Hello to everyone, and I'm glad to be back on the blog with you after the recent election which I worked as one of the inspectors. My comrade in the Marine Corp who heads it told be about such jobs and it was also gratifying to have the USAF once again help guard the polls and your data. This year, the Incursion II to IV were after voting records as detected beforehand, but that is already past. Today, there were four million in exacting count trying to raid this part of California that were deflected by the combined efforts of the Military and Law Enforcement. We were reminded of the prior successes of stopping ten million that were attacking from embezzled monies over many years with which the attackers arms were purchased. The military installations are having a good amount of people come in for the medical treatments that are the rights we've given them after they've been attacked by Incursionists who are raiding and invading. I'm glad to be your official and permanent commanding officer.
Just remember, you may never enter or otherwise trespass on our properties or into our houses or cars or such without permission from us, ever, as we are the protected households of the military and special-operations that are protecting your areas. The penalty for such trespassing is instantly execution of anyone who does, so do keep your homeless behaving family members away from us and in responsible reform programs already underway, and especially your imbecilic youth who have been caught in droves raiding homes to shower or do laundry, etc., because they thought some adult in a recent authority roles told them they could do so, now and again. Those are lies that are obvious and are considered the Incursion tactics that have been declared war against, including that by our Heads of State against 'illegalis' which is anything listed other than what is excepted such as jaywalking levels, and more. "You can avoid becoming an enemy of the state," is one way to explain to those you have responsibility for guiding into the correct and law-abiding modes in life, permanently. Another form of attacks upon the 800,000 affected cities by the Incursions is that of medications to others that is not theirs, and now as of yesterday no one may diagnose still anyone in public for any medication and only psychological disorder medicine without six months of constant non-medicated state testing, first, even if decided upon by family members. After six months, perhaps a medical need can be determined for medications, but certainly anyone caught diagnosing or prescribing medicines to anyone in the public or even claiming to be long lost family finding them to put them on medicines as in the recent waves of attacks on the general populace are forbidden forever. There is no excuse for allowing others to dupe you or anyone you know because they sound so official or bossy and such. So, remember, no one receives their medications in public places, and of course no one may enter your home that you don't know and just suddenly have you put on medications. There are many hospitals and doctors offices where you are only to be treated and tested for possible medical needs. While this last election was underway, our citys'Water Works were commendable for rushing the proper filters into the water systems to prevent massive doses of medicines from drugging the city by water. Five filters were what the USAF thanks them for using to rescue the cities. Hurrah to all those who help out in such moments, whether it is their job or not. Remember, that it is officially considered a poisoning if you receive medications that are not yours, not a proper prescription, or that you were unaware about if you are in your regular health mode. The law enforcement casework now reflects poisoning and the Military is glad to have these referred to the military files as is procedure because we have the data for it and are correlating more data.
I have thought recently of taking a vacation, once my vacation fund is at an appropriate level, and it comes to mind that being in the Military, a rule that changes my social lifestyle including on vacation is in effect. That is that I can't take a vacation alone, although I can travel alone or work while travelling alone. But, a vacation is different, and does something healthful for the mind and body. It is needed by most people about two times a year or for about two weeks a year, at least. But you can take a vacation at home, which I've done before. My dad and I used to take a vacation at the same week and compare our schedules, because we'd do vacation things as a family at home. Yet, I did a few things alone in town such as going to museums, if I wanted. Some of the quiet benefits to the special-operations urban defense groups that are available from private families include vacation homes that can be used by the soldiers for quiet vacation trips. Check your benefits, and you may find you have an opportunity that you never thought of to go away for a few days.
Illegalis is not a momentary state, and remember that conspiring against anyone has also been declared war upon by our own president, and that includes even trying to set up someone for an unknown or unwanted date or sex partnership. It will get you or anyone else executed by the military if you do such a wrongful act, even if you thought it was helpful. Just leave everyone alone in their personal lives, get your own work or work orders done, and in the future the USMC will assist with 'sociability' as it is hiring for it now because the Churches and schools are short on time or money, respectively. Most of America's mental disorders I'll reiterate are due to sociability issues or lack of correct social lives, as it is, by trying to long and too hard to only include people from your jobs in your social life. We'll be glad to have the USMC show how to be mentally more healthy and therefore improve your experience in social life with the future sociability. There are actual job openings in that area that you can apply for now, if you already know what it is and have the medical or counseling background or even if you are involved correctly in such things as social clubs. Meanwhile, if you try to 'work on' someone else's social life or plans, etc., against their will or without their permission it is considered illegalis and conspiring against. And the consequences are the Military will pursue you to the point of execution for such conspiracy. At the USSS offices are lists of what constitutes conspiracies as that is a bulk of what we are trained in, as I've explained before.
These blogs need to be short for now due to the time limits of the Law Enforcement being on timed sessions so that they can work at their regulated pacing that we in the Military have learned about. Therefore, it is our courtesy to try to provide optimal environments for them to be working for us (not alongside) as we continue to hire Law Enforcement for the psychological pursuing of the Incursionists. Incursion IV is the last one which will be talked about openly with the public as the numbers V onward will be used by the Military and mainly be underground. Be ready for much in the way of tunnels, and if you're in the area of Sacramento, I've heard from visitors that the tours by the Mayor's office of the Incursion I tunnels is sensational, for only $10 per tour.
The Arts is something on the topics very much this week, and I'm glad to hear many are ready to discuss them more often. If you have Performing Arts background, you may be interested to complete a survey from the USAF Air Force One's office: Project Fashion, which is coinciding with the USMC Arts. We are curious what your experience has been and is now in that field.
Fashion is a courageous area to include in Literature lately, for a variety of reasons; if you are interested in including it in your own literature, then you may contact the USNavy Project: Literature for guidelines or interviews or experiential sites. This has been helpful for many authors and writers as it is a hard topic in fiction to sell, although it is a popular topic for other areas. The Royalty is another future fiction topic that is hard at times to sell. But, I'll look at that future trend with you again, in the future. It will help to remember the difference between fiction and real life; nowadays, royalty are not available for fairytale romances with the commoner, and are actually in contract to permanently only be in romances with their own kind. This doesn't affect storytelling, or the vicarious experience of it, but due to the levels of attacks upon actual royal bloodlines the old rules have been returned by those who are in authority to do so in the Royalty and also with the Governments and Churches. So that you know. Many a lower level of royal bloodline, though, is often what catches your public attention as interesting, and some of their rules are less stringent but truthfully, most of whom you have been favoring in the limelight often are mixed up by you in a friendly manner with the royal guards or the secret service decoys. That is okay, for most of the time, as what you are interested in is certain levels of lively or entertaining pomp and circumstance or activity.
I'm off to listen to some opera today, and do some sketching, so I'll look forward to being on the blog again with you in the future. The Military animals are all doing fine and are having visits to the zoos which have extra enclosures in protected areas for search and rescue reasons. My cats enjoyed the very large reptiles that are at the zoos just now after one foray underground in search and rescue. Your regular security clearances are able to get you in to see these animals and lectures are available. Enjoy.
Linguists are needed as well as old-fashioned communicators in job project openings if you can apply through your clergy or military recruiters to help us all out. The jobs entail simple or complicated things such as explaining to those who don't know and are riled up the difference between nickname level terms used in the Military or Law Enforcement such as 'the Street' being Wall Street or other financial market terrains, and that is obvious in the context of legal documents used by the Military. There have been far too many unusual attacks on the public because someone or a group peeked at a legal document and misunderstood the term the Street and erroneously gave themselves a job from no one to try to drive the person on the document homeless on the street in that context when it wasn't their business, anyhow. But there is a huge difference between being on the financial districts and the markets, and especially buying stocks and bonds which are normal in businesses and taught in accounting courses, business management, and legal for businesses and governments to invest in at a standardized percentage for that sector of business. There are presentations and lectures to be done and even prepared, artistically, speech writing, etc. The Street is the historical term from the Victorian era of investing styles which I blogged about at an earlier time. Tables and chairs were set up along streets by the telegraph offices or near banks so that the everyday person could walk along a street and make their investment at a table, lope over to the telegraph office with their order, and then be able to return to the same location on any other day. That is how it came about, and the term has been the same since the Victorian era in the Military and with other governmental functionaries.
Take good care of yourselves, and I'll look forward to being on the blog again soon.
Sartorially yours,
K.-Marie Wall
your commanding officer
Thursday, June 10, 2010
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