Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Salutations, free to soldiers all C.O. data and work data to do all Courts ruled 24hours24days ago repay automatic, official news coverage lended data form-xU!asi[FFLusefulAlready] Incursion-XiX sent to 800,000 of 900,000 listed by Police Station any global affected by Homeland Security Agency correctly coded homeland-invasion attempt by double-unlawful Old Laws New also of 140 days ahead anticipate of it at 91 incursion raids/invasions business-2-4/homes extortions to deadly disarming by playful approaches normal weird seeming ends 94 gallons gas syphoned from all victims ahead by enemy-declared repay automatic to any system deduction/sent/verified by IRS/equal for it, to rule as Rome again was today's over-ending by 30.56hoursNAMnormcode, housed defending affected areas get list where fully allowed cost covered by Mayoral Office's list law passed all to give soldiers full jurisdiction + on news said by heads-of-state, ago 40hours, level-1 gear overtried replaced by free level-2-7 all use of allowed to city climb scape soldiers-2 descend into tunnels apprised/acclimated areas for it, delta waterways here and alike residents trained 81% over 9.5+ years bootcamp by USSF/USN+/Senate at-home, for, bi-level; -un-dna paramilitary eugenics met whites of eyes in defense of, Armenian not indigenous now twice tossed away by breaking Law/their-law, to unlanded normal growth populaces expect by Reconnaissance the objective grouping 40Million likely calculated could've been 840MM per SPAIN Government, off support type raiders since 1910 unheard no call for. All potatoes days at U.O.P. kitchen taught rooms other schools doing and Thursdays all spaghetti at; some pizzerias opened accounts all pizza to soldiers O.E.S. leveled workloaded person/nel repay ARMY Accountancy/Finance or Paymaster system anew gained 80 employed to revived workload missed CIA found datafiles to get pay by new-known. Education units given from Stanford University 2 now ago's problem answered 2nd way alxo or 2 courses C.E.U. school systems transferrable. 30 black sun orbs archives O.E.S. or FED data, tours any Air Force Base USD$43.x. Tourism Stockton, CA, 4077th displayed actual not props led by request, from lored to tv series top charts again. All soldiers receiving grants gift from populace by this/seargents'/staff-seargent's-sites. Lode on any credit card used to buy non-topic off listing on sites same get 1%lowered interest rate and IRS gives 1/2 credit or deduction-full to party for 24.10 hours ago listing, or topical free to you, Good Readership, includes soldiers any of listing ideal gift/text/book/data/ware/music/sound/video-media-need/filmage/training/+ to useful for ARMY Reserves gets gear by it first as in, thanking all, from Teddy Roosevelt's fund free stuff in downtime economic:
* dun_deux:text, officer_1
* dun_rome:text, officer_2
* dun_raum:text, officer_3
* freak:novel; by bill, kmwall
* lackey:novel; by greg_u, kmwall
* war:novelized, dinosaurs, casework in; by kmwall [to:war;2]
* right:novel; by dan_jack
* jean:novel; by john_dough
* sir_soll:novel; by sir_paul
* gad:novel; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Col. Michael Ontiveros, Bob Mayer (of .org), Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* go:of San Francisco ploys evil game to death; by Mormon Church official unknown
* no_peace_time; by ray_von (Swiss Army to SWEDEN)
* swiss:tome, kingdoms; by kmwall
* transulvannia:system of it casework; by Judge Anthony "tony" Stockton, judge_d, Bob Kubena SFD, kmwall
* brando:novel; by joe_maum
* sport:novel; by Randall Grey
* cancelled:novel-2; by King of SWEDEN
* mines:novel; by State of Utah, a_unit, Jean-Claude Crhi, 3
* glob:novel on blog; by dan
* dank:novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* devastine:code on honor, Fashion Industry destruction; by kmwall
* his_way_at_elder_day; by Mathew Voyeur
* delhi:novel; by Bob Mayer, Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, Michael Ontiveros, kmwall
* write:a novel list how-to in production mode volume
* nein_n_force:music; by RAT, Dr. of entertainment Jim Ricks
* bravissimo:tale, general; by dane_reigh
* songbook_a; by don_jay
*rigs:novel; by little_henri, dom_don; kmwall
* calhoun:novelized; by Man, Mons Asinarius Monks to Turin
* arm_and_armour:novel; by Capt. Gs
* dunf:novel; by ray_rey
* sargohm:novel, hate war; by Al Gore, Ham
* rough_boy:how bear won home; by judge_d, kmwall
* tres:novel; by richie_rich, kmwall
* hatho:music; by Ham new group CIA recommended
* left:text, new economics Fashion; by den of unit_1
* gamus:tale, queen war, gamble; by rich
* 20_music_stars, 6 repeat stanzas, production notes, instructions, fast to slow, 2-afficionado, art1st; by Jim Ricks, kmwall
* mochas:novel; MI installation; by icual, Steve Martini, Jim Plunkett, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, James Clavell, John Jakes, kmwall
* a_marraige:lore, love wear/ware; by costume historian john_juk CIA recommended
* -a_breath:text,economic soln; by kmwall
* envelope:novelized; war hate dna; by HM a Jamaican King, USSS, kmwall
* his_bay_r.i.i.p._and_kkong:text, quan fashion level art style; by unit_1, dean [to:war;2]
* dubb:novel; Atlantis, Aragon, Socrates systemized attack, dubloon; by jon_jon, Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, kmwall
* won:how to win a contest well, low joke book, by loser model; kwallace of Taaje Models
* via_won:novel; 1/1A.D. via-unit; by Bruce Borg, kmwall
* syrum:novel; extra macabre; define dissect; by bob_m_oran, kmwall
* how_to_sell_a_design_2:brochure/pamphlet; by kmwall
* how_to_draw_a_thumb:brochure/pamphlet; by kmwall
* gaul:novel, Top Gun; by Stephen Kissinger
* bone:novel; by daque'
* jane:no tarzan joe military; bykmwall
* trendx0:text, off; kmwall
* navy_gray:fashion codes, common; by jim
* seven:text, way of; by kmwall
* one_way:tale; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, kmwall
* night:novelette; by Night
* zebra:novel; by dan_dough
* zaruff:novel, zoo; by denver_jake
* eleven:text, gore, glory; by kmwall
* transylvannia:system of it; by judge
* ask for topically any normal of blog/s listing
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF director fashion/arts, designer
all Marine Corp of it USMC of its ARTS/R co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
#101/USSS-ss1-DEA-sherriffParamilitaryUnit of, SEALs,
RAF/NASA, mascot workloaded
Ministry of Fashion
Ministry of Fashion

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