Salutations, Incursion2(x)iii as Incursion VI underway by attackers to homelands correctly coded by Homeland Security as homeland-invasion level attempt in re-targetted into homes to rape attempts of children out of class and of poison-by-household-items(cleansers)force-injected into veins of victims hostage on illegalis homevideo typed phone/internet sent real-footage-replacment of special-effects attempts again crimes in swath see USSS 1018badge case file of and San Francisco Police Station to Library in for 'draino-crucifixion' attempts to its City Councilmembers files and those responding directly to search and rescue attempts previously of Tenderloin located, now circled swathed about: not bathtub scenery sent by reenactors declared illegalis. The search and rescue teams need 1/4 of time to appear for travel to locations; of USMC ARTS/R work to do, and of special-effects laboratories of Hollywood and similarly common casework to USSS of raided laboratories that then have copycat crimes to large amounts of imitating fake with real attempting to sell or force onto public spectrum, visible. Use of existence 'symbol' approach to search and rescue equations on most police handheld and other emergency personnel, familiar since May 2010 Incursion 1 plus into cities against Music before and Fashion Economy now. Funds for search and rescue borrowed from public refunded by U.S. Government bonds #800-diamond of Ness pooled 240 amounts of economy held for warfare actions against countryside in any amount. See IRS for 2 days for, FTB(CA) afterwards for full refund to search and rescue. And into delxuette funds for same. Gold found by USSS motive of non-motivations in crime type imitation of warfare styled attempts by non-affiliated with legal country/code/church/etc. Found yesterday, 4100 USSS agents worked on restoring to the Government of Spain from the Victorian Era missed by of 1801 to 1804 expected in the Northern California comstock region (Gold Country later) two schooners of 'queen's gold'. Typically these silver coins dubbed and HM's gold was loaned to port cities anxious to open for business, collateral only. The region (county now) benefits, from the loan, too, to modern. The schooners were wedged into under-crust of surface tunnels and surrounded by ash from 340 B.C. volcano used as bobby-traps to stop searchers and scalding many booted legs retreiving the ships. The schooners are removed from the comstock lode areas, fully, and the 400 hours of work anticipated was shorted to overnight by the fully arriving USSS personnel, thanked, and the County employees handling the historic interchange. Also, thanks to the coinage experts and the earlier collectors turning in smaller parts of collections from a few coins to sailor's chests full of, to once full gauged and dramatically defaced business of government carved carrying trunks. Also, to Police who helped interfere with heist attempts late in the day, yesterday with distractions of borrowed and bought elegant jewels made for the royal in taste: to Dept. of State for purchase-sale available now for the nostalgic to the patriotic funding protections of neighborhoods in the 900,000 affected by Incursions I - XXI cities. Less notable, typical of a USSS day, were up to 50 attempts to takeover countryside to White House level by women disgruntled leading non-legal cultish groupings but not particular of Incursion-6-types, and as usual deterred to destroyed attempts to. For search and rescuers joining in please indicate your timed arrival for quartering such as hour to deliver is 15 minute travelled to destinations of location searched; to rescue, any trained welcomed at this point - to Veterans Administration officially now to do - for wide swath attacks home-homelands. Thanks as success defending from Incursions I-2(x)iii is today lower at 40,000 home invaders paramilitary styled attacking in affected cities, from 180,000. And tanks below.
The Senators are to be thanked for providing a new but hesitantaly accepted group of new tanks to the Military as the color-painted ones are better received, and personnel that are needing trained tank repair persons hard to find, lately. After four unknown not from USA rolled into the Midtowns on Mainland, other country governments heads of state arrived with assistance to defend from because they'd had it happen there. U.S.Congress finding me an hour daily of work for them included the tank disbursing task, and so that to ease acceptance by soldiers a tank painting contest of actual ones is now on: ask at Moffett Federal Airfield and soon at Travis AFB, too. Into Sea World for over sized lot capacity needed, and regular background checks needed more than for air shows to participate; photo ops and contest wins. See also free sort 'worklisted' at USAF AirForce1Office.
In 4 A.D. when Incursion rounds attacked countrysides a time before, senators were invited firstly to new or open 'councils' modernly translating into representatives. Skin logs of these early fan clubs called gatherings are available from the O.E.S. nearby, asking for. Also noted history relating to Incursion2(x)iii typed-communication of Wildlife into homes as terrain warnings are 5-part foot-pad prints equal to identically placed and interesting housepets; declared warning of terrain invasion by miscreants to insurgents-dna or similar. Historically the beginning of the modern Americanism 'barefoot', as the California light bears of small stature or weight are noted making footprints that are recently declared up to full-human status of the 143,000 populating the state of search and rescue use for 7 years working animals by Military known (many retiring now) that were historically the first 'housepets' recorded in human histories. The kaunake a fitted 'gaun' dress like covering was cut and designed and sewn from deceased light/white bears from the Mesopotamian records also of defending the areas against invasions (see miscreant invasions earlier blogs and seargents' sites of). White bears were beiges, too. After death and after being housepets, they were then used for skins in clothing. The style considered now a first trend stuck lasted 156,000 years approximately. O Until Indic and Polynesian noted trend bringers, unchanged much, then about every hundred years (most trends lasted up to 81 years). First hair trend recorded imitated other Wildlife pelts demonstrated by combing fur into tufts with combs, picks, selecting wave/spikes; crown of head then braided rows pushing hair ahead motion to up (away from backsides). Today, wind patterns from used Trade Winds historically moving (to sod delivering to farmers and farmlands visited as markets placed) left matrix of now rythm-11-wind: any of its parts to whole add to '11' on scales used, daily may be part 11th but adds by day's end to. To scale, maps for sale by Steve Wall as S.Wall on linked seargent's sites. Types of reviving economy products found in ancient to mythical from Arthurian and Aragonia Courts filed UFOlogy is a recipe for frangiapani soap splash done yesterday to try for market sale by SWAT FBI Honolulo, HI of Lemurian styled, funding your neighborhoods direct area protections to their teams use for. Pleasant floral. More on history to limited supply of explained there. Ask for 'space RIP' if calling regular FBI switchboard to Honolulu office of.
Ecology of economy degrees are being earned at many Universities and Colleges into sudden ones for ancien to modern calculations using examples in zoomorphic to botanical symbols to other anthropomorphic symbology explaining business trends to solutions sets for Kinsean bell-curve documented Economy. Ailing economies to trends for more business affect. More soon, meanwhile ask for one at Stanford University to California State University levels or request added to programs such as as SUNY, BYU, and others inspecting such prospects over the recent holiday. Some topics of you the Good Readership read here and other sites and on the international news noted already, and of 'homework problems done' already by the Ancestors to regions' logs (on macabre human pelts for researchers): in Counties here, those used in attacks on countryside to home invasions from benign benevolent usefulness only codes of economy USD$4 from Stockton District Attorney Office grants for acceptable to vouchers and of lists defined.
More books for sale from CIA credit card purchase free to those who need-to-know inluding law enforcement a couple more books on timely fashion economy:
* The Letter of Symbol Cuneiform: hot to approach it, by James Marks and K.Wall (study guide later to be offered)
* J, by Jon Marks and KMWall, (of fashion code for Economy, Fashion-Resort at 6-parts)
Remember for above to use CIA number given from office nearby at purchase prompts.
For educators
Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
USAF, fashion director
USMC, ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any), finance
NAVY(any), project literature
USSF-SSwith, USSS-DEA-#1018, USNSeal, et al
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