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* bay:novel; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey
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* 8th; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey
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Mayan, errors made by Military prone to and attackers into city inlays result from 32 cuneiform letter/numbers used only for archives but of prayed to system attempted by over zealous to Mayan-16: ittamna, kinish ahau, ix chel, pauahtun, chac, hunNaal, huracan, um cimih, xbalanque, ahaule, kanah, pacal, nohoch ek, U, chibil kin, balam, kumatz, sotz, tukur, muluc, oc, chuen, eb, ben, ix, men, cib, caban, edznab, cauc, ahau. Others useful as gaming, lore, to do at staff-seargent's/seargent's sites on link.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
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Kristin, Sightings reported. DNA insurgents captured. 860 years of warfare leads to Rule of Lucifera. I have top secret mission.