanford University a collegiate level credit for attending as A-level student in economics topic the day destroyer economy a private seminar free. Once data accurate on this site an official new to collegiate also accreditation level typed for Letters the Literature included inclusive for now with response to it for Contest noted herein non emergencies. The gratitude continues with prior sites and this all on the staff seargents' seargents' sites all linked for it other benefits listing to choose from applied of topic free for it the generous former President Teddy Roosevelt USA of it fund for type on use: of
* sogno_vote:music; Sara Brightman, kmwall
* sanctuum:novel mormono hatred; by kmwall
* love_in_mainstay_economy:text; by denver_unit
* s_elves; by Dave Barry
* blieve_please:nove; Jason of Argonauts
* savonetas_economy:text; by IRS, Roman, kmwall
* quen; by jo_-go
* ride_a_red_hood:novel techonology unusual within included from Dell-Cray interact; by Michael Dell, Gray Davis, denver_unit
* social_acumen_2; by Jeff Nesbitt; kmwall
* lights; by joe_blaugh
Work to get list Industry any Fashion Resort type asked for at USAF AirForce1 freesort worklisted plus book accomodating selfmanaged career by topic from it permanent site liked link.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any
minister Ministry of Fashion also SAS an officiating and FFL
Knight of Columbus
USAF also RAF+ as director fashion/art designer
all Marine Corp ocm its USMC co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/ finance plus USSF special-ops personnel
NAVY(any/ literature its project and also USNSEALs as one of
badge#101/+USSS-ss1-DEAsherriffparamilitaryunitformed et al

Monday, February 6, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of correctly coded homeland invasion of 11th to 12th pronged bought by USAF directors and USMC/USN head heads of state and others of Judicial official as into homes and offices fourth level any of plaguerism to clothes stolen of dna on as hair scalp skin full all taken left on victim other of another or none to use of clothing as past histories included by illegalis cultish or nearing military in training groups definite number connect if no data from actual black sun files listed OES orbs rounded by reentry from Moon a base none and for other than actual view of by noncontact to earth crust and of house to auto sized bouncing in first language earlier alphabet that is at any District Attorney Office equal global of being attacked by its the letters cuneiform of the language used mathematically to script create weaponry clothes trend demographic into Kinsean bell curve the FED data of day listing also of attacks by air drop turned over by only one soldier unaware triggered plus others apprehended midair by NASA for it the capture of planes a MIG see prior blogs submarine attack attempts delta city or alike deterred and of it attacks by movie scripts blockbuster type seen before the actual of it a plot to second plot of attack modes Mission Impossible of day and likened to romance novels misused to attack by second plots prior prongs Incursions doubled since same data daily any Police Station this blog staff seargents or seargents alieviate traffic into phones at each of fourty four million calls hour one any weekday with you Good Readership answering to blog calling or similar friendly link made already. Celebritized police occurring and Mayors Office gave many time to respond with this others alike listing works of casework into fictionalized novels plus and awarding similarly reminded no layoffs from work for them if low work performance low crime rate of attempted already in California plus any all EDD of it a system shown to prove it by Justice Department and Judicial Systems plus all heads of state approving no police layoffs for it they may work at will transfer over same place time data alike except for new opening to OES any region county for it likened to FBI police duo job on premises or as in Stockton USSS police with FBI same opening can also work for any airport security and where to call for it the type of emergency of that station is any campus police new for it. Free by CIA below listing more from former president USA Teddy Roosevelt the gift book topically chosen to other gameboards for schools or video to other enjoy benefit option from prior listed blogs.
* goon:novelized casework inside; by Richard Marcinko
* orle:novelized casework inside; by Al Gore, kmwall
* god_strike:novelized casework inside; by Tom Clancy
* pare'_bear_zoo:belgian board game included in new set stories games by California's search and rescue bear official Abracus and his friend bobcat today seen film included eating same bowl with animal language displayed replayable for translation; other alike
* -a_dry_heap:text economic Fashion Industry; by kmwall
* forester; by forester
* venga_van_gxogh:music hip hop art scene; by jim, mitch; dialogue by kmwall
* done_more_for_kristin_wall_than_any_other_groups_party_for_it_music_in; music; by Metallica
* gore:novel; by George Lucas
*bore:novel; by Lacey Love Periculaas, kmwall
*cow_neck:by big_bear
Seminar seen as Mormon mostly interest of any religion to styled leadership voting on before agreeing to follow order necessary in Military to respond snap a yes sir type to get done perfect form on timed emergency especially but Mormons have vote history to change by experts on it already contacted all churches denominations invited no cost provided some snack appropriate call any church building to OES now.
Workload USAF AirForce1Office freesort worklisted any every day topical self-managed by book provided topical system career manage.
Soldier benefits all by listed at any Mayor Office worldwide now.
Holiday Angel of South to NW done well by participants and crowd unmangeable of other following alike to them nonlegal though was handled by OES to overcrowds escaped mentally retarded persons disguised to mental health disorders them accessed to grouping into bullpen solace type accomodation until responsible grown person for them removes by medical exam no cost from permission handled by Knights of Columbus.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any and FFL
knight of Columbus and Saint Andrews Society official
USAF director fashion/art designer
omc all Marine Corp as co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/ finance and a special-ops USSF soldier
NAVY(any/ literature its project and a USNSEALs one unit
badge#101/+USSS-ss1-DEA-sherriffparamilitaryunit et al

Friday, February 3, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of Incursions added to ten pounds burned cyanide canister like a malathion type instruction course book flying pattern low level to scourge an earth formation developed by its patterning into humans the skin of any part affected by its by forty eight hours malignancy a cancer under formed but shocking bodily to health diverged intent logged to impersonate on skintone danger of close encounter ufology extraterrestrial as though near to craft unknown as if to have touched a vehicle tailpipe while running hot type nonattack by accident differing pattern for anomaly removal into ufo search for clubs of nonprofit origin similar of it all these reported at all Police Stations by early morning to exacting same facts ofinsurgencies into houses any to fourth of business for it the clothes war of on by attention to bodily or parts therefrom any of it a clothe item for war to gather any dna insurgents steal identities to underencountered of it to death dismemberment other crime labels of warfare coding by Police Stations worldwide 900,000 of handling data for it to Military any accepted bought from inclusive Judges real courthouses of doing submarine attacks into deltas alike prevention tours away as joust nongaming nonreenactment to any courthouse for their other kind stories of a president in USA history that did not want to run for office forced to and how he got into office to Judge Joe any for it overwhelming response already from broadcast unofficial here hereby library at Stockton a city in California guarded by NSA for all computer useage and often displayed arrix of design for network official protocol devised demanded to get into the firstly courthouse offering here a Judge named Joe today a Wall surname bloodline from it to ask for of one session only equal on timecard to divulge to employment of it alike the Navajaus a specialized tribe into City of to inform as they learn of their unusual dna gene bloodline link direct to Viking blood works lines of dna for it the uniform first developed a graped pattern a graphic of it from this blogger an author below listing about it none and of staff-seargent's/seargent's-sites links for more data included all accounted for ARMY(any/ finance for pay more also note of overseas to gauge anew for all soldiers returning also see to from by it FBI any office to land on footage soil done to increase pay to increased minimally plus to any other countrysides' while in it the matrix of paying arriving: an overseas amounting USD$190,000annum+ voted in by former President George W Bush last day call of official announced international news broadcast for it the added USD$40,000 to any soldiers annum increase none justly added and a required from through it the types attacks of listed this blog site others a linking and news international to White House any alike confirming all times for future 860 years or under of it the type pay funded already with from ARMY(any/herald USD$10,000 +$40,000 as added annum all sums of not divided between by others a person or known dependency grouping or alike their own accounted for with other of pay scales to alike to similar of it obvious aware worldwide the top pay scales a soldier soldiering into any front to dis or similar the benchmark top ARABIA the Consul of confirming conformed their hourly pay equivalent might equal USD$2Million anytime to it encourage. Below free for a grouped widening Holiday after declared by some banks to all school districts some areas of it also a FED supported learn economy daily day of it pink to purple already spotted on children for it the study of and its Civil War link to all USSF bloodlines of then the first of its to its headquarters or ask george a site named by CANADA special forces the alike and after the tale of it the one Northern soldier left alive after all overrun by insurgents dna of devised to do so onto battlefields removing uniforms or also known to ultra violence non gentlemanly warfaring of the then declared eleventh day of war now Civil War to American history mostly facts of PhD now MAdegree level or to SWEDEN a Country Embassy for it the factoid more servicing worldwide interest of, the Angel of the South focused NorthWestTerritories of it for gladness the workforce type production level to work in that area for a global product level sent by Trade Winds the routes of Tea Company and alike already known to OES for maps routes of it historical why they look same as alphabet letters also wind patterns into dirt lore formed there educating. Gifts below by topic if for you by CIA friendly technology noninvasive instant guaranteed hundred percent accurate dna read recorded already with actual backgrounds allowed for the person or animal receiving also considered other offers prior blogs still good for it if better for by courthouses to purchase agreed reduce to tax credit, thanking including all Law Enforcement helping with raid prevention into cities at county region borders all night aware and CVCC and Civil Office to Governmental employed assisting over:
* box_garden; by Steve Young '49er
* rival_ous:sogno; by Reba
* chieftan_strong:music; by Rob Zombie
* eleven:text guide; by Dr. James Marks, kmwall [to:school;work]
* deadly_vices:law enforcement manual level; by count_one
* bi_palladium; by rorrkqucaoavx
* celebron:novel; by dde_one
* brass_and_hoeker:novel; by chim, kmwall
* power_presentations; by fire_fighter_ron
* god_store:novelized identity theft casework included; by ship_one
* doveland:novel; by utica
* love_bites:novel sound art book; by kmwall
* encounter_free:manual to determine noncontact by ufo; by kmwall
* jacey's_sumer:nvoel; by joe_schmoe
* 49er_blues; by dan_dee_man
* pare'_blues:blues horn music by State of California bear Abelus transposed to school level
* d_day:novelized facts unknown within of insurgency forensics detailing; by don_dough
* daisy_day:guide FBI report inside microfiche; by dmj
* church_maus_v:novel Victorian girl teaches finishing school; by kmwall
* denver_white:text good glance; by ray_vo
* elven:text; by grea
* abex:novel; by djs_suffen
* 11s:text;encoded laboratory god given manual; by mickey_mit, Mitt Romney
Holiday listing free sudden plug-ins musical
* O_ruba; performed by the_short
* abelux;performed by Marylin Manson
* overlode:tire easily questionaire math carbohydrate ratio text level; by Dr. Barry Sears
* penelope_trend:novel and pearlized gift within; by FBI Director Muehler
*asking by any topic
*note of it requested for Angel of South by NW international a holiday sudden seeming to include demised by self sacrifice to guard all a USNSeal taum_tom and also NASA employed astronaut of cosmonaut eugenics bloodline honed identitified demised by identity theft attacks to murder and attack by his likeness any for money abroad only deflected by shooting down by judges on premises from Supreme Court and World Court so of the lyrical to a bootcamp form music known also of online also
-grant the day
-graceful a destruction to pain
-in full seed
-great of house remorses loss
-into shields
-(hum along chorus for grown up to child rhyme saying) the vagary o om some more (repeated stanzas free to also with musical score along soon by other at USMarshall's Office care for day to do any of to connect)
Working a soldier any tote can be useful including free permanently useable in all countrysides if gone home to find none also allowed to use grocery carts to any of abundant and to the public for awhile into strollers zoos types fund replacing for flowering cities a countryside alike trust fund benefitting them also for being resourceful a USSF specialty on its the grand day of it all in history to sadness share.
Real estate abroad or at home soldier in into free to noncost of care to now on of listed at any Mayoral Office its kind alike anyplace to other opportunity investing of it from listing types soon to as here on blog before of Countryside announcing its recovered by casework from imbezzlements there to soldier here for up to resort land invest.
Work of a kindness paid from USAF AirForce1 Office or EDD in California or any District Attorney Office listing it or of same similar grouping to it the clean up of museums any affected by attacks of Holiday an angel named or for it a specialized cleaner to USN for it any seen.
Contest many are winning many levels please go to courthouses D asking for for remaining wins of to the Judges' decisions worldwide printout of to other sites for as the court cases arrive to disclose why one won not another or if poem of by a police in not seeming allowed type cases to pulled for it all to win or no going over it fascinating data alive a church link also. Thanks for participating in my this blog site official Military and personal PhD referential to any Arts dark history of of Fashion History Costume History or On fashion type for education all levels nonpostdoctoral permanence.
Trend on a Marie Antoinette hair coloring kit available any textbook store selling hers about it texts this site listed prior or akin.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any
minister Ministry of Fashion
a knight of Columbus
FFL one of
an SAS official
USAF director fashion/art designer also RAF+
omc USMC its co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(/any finance and soldier USSF+
NAVY(/literature its project also USNSEALs as a one
badge#101/+USSS-ss1-DEAsherriffparamilitaryunitof et al
a business mine:

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Salutations, official alert Homeland Security its Agencies of Incursion multipronged a duo today of noted added 1002 from a USAF and another 1119 days from another USAF with 90 days in matched to uniform to style of Military officialness in approaching to attack any method but by methodology nonbehavior any of a Military known such as Boy Scouts of America code of ethics and conduct available to all public view compare to our own the Military. Guise none. Submarines on chase of tour led away from Stockton a city in California by local judges and Army general towards Oklahoma a state by underland tunnel apperature and oncrust earthward top by file name in OES for it all to understand. Cyanide canisters of 50 pounds avoided further today after soldier in air spotted new sign signal to do after a 40 pound cannister burned cyanide to malignance in under 48 hours was distrubuted illegally by air of planes unaware a MIG style formation this run of not of formed plane a hybrid one of known allure to movie industry in pursuit purchased by USAF colonel and general buying lot. FBI is Medical and Services Laboratory for it any organ transfer to approval firstly for it to use #400daimond a grant of from for it all to go to get it any big insurance company to full cost covered linked if of emergency services level alert for or any animal rights grouping to helpful for it onsite the actual transfer has been done already, gratefully an expression of your Good Readership service. Of it the urban defense training center of the USMC on Stockton's its delta formation normal from beginning in factual pattern and to its any Mayoral Office equivalent worldwide to gather soldier its benefits aquired now where placed if missing effort to get to not a found yet a-working about it all the military personnel already at human capacity and plus of clergy to help get rightful keep upkeep to known food benefit immediate to one day one week one month one year already from USSF at OES for it all gear into gifts designed for this site staffseargents'/seargents'-site linking, a thank you for populace gifting many of topic to prior offers still good from IRS equal or any credit card company for using for nontopical not yours of interest, to CVCC especially thanked today and of Law Enforcement usual and Civil Service Offices responding immiately; pick a topic, request, by freindly technology:
*topic search by and suggest new pare gift by Abelecus.
Commentary, of PETA others unable to perform Military task military gauging if non-livestock primed to support its unusual move to gear gauge for slaughters livestock only if upkept well no tortured animals to underkempt kept unwell to food stock as it is bodily poison level for food of animals to care for in omnivore status a poison acid of unwell livestock known by USA/Military any, support no other this site any Military any Government, thanking them for being aware announcing beyond their own knowledge a breath analyzer for food not normal to a person's known " riguer thought by unknown... not allowed courtrooms or other alike official from all Presidents and Heads of State announced already via Military radio like alike a system founded unfound elsewhere to do CIA tour of it from NSA library like museum gear grandness scale where kept unaware to public populace for rescue to horses geared to sudden death dismembermbent without anesthetic from sudden television announcement blare of certain surprises all courtrooms Courthouses official stopped for it and all governments honoring the place of a civilian mode role of a nonprofit group unaware aware of its subject matter the Horse being tortured by morning daily ritualized attempt to 'unadjusted' a law about religion under the law attempt to rape by bestiality or otherwise torture an animal a person or alike it another geared to CDC or Justice Department a counseling session or to others of ilk extorted such that PETA listed as better than to kill the animal than to have it happen to it them or other onto the exacting legal surveillance announced internationally for it the USMC Reconnaissance into all Courthouses Police Stations or ilk free printing of immediate to other technical.
Contest, another win in category one literary its horror and of it listed before announced congratulations worldwide a cowin 8th level placed for Lorraine Guest for Wheel Oft Time.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any
minister Ministry of Fashion and a FFL and a SAS official
USAF director fashion/art designer and RAF
ocm its Marine Corp USMC's co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/ finance and a USSF special-ops unit one +
NAVY(any/ literature its project and SEALs member unit alone
NASA mascotted paramilitary air to on land under any waters into et al

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Salutations, official alert from Homeland Security its Agencies and of it a clothes war categorized for suntans to clothes of a new trend or old spotted into home invasions are coded as in 900,000 cities evenly numbered for it alike by at any Police Station all synched by early morning as SWAT officials of met over cafe meeting site data points with Homeland Security its open forum meetings OES equipped and others attending alike of also alert groups naming holiday once military unit Angel of South in artwork pointing heraldic correctness Northwest same as this site declares for unformalized but of noted alternative studies groups and religions noteworthy attentive to USNSEALs loss and NASA cosmonaut eugenics grand bloodline contributed missed as Thursday someplace to famed hiphop bands any major change at to console with an hour OES attending if needed to Yoruba Tribe as Forum Mexican for Wardrobe plans planners to any library research enjoined junction point there of education level to reference desk in its language spoke pleasing with translator. Alert to submarines in attack formation until own countryside's arrived plus others aligned as judges in City of Stockton California stopped raids as per queue personally with trained raids prevention manuever owned by it their desktop sitting level to view if security cleared deterring second day on of dawn attacks into homes business up to four; to tour it alike during day broad light the metal version of or wooden submarines of any Colonial to Victorian era as this blog authored before for funding a system in churches known to stories textbook level all about in university level your Good Readership supporting of call mayoral office any city now for scheduled tour quietly to Stockton this city of it; to viewing of pet sharks raised by USN for homeland unused security until now and dive trainers Navy Maui in port to tow as with those arriving own owned. More airdropped alerted raid equivalent burned cyanide 11 pounds day of by MIG type alternating to micron level destruction destroying of it link to staff seargents seargents sites now on also alerted sickening to ecology populaces persons 80 pounds by another P51Mustang. Sudden training at will first time at this delta Stockton California waters urban defense city training structures USMC first guarded by ARMY on. By any nearby CIA to its American counterpart Mexican also to Artillery for refunding to the office for the found teddy bear fund gifting to populace for it all any topic this these blogs aligned now ongoing to other offers prior no cost extra charged for past 40 any service providers or or charged any cost fee to it alike to any soldier for this any commanding officer email site data or alike it to pick work get commissioned like from the listing publishers for; enjoy, thanking all Law Enforcement and CVCC and Civil Service and others of ilk such as educators and social networks to clubs of legal to help with at nonprofit level volunteerism to other homeland defensive:
*a:new poetry; by Angus Young
* vegan_blues:cuneiform music formed by 909s_band_blues
* better_than_you:novel; by Anna Wintour
* eyewear_to_compete_with:helpful guide; by denvenix
* overlode:tire easily?math carbohydrate ratio; by Dr. Barry Sears
* gone-with_the_wind:novel analysis music scores in; by john_ju, Reba, Dr. of entertainment Jim Ricks
* copper_boats:novel; by HM a Jamaican King, kmwall
* grand_acre; by Bob Lily, joaueaxueven
* nine_none; by Sir Paulus
* gas:novel casework in; by sam unit_1
* penelxope:trend; by FBI Dir. Mueller
* pare':more bear bobcat game lore two level toy batteries required in of it for all enjoy; by new found hybrid search and rescue trained already both of wildlife trained named dandonodaneusen
* kill_the_mongher:song by Metallica, NOVA show production staff, doctor of entertainment Jim Ricks, kmwall
* sogn_of_life:by he_bear
* sogno_of_love:by kmwall
* done_right:by Justice Department Gene Wohl
* humanoid; by bo
* sunday_sweet; by a joe
* -a_dru_heap:text; by kmwall
* sopa:novel; by viavnu
* right_away_question
* food_and_four; by Laura Moore
* jones; by hose_unit
* jesus; by jen_outlaw
* den_us; by duqac
* right_away_question_man:text; by dan
* soldier_due:by kid_by_the_way
* eyewear_to_compete_with;by denver_joe
* church_maus_f:novel; by Judge Leon of Stockton
* love_an_hour:novel palladium level; by Stockton PD and cop_joe
* hors_curves; by houervoeanosherrr
Contest a winning congratulations set to grouped category eight literature blue to swath of historic ancien cookbooks dreams gains increases by hope grant guy level story gallons wavy the trio first place awarded to silverado_recipes by denver_jacque and sherwood_forest_recipes by beland_joe; How a Woman Vote in New York Versus Other Places by Missle East Movem.
Identity theft alerted former vice president of USA Al Gore recommends joining social clubs that recordkeep. Less identity theft to unrecoverable of as a result of.
Noted personal by request courthouses aligned to notify all readership known contacted that I am the only one born with this name used of the blog similar to exacting licensings nonphoto accuracy of errors have happened but name changes to mine not allowed again by courtsystems again per contracted all countrysides. For dominating contracts to all and all militaries on view Police Stations or of DOD to NASA head offices for it.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer any
minister Ministry of Fashion
FFL and a Knight of Columbus
USAF director fashion/art designer
all Marine Corp its USMC co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/ finance
NAVY(any/ literature its project and SEAL special ops unit a one
badge#101/+USSS-xx1-DEA-sherriffparamilitaryunit et al