Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Salutations, 101 black sun archives expected orbs with cuneiform patterning known arrived on-time through the ozone layers and caught again by NASA dominating with netting specialized, and of same numbering multiplied by ten in 80 raids illegalis into 900,000 cities listed from Police Stations official; soldiers unduly attempted to be retired by no-call-for are unretired immediately and by tomorrow as the raids began anew within 10.5 minutes, and seven years preparation to be done in one year or less by the President of the United States of America's order, housing and other subsitence missed by any benefits level is of additional listings at Mayoral Offices or Housing Urban Development offices worldwide, also. Immediate dna-identification 100% to no soldier missing is being done. FBI reports list of Stockton's instant revalidations in media same warning to visitors/prospective-businesses to read of statistics of locals being compared to Victorian prositution training 'etiquette' unsettling to no-business from outsiders comprehending from Ancient & Royal Society (not royalty official action group, social club dominating, liked in area to esteem) responsible for reported miscomprehended imagery; CIA reports free of worldwide crime-conviction status of any provide assurance to comfort level redefined, no allusion sought. I, blogging of liking city am among many enjoying aspects not of but include writing of the factual history of Stockton underknown and of other places, noting with many colleagues strangeness of Stockton being declared Armageddon by most warfare threats in history against this mayor's office declared (no official militaries may declare war against mayoral offices by protocol) but that affected driving tours of 1/2 million per day through Stockton. Reminding to view traitors executed list anew from U.S. Congress of locals to same groups of Incursion dna-Insurgent attackers into countryside warned officially by Homeland Security Agency of as homeland invasion response to tactic, of. Try the by-CIA longer term promotional of Teddy Roosevelt f. president of U.S.A. teddy bear fund, and of the the IRS's added deductions/credit if assisting schools to meet deadline orders, or matched offer from any credit card company known of 1%-interest rate reduction of its card used on lode, mostly from ARMY School of Medicine Publishing House, USAF/ARMY School of Medicine Publishing House, or USAF other including factual casework to actual anomaly footage, plus:
* infiltrate:novel, look back; by sir_paulus
* boston_arrived_1802:novel series; by kmwall [to:posse-II]
* prinz_homme:novel; by King Keighuouamxsyca
* tren_s:text; by tory of NAM USSF
* deep_ocean:novel; by Judge Anthony in Stockton, kmwall
* how_to_understand_the_job_description_of_a_royal_title:brochure; by USSF's mip, kmwall, mitch_mikaeulumne, mickey
* jaste:novelized, public relations attacks into id-theft-2; by Chico Sons with/+ Abraxus (of Santana)
* neinu:London wine; by Barbara Brant USAF, kmwall
* implore:novel, gain on WWII; by an RAF 'ghost' gone SS as anonymous
* ghost_until:past ghosthunting; by Jesse Dale, Jesse Mark, kmwall
* bulgar:novel; by kmwall
* -an_a_in_an_undereconomy_world; by James Marks, kmwall
* nice_9:all about it; by jouaennex
* noel_song; by Janet Daily
* home_phone; by jan a police officer
* home_spun:by NAIR
* sailor_man; by James Clavell, kmwall
* dutch_on:novel; by FBI RIP Hedrich, kmwall
* heraldry_in_fashion:text; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* 20_is_-a_day_and_u; by King of Spain, kmwall
* yess:novelized tex; by doctor_dde
* bit:novel, no one believed; by shak
* style_thule; by joe_maum
* -a_blah_assignments:workbook; by kmwall
* eleventyish:text, matrix; by RAF's 12 unit, OES
* eleventy_one:text, Fashion; by dean, doeauxna
*ask for by topic

Answers, the public pole surveying asked for clarification on whether ancient to medeival travelers bunking down at castles were required to have sex in exchange for the cost of the stay, and this rumor can be buried as no stay was a cost to travellers who were likely in a workforce needing to travel or visit and of interest is that staying on the lands after sundown when unlikely to get into the castle for an overnight stay was the no-cost tent provided or lean-to on roadside guarded by patrols heard in the topography backdrop. No question too unusual. Tolls and other costs were of other normal business expectations none actually of bodily form or taken from live or living soon animals to livestock herds preserved for return roadtrip using same route only, if left in good health according to the beastiary list requirement (log of military rules to house, feed or care for animals or unusual soldiering, to bee sting requirements, more).
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
all Marine Corp. of its USMC's ARTS/R as co-head
ARMY(any, finance
NAVY(any, project literature
USSS-ss1-DEA-101/+ SEALs et al

Monday, December 19, 2011


Salutations, attacks in homes 4 -pronged 105,000 evenly numbered 800,000+101,000 cities, terr_furr ancien code level data on from O.E.S. or FED or D.A. Office Stockton CA by 2 o'clock done devised night prior 23 o'clock includes 2-homes; data free at Police Station any, of lunch-on-town-by-embezzlement-selling-house-not-own-internet-attempted and own-adolescent-parent-pedophile-taught-organ/dna-theft-of-models; over weekend near-end of Incursions hoped to 10.5 minutes of retirement Military any but reactivation by new raids apparent, incursions firstly not last to war-battle up to 810 years away of violent raids nonsensible grouped by type threatened until. 9 plaguerism raids of cities affected, in swaths of pre-lettering symbols used from ancien kingdoms for fashion wardrobe plan systems or echelon styled. Of funding to deter, many ARTS and Fashion persons/personnel and animalia being recruited for it, exampled by own fashion modeling career 43 years contracted now by FORD Models + honors a new photographer to my work only one now Francesco Scavullo teamed out of retirement workload and recruitment of non-fashion-only models for commercial print to school-aged-markets leveled any Agency of models global. Send to DeloreanCake at USMC by tomorrow to enter fastest. By-CIA free below and of prior blogs listing or seargent's/staff-seargent's sites of topic from Teddy Roosevelt's teddybear fund gifts or like to public in down economic sensibility on now always by CIA or like it promotional similarly, or help school district complete forms by deadline for IRS credit to party deduction 24 hours length + rules and party circuit official on now needing polite attendees for soldiering police and politicians at embassy level behavior required each area please apply to Dept of State's Office of Protocol Services to attend for your local unable to attend person dignifying on Military schedule through Holidays internationally official on calendars, no cost to attend party overall no pay to attend enjoyment meet those listed of background event-experience a plus; most of ARMY School of Medicine Publishing House or USAF/ARMY School of Medicine Publishing House, or USAF other groups plus soon:
* spider_head:manual on new trend of 'it' now, head/hair/pate, look for touring to Stockton CA already to get; by kmwall
* lurex:novel; by Jay Wall
* james:novel in 1st language on planet cuneiform keyed Rome Empire, by Richard Marcinko
* hold_up:novel; by Michael Crichton
* grace: novel; by John Mayer
* an_angel_a_day: by John Mayer
* cashables_a_victorian_storebought_book:Neiman-Marcus, level on down; stock; by kmwall
* trace; by unit of triad
* days_of_u:trend; cual
* direct_hits:how to telemarket to website; by Al Gore, kmwall
* cupcake_trend_after:how to after maximize from trend, children; by dean, kmwall
* deseret_news_station:novel, why to buy a paper; by princess_1
* a_new_fashion_style_a_day; by kmwall
* duge:-a trend unit; by trendor_unit
* dry_hair_oily_skin_II:manual; by dan
* oily_hair_dry_skin_I:manual; by don
* din; by joe
* venison:Fashion code of wins, over slabs; by kmwall
* the_noise_level_of_streets_in_china_victorian_era:facts; by henry_luiesxuveennr
* jaden_is_good_for_you:text, by bo (a man in the Military)
* peephole:novel, occult, transactions post-WWII;
* rabids:novel; by Ian Fleming
* how_to_have_a_good_day; by Kim Robison Tu'
* astray:novel; by kmwall
* enemy:ancien; read by ray_vo
* in_marraige_about; by dan_doze
* cancel_quo:novel, go to park alone after dark, id-theft; by tu_Tu'; tt, kmwall
* toothbrush_es:ancien novelized, translation from FBI; by eddie_gg
* toothwalk:story, prostitution illegalis; by jaenouex
* day_of_the_sun:novel; taum, kmwall
* bay_view:about model watching; by jess banker
* bad_men:Western-land remorse; by david_droie at any .mil
* ghost_hunting:by dina;
* by_gloss_you_shall_come:ancien translation explains miscreant home invasion follows light literally; by siva
* develop_your_plot; by kmwall
* denver_white_again:text; by cops_common
* d_trend_way; by tu_Tu', jude
* caverns:novel, by kmwall
* ring:wagner now; by Al Gore, Ian Fleming, kmwall
* w:about George W. Bush; by Al Gore, Ian Fleming, kmwall
* dia:how to apply to it the agency; by other agency head jim_bo
* tread:novelized; by dean
* dread:tale, new; by FBI f.)Dir. Freeh, kmwall
* uno_roger:prequel to roger running series, Iraq in Basin 2, jewelry & design in by Lisa Sysombath; by joe_laden, kmwall & staff then
* light_ray_enemy:ancien text; by siva
* fyre_I:Fashion level 1, shoe purse matched sets; by Kenneth Cole
* fyre_2:Fashion level 2, matched sets; by Kenneth Cole
* fyre_3:Fashion level 3, matched sets; by Kenneth Cole
* fyre_4:Fashion level 4, matched sets; by Kenneth Cole
* camel_knight:novel, queen marie, evil on Utah; by joe_maum, RIP Hedrich FBI SWAT, kmwall [to:evil;II]
* annanapolis_new_I:novel; by Dr. Jim Moreau
* xaend_gold; by James Marks, kmwall
* colombos_passage; by Justin McCarthy, kmwall
* a_bee:novel of sanctuum proportion; by John Nesbitt
* dixq:novel, id-theft cases; by 3_cops_starved
* pendulum_drop:film to any media needed, FED made for, health hazard in economy now from ancien archives to math labs
Work, check USAF AirForce1 Office's:free sort "worklisted" any type daily new added, manage own workload, permanently used system now.
Economy, rectus economy ancien term at Victorian eras liked again, at vogue restaurants a pearl left tip not cash, alike today to tickets to event given instead of cash to familiar waitpersons.
Kristin-Marie Wall, c.o.
USAF, director of fashion/art, designer
all Marine Corp of its USMC ARTS/R, a co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, literature, project
USSS-101/+-DEA-ss1, et al, SEALs

Friday, December 16, 2011


Salutations, official alerts Homeland Security Agency dna-Insurgents identity-theft stealing severe to conjugal-a mass churches groups recovery and other using Silmarillion novel again approach of 5 warfares never checked out from Libraries to inlay citywide scape attacks onto countryside-2 definite amore reason fecal-product-poisoining deranged system of attackers plus mental capacity blocking of in-denial attempting royal dna theft to CIA employed by theft and Police county-line theft of identities. Faults in Mayan Chichen-Itza calendar is of errors found in erring Military schedules by a year delayed of anything due to inside afficionados attempting to adhere to 'it' a delusion not factual resulting system mistaken for Mayan-16 the city of its numbered of Mayan ones. 860-years warfare ahead declared of tiring out populaces by back before front approach of declarers using dna-Insurgencies usually 4-7 years after final battlefield argument-settler typical of Militaries graciously trained to rebuild after but Insurgents do damage as either one, historical-data-to attached sites:staff-seargent's/seargent's sites. By CIA free on topic gifts books texts histories music sound video filmage media-needed, all ages, by Army School of Medicine Publishing House or USAF/Army School of Medicine Publishing House or USAF School of Medicine Publishing House, or affiliate by other Militaries/personnel-owned; prior blogs for IRS party credit + for helping schools order forms complete in deadline, non-topical purchase overboard alike type any credit card companies 1%-interest-lowered on its lode on card used for:
* go_for_gold:by Dr. Barry Sears, kmwall
* puzzle_day:puzzle a day delivered by bear_dramatic and its Orem UT P.D., arrives 9o'clock +
* color_me_beariful:by Dr. Knox SPAIN's Governmental herald
* tybetan_x:novel/tale and mural; by alum bear by new technology used by USMC Reconnaissance; triad_bear_2
* tybetan:novel/tale; by omu bear triad_bear_1
* ten:novel; by don
* plein_1:church news; by don
* novus_novels:how to write of the incursions
* rast:novelized; cop_joe
* house_plant:novella; by little john
* ambrosia: by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey
* twelve; by dan
* compassion; by HIM
* whales; by joe_maum
* death_by_aged; by joe_maum
* death_of_a_god:novelized; NASA of Siva; by kmwall
* serpentine:novel; by DA Office
* duration_deck:novel Naval operation; by dan [to:war;6]
* bay:novel; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey
* navy_days:novel; by Jack Hughes of enterprises, jean
* blue_and_gold_away:how to, affaired game to campsite; by Gray Davis
* 50s_galore; by dan
* how_to_get_a_paycheck; by kmwall
* jap; by kkontrol_joe
* yak; by kkontrol_cap
* daft:is a dignified novel of gentlemen present; by kmwall
* drama_d_get_a_d_move_an; by Tom Cruise
* noah's_day:novelized; by kmwall advisers for lecture tour active in Military's Mormon Battalion revived
* 8; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey
* 8th; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey
* rxormtu:drama in hell screenplay level in-library surveillance enclosed real ghost apprehended; schoolplay-II; Kristin Wall blog author in; by Library and USMC Recon
* jan_a_man:novel; by a dog_cue, a great event pet as serach and rescue canine recorded by tele-micro; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini
* won; by Ham
* lauren:Young Adult novel; could Fashion be killing her friends?; by kmwall
* lislse:Young Adult novel; can she queer-fashion and not get caught? by kmwall
* kenny:Young Adult novel; can he not get caught being fashion-king?; by kmwall
* candy:Young Adult novel; Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey
* stripe:Young Adult novel; surname Ur, to solve a crime; by kmwall
* bee:Young Adult novel; by kmwall
* nien_light:Young Adult novel; by kmwall
Mayan, errors made by Military prone to and attackers into city inlays result from 32 cuneiform letter/numbers used only for archives but of prayed to system attempted by over zealous to Mayan-16: ittamna, kinish ahau, ix chel, pauahtun, chac, hunNaal, huracan, um cimih, xbalanque, ahaule, kanah, pacal, nohoch ek, U, chibil kin, balam, kumatz, sotz, tukur, muluc, oc, chuen, eb, ben, ix, men, cib, caban, edznab, cauc, ahau. Others useful as gaming, lore, to do at staff-seargent's/seargent's sites on link.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Salutations, 9th pronged formed attacks on countryside accurately coded Homeland Security Agency homeland-invasion 22nd/44th of algiz-lettered prong a tripod-Y 1st-lengual taught free at The Language Training Center by also data-accord styled all Militaries so-named for donated by populace via Senate at Visa Company president's desk/top or American Express Company's for 900,000 cities affected by dna-Insurgents attaining uniform look/overlooking by beta-behaving DelawareMaineExodusDovelikeAccurate/S-matrix in ploy/employment for all of it by Holiday staffing Oversight Committee to nonwait by alter-government's CIA-equal switchboard system already assisting clean-up instant repair to algiz-upsided tradition historically pretension of Peace in any attack/war deluding enemy-satisfactions by destroyed levels; SEE present to counsel-4 or assist with data news arrival as historical reconstruction success filed their archives or Office Emergency Services any county/equal/-go or District Attorney Offices'/equal, of 30/40K raiding in swath-letterspelling event apparatus to replace game-tactic exclaimed disarming victims hope-play-yellow-voice-don(non-pimp)/knights-equal:Pentagon-repentITlisted2 of unusual weaponry level-6 resorting, level-7/any given free to all soldiers/O.E.S./+ any depot/ScoutingUnits assisting 2-CIA task, see gifts/books below from. Ask for topically free to you Good Readership for free-by CIA any/AmericanMexicanrepayany for gifts/books/texts/data/wares/filmage/video/movies/sound/music/media-need/+ from f. President Teddy Roosevelt's fund to give to public in down economy such; help schools any forms delayed by unfilled from budgets or seeking donors for more getting you IRS/equal deduction full of party (see their rules new) or 1/2-credit pre-party; buy as non-topical for lowered by its use lode on credit card by 1%-interest from any credit card company; ask for casework with novelized; thanks and seek work unlimited by self-propel of USAF AirForce1Office's freesort"worklisted"anytopic:
*solvang:interlude music prxoelud ancien; by case_cue
* sav:novel; by dan_d, kmwall
* milk:novel; zoo proportion; by a military known as his special-ops obvious callsign "bo" not female movie star rumor
* fell:novelized, of Military installation raid day of today; by don_juan a CIA head
* franco:novelized; by don_juan
* dun:novel; by cop_jay
* sand_1:novel; by cop_joe_1
* sand_2:novel; by cop_joe_2
* sand_3:novel; by cop_joe_3
* sand_4:novel; by cop_joe_4
* serpico:novelized; by Sydney Sheldon
* twelve_noon:novelized; by Tony Hillerman delivery after noon today
* dan_qs:novelized; zoo proportion; by call-sign"bo"
* dan_dav:lore, angels: by cual_q
* dan:lore, angel; by cual_q
* gauche:novelized; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* god:novelized; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* gad:novelized; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiveros, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* top_gain:textbook; by Dr. Henry Kissinger
* dungeon_I:novelized, on island; by Dr. John Brilliante
* dungeon_II:novelized, divorce by force; by Dr. John Brilliante
* dungeon_III:novelized, Century2-OXAC Military calendar; by Dr. John Brilliante
* dungeon_IV:novelized, lennifer roses in art not in Fashion deadly; by Dr. John Brilliante
* scott:novel; plan death by religion; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Ontiverso, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* zetas:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* retart:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* umbrella_rose:novella; by kmwall
* hunt:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* design:novelized, dead bonnie; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* formula:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* square:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* wolf_song:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* whale:novelized, heraldry; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* thread_bare:novelized, bees and fashionistas sting; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* honey:novel, Bee City; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* berg_king:novelized; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* quen_:novel, anntte; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* quen_in_war:part 2 novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall with Jim Ricks
* quen,I:part 3 novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* quen_through_the_doors_darkly:part 4 novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* dry:by RAST royal storytellers unit of HM a Jamaican King's Forces
* dead_one:novel; by King of Spain
Orbs: black sun orbs at 120 last count after 900th arrived through matrix formed by lightened gold seeming seen net-appearance about Earth from NASA none hitting matrix flying through anomaly known expected calculated with FED's announced accepted by Spring 2010/1 as normal new Ecology-Economy aka Fashion-Resort-Economy altered from Atlantis records of black suns other names for returning amazing ancestors non-affect of Earth tilt but of dryness of skin to remembering to drink enough H2O.
Angels: Americus was called the America's angel, grouped to defend countrysides from it as motto/lore welcomed by now as forces known. Other mottos reclaiming. Manuevers archived, used.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
all Marine Corp's USMC its ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any, finance
NAVY(any, project literature
#101/+DEA-USSS-Sherriff-Aparamilitary-unit, Unit_1, SEALs
Ministry of Fashion
et al

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Salutations, free to soldiers all C.O. data and work data to do all Courts ruled 24hours24days ago repay automatic, official news coverage lended data form-xU!asi[FFLusefulAlready] Incursion-XiX sent to 800,000 of 900,000 listed by Police Station any global affected by Homeland Security Agency correctly coded homeland-invasion attempt by double-unlawful Old Laws New also of 140 days ahead anticipate of it at 91 incursion raids/invasions business-2-4/homes extortions to deadly disarming by playful approaches normal weird seeming ends 94 gallons gas syphoned from all victims ahead by enemy-declared repay automatic to any system deduction/sent/verified by IRS/equal for it, to rule as Rome again was today's over-ending by 30.56hoursNAMnormcode, housed defending affected areas get list where fully allowed cost covered by Mayoral Office's list law passed all to give soldiers full jurisdiction + on news said by heads-of-state, ago 40hours, level-1 gear overtried replaced by free level-2-7 all use of allowed to city climb scape soldiers-2 descend into tunnels apprised/acclimated areas for it, delta waterways here and alike residents trained 81% over 9.5+ years bootcamp by USSF/USN+/Senate at-home, for, bi-level; -un-dna paramilitary eugenics met whites of eyes in defense of, Armenian not indigenous now twice tossed away by breaking Law/their-law, to unlanded normal growth populaces expect by Reconnaissance the objective grouping 40Million likely calculated could've been 840MM per SPAIN Government, off support type raiders since 1910 unheard no call for. All potatoes days at U.O.P. kitchen taught rooms other schools doing and Thursdays all spaghetti at; some pizzerias opened accounts all pizza to soldiers O.E.S. leveled workloaded person/nel repay ARMY Accountancy/Finance or Paymaster system anew gained 80 employed to revived workload missed CIA found datafiles to get pay by new-known. Education units given from Stanford University 2 now ago's problem answered 2nd way alxo or 2 courses C.E.U. school systems transferrable. 30 black sun orbs archives O.E.S. or FED data, tours any Air Force Base USD$43.x. Tourism Stockton, CA, 4077th displayed actual not props led by request, from lored to tv series top charts again. All soldiers receiving grants gift from populace by this/seargents'/staff-seargent's-sites. Lode on any credit card used to buy non-topic off listing on sites same get 1%lowered interest rate and IRS gives 1/2 credit or deduction-full to party for 24.10 hours ago listing, or topical free to you, Good Readership, includes soldiers any of listing ideal gift/text/book/data/ware/music/sound/video-media-need/filmage/training/+ to useful for ARMY Reserves gets gear by it first as in, thanking all, from Teddy Roosevelt's fund free stuff in downtime economic:
* dun_deux:text, officer_1
* dun_rome:text, officer_2
* dun_raum:text, officer_3
* freak:novel; by bill, kmwall
* lackey:novel; by greg_u, kmwall
* war:novelized, dinosaurs, casework in; by kmwall [to:war;2]
* right:novel; by dan_jack
* jean:novel; by john_dough
* sir_soll:novel; by sir_paul
* gad:novel; by James Clavell, Nick Nolte, Mike Fitzgerald, Col. Michael Ontiveros, Bob Mayer (of .org), Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, kmwall
* go:of San Francisco ploys evil game to death; by Mormon Church official unknown
* no_peace_time; by ray_von (Swiss Army to SWEDEN)
* swiss:tome, kingdoms; by kmwall
* transulvannia:system of it casework; by Judge Anthony "tony" Stockton, judge_d, Bob Kubena SFD, kmwall
* brando:novel; by joe_maum
* sport:novel; by Randall Grey
* cancelled:novel-2; by King of SWEDEN
* mines:novel; by State of Utah, a_unit, Jean-Claude Crhi, 3
* glob:novel on blog; by dan
* dank:novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, Richard Marcinko, Michael Levine, Jim Plunkett, kmwall
* devastine:code on honor, Fashion Industry destruction; by kmwall
* his_way_at_elder_day; by Mathew Voyeur
* delhi:novel; by Bob Mayer, Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, Ron Uall, Daque, Stephen Frey, Michael Ontiveros, kmwall
* write:a novel list how-to in production mode volume
* nein_n_force:music; by RAT, Dr. of entertainment Jim Ricks
* bravissimo:tale, general; by dane_reigh
* songbook_a; by don_jay
*rigs:novel; by little_henri, dom_don; kmwall
* calhoun:novelized; by Man, Mons Asinarius Monks to Turin
* arm_and_armour:novel; by Capt. Gs
* dunf:novel; by ray_rey
* sargohm:novel, hate war; by Al Gore, Ham
* rough_boy:how bear won home; by judge_d, kmwall
* tres:novel; by richie_rich, kmwall
* hatho:music; by Ham new group CIA recommended
* left:text, new economics Fashion; by den of unit_1
* gamus:tale, queen war, gamble; by rich
* 20_music_stars, 6 repeat stanzas, production notes, instructions, fast to slow, 2-afficionado, art1st; by Jim Ricks, kmwall
* mochas:novel; MI installation; by icual, Steve Martini, Jim Plunkett, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, James Clavell, John Jakes, kmwall
* a_marraige:lore, love wear/ware; by costume historian john_juk CIA recommended
* -a_breath:text,economic soln; by kmwall
* envelope:novelized; war hate dna; by HM a Jamaican King, USSS, kmwall
* his_bay_r.i.i.p._and_kkong:text, quan fashion level art style; by unit_1, dean [to:war;2]
* dubb:novel; Atlantis, Aragon, Socrates systemized attack, dubloon; by jon_jon, Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, kmwall
* won:how to win a contest well, low joke book, by loser model; kwallace of Taaje Models
* via_won:novel; 1/1A.D. via-unit; by Bruce Borg, kmwall
* syrum:novel; extra macabre; define dissect; by bob_m_oran, kmwall
* how_to_sell_a_design_2:brochure/pamphlet; by kmwall
* how_to_draw_a_thumb:brochure/pamphlet; by kmwall
* gaul:novel, Top Gun; by Stephen Kissinger
* bone:novel; by daque'
* jane:no tarzan joe military; bykmwall
* trendx0:text, off; kmwall
* navy_gray:fashion codes, common; by jim
* seven:text, way of; by kmwall
* one_way:tale; by Steve Martini, Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, John Jakes, kmwall
* night:novelette; by Night
* zebra:novel; by dan_dough
* zaruff:novel, zoo; by denver_jake
* eleven:text, gore, glory; by kmwall
* transylvannia:system of it; by judge
* ask for topically any normal of blog/s listing
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF director fashion/arts, designer
all Marine Corp of it USMC of its ARTS/R co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
#101/USSS-ss1-DEA-sherriffParamilitaryUnit of, SEALs,
RAF/NASA, mascot workloaded
Ministry of Fashion
Ministry of Fashion

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Salutations this blog official ARMY(any/ Reserves/like get gear first this site with attached staff-seargent'/seargents'-blogs no-cost to Soldier/working-like per Courts, Incursion XXany into 900,000 cities reduced/raised again by declaring itself against all countrysides to raid/exhtort/maim/torture/embezel:art,literature,gain+ into houses-2 most 4/3-businesses halted by force cash-point/drop-point/delivery/routed to Police Station calls too many by 800 per now call Operator countryside for direct to data transfer no-cost to get/pick-up work/load, of my own and Heads-of-State executive orders enacted permanence for reality termed on of always up for in-act war-mode-illegalis by any so Enemy to alike:Arts raids of teens all displaying beauty marring incidents of police logs-2 at campus/USSS+ also full surgical restoration done by U.S. Congress' orders already of like last blog's done-to, any, of day 880,000 cities affected attacks direct to SWAT alike guarding rooftop type told by private income counselors hired illegalis to not stay there feel better not doing guarding assigned, is a coded attack any listed to both duped and surveillance practiced by enemy: meetings in military installations any of 44Million+/2 write note on desperate/enroute/cancelled, to IRS data for party deduction rules to get 1/2-credit amount first or full deduction if in 4th day noting helped school any orderform complete deadlined 2-amount-+located partytime:24.1hour not including take apart, with credit card companies all offering if buying for not-topic free or asked lowers interest rate on its lode used by 1%; 900 orbs total to view any Air Force Base requestable not USD$43 personal tour like observatory, SS-1 revived back to ARMY routed USSF from USN of RAF recorded ploy interrupted by illegalis miscreant dna-Insurgents same as all battlefields to overrun as either side uniformed, enemy turning itself over unraiding uniformed below list gifts/books/music/tape/data/texts/sound/filmage/video/media-need free by-CIA topical all sent by 04o'clock/ed:
* hola:novel, transgressors; by CWall, kmwall
* mormon_terror:novel, taped only to Law Enforcement
* jo:novelized, mormonism terror; by Mormon Church official unknown
* grandee_II:novel, colony; by don, kmwall
* grandee_III:novel, island; by don, kmwall
* hot_earth_I:novelized, black sun orbs, on, music by don and by 909s squadron a Big Band era gone rock-gothical; by kmwall
* bxoen:novel, DEA; by HM King Juan Carlos
* drum_door:novelized, supremo commander abusing, id-theft; by USMC, NOW, advocated by Mormon Church
* change_-go:novelized, search and rescue real, includes economy booklet-2, of budgeting, by 10o'clock sent; by D.I.A., kmwall
* blue_grey_and_how_to_wear_it:by chet_deliverer, kmwall
* lock_bar_-un:black logaun codes; by ARMY(any/ herald
* mitras_tu':history, religion; by don_g
* acid:novel; by tan_b, tom_bo, icual, look_u, kmwall
* h:on, plotting, fashion business trends, roller coaster drama; by kmwall
* jester:novel; by king unknown
* danny_boy:novel, music, by KORN; by Capt. G
* fun_haus:novel; by Tom Clancy, kmwall
* on_the_nose_music; by Dr. Kisss (clergy), Dr. Robert Kelly
* boston_arrived:novel; 1801, series; by kmwall [to:posse;II]
* re_fine:art, ancien how-to; by HM a Jamaican King's unit_1
* canale:media-needed/video; by KORN
* lore:novel lore day-5 Incursion Vulgar Kingdom, protection; by John Nesbitt
* block:music; by Meatloaf
* sea_drag:novel; by dave_jeaa of JAUM/USAF
* ab_income_stream:by James Marks, kmwall
* fire_fly:novel; by Victoria Curran, dana_a_bear, kmwall
* constance_sherriff:coloring kit/book; by kmwall
* crescent_c:command spaceship investigation; by Kansas State Government, CANADA Special Forces, Richard Marcinko, c.wall_2, of finest police officers list, kmwall
* lorex:non-fable; by Al Gore, Richard Marcinko
* 8_mormono_texts:8 study of; by doctor_k
* a_brother_boy:novel; by A. Stephen, L. Wall
* 11_7:about close encounters; by Jim Marrs, joe_maum, kmwall
* by_wariness:text economics new, mollusk-2, level Fashion-2, year-1, economic wary; by kmwall
* faith_2:novel; by Anna Wintour
* how_to_make_a_mint:by kmwall
* how_to_sell_a_design_I:brochure/pamphlet; by kmwall
* taken_care_of:novel hated child NAMO; by lee_dee_jay
* grandeyer:novelized of driven_snow (yesterday's list); by disc jockey of fame Bob Lily, Dr. John Brilliante Naval battlefield; kmwall
* zills:novelized; primordial bloodline zealous; by kmwall
Smart, eye accepts light of its beauty to brain recent adjustments global use data smart-vein brain false-leader perceived/chosen by eye-rod expansion normally for beauty/art-training/alike fooled tutored by assailants preying to get action untoward/unwarranted, from Soldier noted, corrects.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
minister of fashion
all Marine Corp its USMC of ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, literature, project
+101/DEA-USSS+ SEALs paramilitary sherriff unit FFL et al
*new blog soon for extra wordiness Fashion History+ARTS galore
8x10 artwork displayed for sale at Elsie May Goodwin Gallery Stockton, CA, price set by Universities new system to have 2nd-sale highest by authorized wartime/anytime new on Gov't. Auction

Monday, December 12, 2011


Salutations, no soldier charged for getting their work or load of it ruled by all governments and court systems worldwide reinforces original laws planetary reside explained by judges as in today's listed offered it found uncleared security levels groups so-charging free-to soldiers by satellited USMC Recon new also Police Station lists dawn new day data favoring; crimewave attack to war against countryside clever victims call Law Enforcement thanked for 100 cases each taking + of today tomorrow, dna-Insurgents of any battlefield assuming soldier downed identity attackers in uniformed/geared check id-dna sudden 100%accurate, 900,000 cities attacked as in 180,000 raiding houses 2-abode 4-business out with computer id-theft primary 2-pleugerism of past nominal to public lauded theirs unknown unpublished drama-2 objective of enemy declaring itself to-war, reminds prong of 180 days Incursions pre-day 448-on darma-once attack purpose to fulfill entertainment lull in brain-wellness cycle abused of subconscious told to diffuses or for normalizing adds joy awareness. 160,000+ animals/housepets/livestock attacked cruel incursion exhtortions repars to fully by order U.S. Congress like of NASA budget ecology restore. "The Vault" breached again 9 times, 80 yesterday, land-invasion attempts, it most secure building world placed. 180 black sun orbs or day's now red moon day of historical dog-day-off-working less dramatic attacks but of duration and sudden cruelly spoken anywhere of Office of Emergency Services (O.E.S.) region-go/county-level alert for manageing crowd/control job-of. Arts attacked in garbage/roadkill contests of repeat days-180 to TopGun USN free-by clergy listing there for training persons aware to deter attacking flying/hovering 'garbage can' shooting by enemy declaring disguised it garbage usually ignored tactic defunct, call free to it or Police Station for soldier. Warfare/alert data daily of FED/O.E.S./D.A.Office(county alike). Below for job/workforce opportunities and University credit again, prior blogs or IRS lists free USMC ticker tape printed type or request for soldier benefits revamped after economy attacks Spring recent of all to realism what is where and done already tangible until received unfulfilled, see to World Court dockets x01-41+ includes. CIA free promotional from Teddy Roosevelt's personal fund to give in downtime gift/book/music/like, added credit card companies lowering on its used a lode by 1% interest:
* zaruff:novel, zoo hazard; by denver_jake
* gold:novel NAMereaux; by joe_dough, cual, kmwall
* hoosiers:novel; by Hillary Clinton
* fxond:fly fishing, bait inside; by denver_jaum
* fxondu:fly fishing, + gear; by Richard Marcinko, kmwall
* lead_to:how to write; by Stephen King
* little_baum:novel; by cop_joe
* dressed_in_nines:novelized id-theft severe, in NY Central Park; by NYPD
* dressed_in_fines:novelized id-theft severe, in public places; by NYPD
* dressed_in_wines:novelized id-theft severe, in private moments; by NYPD
* dressed_in_lines:novelized id-theft severe, in public affaires (gracious culture events non-marital/conjugal region-lauded/asked-for) 2-events; by NYPD
* fish_food:novel; by sunday_knights
* caur_legs:novel; by RIP Hedrich
* true_blue_gold: byS, Alan Hopkins
* song_of_souths:by roxm (CIA promoted band international)
* song_of_south:by RENT
* seville:music; by Jethro Tull, jerry_lad (of fame)
* baccarat:history crystal court; by sloan, dave, S
* no_more:novel, of SPD terror; by jim_mack
* -a_collectible:-a billionaires how-to; by anonymous
* how_to_be_a_billionaire:by anonymous
* benji_a_wharthog:economics, signals:by over_cast {to:forecast II]
* benji:novel, dog of film fame; by its handler unknown
* cash_and_carry_more_than_one:economics Victorian; by prince_tiem, Michael Levine, kmwall
* borg:novel; by John Jakes, kmwall
* jack:novel; by Dr. Colleen, SPD
* sanitarium:novel; by Dick Francis
* nomad's_land:music; by Jethro Tull
* moor:novel; by jim_igale
* drama_-un:history, acting; by kmwall
* gnome:novelized, real ufo case/footage media-need, official; by John Mayer
* albreque:nove; Jim Plunkett
* hers:novel, raid; by Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* jim_rok:fashion, how he does; by FBI Dir. Muehller
* edelweiss:novel; by Mitch Kapor, kmwall
* fashion_four:text, year-1, superb; by devon_1
* drum_door:novelized; supreme commander abuse, id-theft; by USMC, NOW
* t.i.i.t.2:old law explained, dominates, precedence, planetary reside; by J, Stockton CA's judge_leon,
* dover:novel; by Bob Mayer (of .org)
* lorex:non-fable; by Al Gore, Richard Marcinko, kmwall
* driven_snow:novelized, Utah setting royalty arriving being stalked/murdered, male model, doctor of military, real footage media-need; by John Mayer, kmwall
* granted:novelization, God, good game over; by NSA's Dr. Hauser, Richard Marcinko, kmwall
* battle_ship_one:novelized, extraterrestrial communication child game; by janet_n_konoe'[to:war]
Send to Stanford University any email/phone/like it non-contest answer to problem soldiers included: earth crust expanding 8-inches now or subsiding to 40-feet wider measure it send answer add diameter for extra 1/2%-lower credit card companies all offering for supporting alert-awareness new-economics of more added to Kinsean+ of FED announced by Spring 2010 accepted worldwide by 2011 same an arrived 181-years ecology-economy, aligned data.
Workforce jobbers careers aware apply to learn ribbon-workforce ancien data archives or get work from topical sort alike USAF AirForce1 Office's:free sort "worklisted" and training at off-schedule at Justice Department accounting it non-counseling data to training groups schedules anyplace timed. Recall ribbon around globe is workforce latitude of ancien economy arrived again latitudal training is finance-required of Marine Corp+ of top-down approach venture to daily guru finance personal investing to David Bach's course free to knowing me or many included extra others courses of his ilk time from Oprah Show as guru international teaching now ancien economic bolsters called economies also aka transvxort economy listed free non-storied by IRS to soldiers accounting look to data of how-to referring business they transfer non-taxed directly to owner's equity invited Payroll agencies prefer new energy arriving 1 employee regular of it non-burden investors. Other, holiday cardwork for such as Hillary Clinton databases to send for her paid by Dept. of State by asking it or EDD of area clearance already done or of verifying background working anew with one provided by Dept. of State's Office of Procurement already or awaiting one to arrive soonest to work/force. USAF/SPAIN hiring Security Forces personnel; apply level-1 direct special-ops capable a plus boldness the motto ok.
Entertaining, Danny Ambience's Facebook site lauded his musical Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone, others alike most popularized got attention to it for Performing Arts already.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
all Marine Corps it USMC as ARTS/R co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, literature project
DEA-101/+-USSS-SS1 SEALs et al

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Salutations as courtesy by Judge 'Tony' Anthony local's PC, dna-theft predominant of identity-3 level of IncursionXiX; eye-rods opening compared to recent blog on tactile data overload miscomprehended on type :kind to be related to or associated: reasoning for attacking by swaths homes 2-business of now reforming by early detection later groupings under-aged behaving to socializing still at 2 years aged for 4th-6th year made friends to impress after caught in identity theft of prestigious level attained their 'success' plan ended; eye-rods open to bright personal coloring coded by fashion wardrobe planning of seasonal or lighting terms to plus of brain receiving most light preferred to follow:orders, leadership hoped by controlling leader unaware to tactic of attacker in brighter techniques to do are known at USAF AirForce1 Office'sProjectFashionOne;attacks of-clothes, closure war-on, uniforms never unique correct-it since 1910 by any Military enemy declaring body organs clothes also and force to be unique or attack soldiers for non-unique wear death-starts for same skincolor etc; Stockton aware of 800 city of 1 A.D. maps/log/non-royal led attackers pretension of proto-Marines of policing if need then to Atlantis open city archive at any D.A. Office or Office of Emergency Services (O.E.S.) for 1/7th economy aimed/targetted-illegalis of same to 1 B.C + repeated, into 1927 Oakland, CA, homeland invasion kept away from populace except home there storie now released see topic on this CIA promotional of Teddy Rosevelt's fund giving public its gifts books data music texts film video +--artist's eye a brochure available immediate by PDF file of how anomaly or artlight opens by-day. 104 orbs black sun archive or color moon called any archive of 90-sought 13 useful by FED to OES or DA, not matched 108,000 raiding cities of 900,000 list from Police worldwide handed to Military officially received bought to compensate all for work on overnight alerted. Credit card companies offer 1%-lowered interest rate on its used lode for these 11months+ promotional topic to IRS 1/2+credit your party legalis reward aid to schools on forms to order of it on this/seargents'/staff-seargents' sites:* create:how-to; by applicant to USSF, lee* polynesian_war_history:of; dan_d_d_man, James Marks, joe_maum, U.S.Senate, king_ken, dawn_joueahunne, unit of ancien polynesian military in polynesian_war_and_fares:history by kmwall; * mayonareauxI:postal history, god-wind lords;by Swiss Army, Stockton Police Department, Stockton Fire Department, kmwall --soldiers get film media of free* lilithium:novelized; casework in, filmage/video/media-needed, inside music by 4stone evanesance drama_dream; by kmwall* him_soon_self:music/video/media-need;by HIM;; novel by kmwall* limited_lime:music by James Ricks; novella of fashion; * frankenfurter: novelized, projcurement jewels; by James Clavell, James Marcinko, joe_maum, James Marks, Jim Plunkett, Michael Levine, kmwall * glance:novelized, identity theft, how to tell it by one, victim of judge; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall* force_n:queen warfare, straight battles and facts; how queens were it for war, tactic sheet included bi-war; by kmwall doctor of battlefield ultra-violence+* u_can_sew_for_charities: by kkcourt FFL* mitras_tu:history,religious; by don_g* navoxum:SEAL2 sequel to M.Levine; by kkcourt FFL, dand_d_d_leon, sscaumo* jade:novelized, Michoa princess kidnapped before ChichenItza to its fall; by kmwall* fxond:about flyfishing, kit, by James Marks, kmwall* the_food_slave:novelized; by John Nesbitt* portraiture:how-to; by kmwall* clandestine_cold:novel; by Richard Marcinko, kmwall* chrysanthemum_code:novelized, outer country saved again, same day as WWII end, war you never knew crew video/film/media-need; by kmwall* rondo_dein:composed/performed by James Marks* g's:novel gneau; by cloun_9* daniel_and_lucifer:novel; by Bob Mayer (.org), Richard Marcinko, kmwall* angel_baby:novel; by Richard Marcinko, Bob Mayer* a_haven:textbook, cash finance in dow economy crup; by kmwall* ousta:novelized, new god giving orders to murder flying craft dimensions inside to build with gyro 4ft limted size breadth, to license at Police Departments only casework insdiie, 2-film of formed requestd, non names of badges except; Richard Marcinko, kmwall* drawn:how-to approach; by kmwall* jimmerick:novelized, by James Marks* oh_the_mother_earth:real ufology extraterrestrial authors inside oce_to_you; by THEM, official from USAF/ARMY School of Medicine Publishing House, official from all Governments* uk_grain:WWI, Spain prince;; by men of 404th* massacre:novelized worst homeland defense loss, film/media-needed in of Father Mike and NOW; kmwall* custer_and _5_fine_thousands:novelized; by mac, michael_ordnance_ordonio, kmwall [to:religion;of]* trade_winds_aur:novel, early global road into Trade Winds, route space travel; kmwall* sol_sun:novelized; by James Clavell, Richard Marcinko, kmwall* iz:bio, data, authorized; songs in; of U.S. ARMY* strife:novelized, tribal one, Kansas State Government, Senators, Saint Andrews Society* goul:novelized; by sir_saun* ramses:novelized; by Richard Marcinko, kmwall* raman:novelized; by Steven L.* serenade:novelized id-theft; by kmwall* quoth:novelized; by officer dave* ninth_life:manual vogue cats; by joe_maum, kmwall* lent:novelized; by Anna Wintaur, kmwall* slxoan:novelized, by dray_vo Swiss Army, Sweden's Govt., Stockton's O.E.S.* herald_score:novelized arms; by aborineaux_geaux North Carolina and RAF* prinze_homme:novelized; by King_keighuouamxsycz* thailand:novelized; by King Bhuminipoul* how_to_wear_the_new_colors:by SUNY professors* go_-as_warfare:by don_daevueauson* x-tum:novelized USAF search and rescue; James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall* its_over:novelized, Xmas, denial; by Jim Ricks, kmwall* 9_levels_of_fashion_on_kinsean's_bell_curve:1st-half bell-curve; by Dr. James Marks, kmwall* bocta:novelized; WarII 4-revolution, non-civil war after all; by all* xian_song_train:holidays abroad from anyplace; by dave_ptuso_gjanus* embezzum:novelized; by Gene Wall hidden/d., kmwall* ask early for SUN Microsystems free computers and stuff for homeland defenses offenses or any O.E.S. to Good Readership, and ask for any gear with of these promotionalsSartorially,Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwallcommanding officerUSAF director fashion/art, designerall Marine Corps of its USMC as co-head ARTS/RARMY(any/, financeNAVY(any/, literature project#101/+USSS-ss1-DEA SEALs +

Friday, December 9, 2011


Salutations, official alert coded Homeland Security Agency its homeland-invasion-qc last resort reversed ployful nate/d archive O.E.S. goregion mapped 102,000 homes invaded early 900,000 cities evenly grouped swaths reached; to soldiers illegally charged for working disallowed by all courts worldwide all repaid now/anytime all services to make them pay for getting/doing work cancelled replaced by new/really-old technology USMC Reconnaissance at any courthouse/Police Station global-connect no phonecall to them chargeable to them or message/data/item from command/ingOfficer allowed any soldier anytime. Totes for soldiers into regions affected by Incursion-any/IX able carts-grocer/y allowed to any rolling found enough room as all old ones for it unfound; 160,000 animals torture/extorted illegalis (to-warfare uncommonly now ancien law, most precedence to preeminence automatically, by President and Heads-of-State found); black orbs as suns coded archives O.E.S. now spart_mon as lopsided partial-orb glow control crowd management any area transposed data free from O.E.S. or chargeable back to 'funding' of D.A. Office like dust-glare, tender_loyn day alert terror level from O.E.S. Pentagon approved by its Staff 1st for public of 9/90 days of over/under equator if Northpole not tipped by angle is 90, see seargents'/staff-seargents' sites for it links to. Clothes being attacked in homes raided delivered by scouting unit-style groupings to gas syphoning 10* noted by drivers same repay form last blog, done by Reconnaissance official. Sign-ons any form soldier/ing first call-signs rereserved to use at will, all codes reopened immediate verification 100%-dna done no doubt; all approved. Sudden losses military data onsite handling extra work in affected cities. Of yesterday, 1st-doll made in history was warfare reason attacks for, its face like china-doll of primordial-Cairo-beta site of about 31 location coordinate on archives in county/region/like/O.E.S. Boots delivered/sent today+ to soldiers and all layers renewing attire, most soldiers down to two uniforms most populace again over 8 outfits+, USAF AirForce1 Office pleased to help with it all. See seargent's links of benefits reverified new locations for certain added more/like, to Senate/favored-government office or like it, i.e., D.A. Office lists accounting feature facet who wants to pay soldiers more/of/for office some bases closed other ideals unfound so FFL form as anything for accepted by all now, Police Stations assisting coordinating for soldiers unable to transfer training to sudden messages from underknow command after 4 years illegal forced radio-silence by stroke-victim non-military absconding radio power misthinking she could control arms, confronted with losses due to her presumption non-job to her. Data-chords/accord in Visa Company or AMEX Company president's office/s for extra-training any slept through need for all data trained intended accuracy dictionary level unnecessary to dominate/restore areas affected, timescheduling not prime other tactic added enhancing free training. Enjoy as thanks for all and Good Readership from f. Pres. Teddy Roosevelt's fund found for gift/book/text/data/filmage/
video/sound/music/clips/+ intended, any credit card company known offering 1% lowered interest rate for lode and IRS offer for first 4+ hours of shopping on CIA lines for over 900 listing items part-deduction or 1/2-credit returned now longer/after one-party limit, thanking most applicants in history for any job to their investigator opening overseas/anyplace:
* new_way:music by Xchistus new group CIA approved gothic-xian sound
* nine_lines:novel; NYPD, id-theft, social settings
* dish_up:novel; by Head of Pentagon and Staff
* dracoon:novel; blue news book; by famed as rose_bluh
* one:novelized; game-play war, by Mensa
* drive_on:music/video/ by Kerry Killinger f. Washington Mutual
* denver:novel; by Bob Mackie
* love_in_court:novel, royal history; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* how_to_not_be_mistaken_for_a_number; by joe_maum
* blessing:novel, hell from prophet; by kmwall
* white:novel; by kkcourt FFL, kmwall
* glass_house:novel; by HM King Juan Carlos
* code_s:novel; by Al Gore, Richard Marcinko
* cross_life_aka_lxife:novel true; jailed for another inadequate; by dean
* nezux_roger:novel, scarab stuff jewelry included by IOTA; by CMWall, kmwall
* deux_roger:novelized, Egypt/Nile search and rescue, included running_roger_cadence accurate film/DVD/like-asked-for, inside roger_running music by Metallica, by Stockton Police Department, kmwall [to:joe,encounter]
* mercado:novel; by joaueanen unit_1 of HM a Jamaican King's forces special-ops
* raf:novel; by Justin McCarthy
* denim:how to make one jacket, 20 patterns, etc; by kmwall
* away:novelized; by Steve Martini, Richard Marcenko, S, Reva, dan_dd_man, Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, joe_maum, James Marks, kmwall
* dun:on wear; by Guy Laroche
* soldier_blue:novel; by dave_den
* my_only_one:novel; by Sir Kleenex
* canale_cans:novel; by jorge_u, kmwall
* prinz_selvenga:novel; by King Keighuouamxsycz
* g; by James Marks, kmwall
* dine_4_fine:by doctor of fame walther_of_NAM, Jake Wall, James Marks, kmwall
* gross; novel FBI, by kmwall
Orbs: Non-urgent transfer of black sun orbs or moons coded purple transfer between Moffett Federal Airfield and Travis AFB in other files they are named many things and like captured by NASA predominent in netting amid sky above heads viewings at night sounds some like fireworks undetonated of lettering alphabets taken historically about USD$42+ tour public.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion/art director, designer
all Marine Corp its USMC for co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
DEA-#1018-USSS-SS1 SEALs et al

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Salutations, official alert from Homeland Security Agency and its Agencies of the 900,000 cities homeland invaded coded correctly by homeless behaving by choice to trespasser races defined by all courthouses yesterday that were removed from castles on down on trespassing schedules some pretending to tours for money yesterday and jewelry and forms of repay have been filled out by Police Station personnel as a favor to allow all embezzled this week to extreme gas syphoning in rows/lettering-attempts satellite presumed by found viewpoints and of able to verify on its loss on any system global; imposterism pretending by entering illegally anytime table that they are now owner or actual occupant as tried in Middle Ages when caught by returning to homes and courthouse equal reopened for day, today the main way of attacking by entering homes illegalis to business-2/34(travel/sales-type) and of attacks by accusations sensationalized to Office of Emergency Services (O.E.S.) response to stop pretenses of laughter for fun outside-2 levels of attacks to impersonating today a Delta Force known imposters of removed officially this country acting with others; terrorism levels explained by population in O.E.S. #800-daimond grants and others to preparing for 860 years warfare declared against all surface planet by raiding parties illegalis, food main question of soldiers and others as noted by those not linked in and seen leaving military premises misclaiming military adds in bestiality as morning oblations which is not allowed last animal hurt claimed in training was 1920s this country stopped with bullets fired upon order followers since finance/fund-training was being missed AWOL level noted by those following orders to go to animal-harm training, bootcamp instructors notes on have been novelized and filmed for those with security clearance or of this Good Readership, justification of always doing wrong by hiding small task of attempt by enemy to 'cookie' public with recruitment/reinforcement. Free by CIA promotional this and seargents/staff-seargents'-sites of f. President Teddy Roosevelt for book/gift/+; all credit card companies giving lowered by 1%-interest rate on lode of its card used, or IRS offer of party for tax credit or deduction exchanged for assisting purchase of from list to schools on their forms:
* 4_and_6:novel; by bluh and kmwall
* 4_and_6:novels, dover; nauvouxm;
* 40_and_60_inverse:novel; by tu-Tu', kmwall
* 4_and_60_inversal:novel; by d.e.w. White House's photographer for 1st Lady, archival
* mista:novel; of wist, game answer, by a soldier
* ducks:novel; FBI, performing arts, RENT music in; by Dr. Kissss
* zoom:novel, animal; by crandall, S, spuu, all USNavy, kmwall
* bunuelos:novel; by John Jakes, Richard Marcinko
* christos:novel; by joe_maum, kmwall
* pamphlet[408]:beauty aides ancien Egyptian in faultily executed White Lioness Cult of Beauty returned data from the Church all wellness designs for tall-headed social echelon 'beauty' prescriptives of their time
* textile_parade:textbook comprehensive textiles (minus Yoruba Tribe's separate text commissioned)
* I_is_and_I_isn't:glamor book big people who blew it to Kristin Wall of this blog, fund-2 donation by its purchase
* not_a_lot:Xmas at home, 2011, video or media-requested; by Michael Bolton
* r.e.i.t.s._by_8a.m.; by joe_maum, kmwall
* gene_pool_mix_ups:novelized at birth mix ups by authorities now corrected; by HM a Jamaican King's special-ops unit with kmwall member of it unit_1
* benji_a_wharthog:economic signals; by over_east
* zoun:novelized, zoo, away to soldier, pedigree; inside zoo_zoun_tune inside by Jim Ricks; by professor_J, kmwall
* dog_kills:novel; by dde, kmwall
* tornado_in_new_burrough_one:novelized, in explanation of unit_1; by lisle, Lisa Sysombath, and Government of Spain
* tdama:song and overnarration; sung by Julio Iglesia
* grand_glace:novel, perditions, loss, Arab crown princess, Clan Xian; RENT musical new in; by Andy Marken, kmwall
* genralissima:novel; by kmwall
* swank:d_trends, text; by pross_d
* france:novel; by Stephen A. Kissinger
* jen:novel, she failed arithmetic but succeeded larger embezzlement lode; by Michael Levine, James Clavell, Richard Marcinko, Bob Mayer (of .org), Jim Plunkett, and Michael Fitzgerald columnist, John Jakes, James Marks, joe_maum, and others with kmwall
* copernicus:novelized; by don_g
* frank_pence:novel, humor; by john_G_eo
* samarosa:novel, ho vitims got away from kidnappers of from porno-illegalis; [to:Mexico, south America] by Jim Plunkett, James Clavell, Richard Marcinki, Michael Levine, James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* change_-go:novelized search and rescue; by James Ricks Dr. of entertainment, kmwall
* 51_marble_street:novel; regular murder/ by unit 404/51s and jon_doe and kmwall
* off:novel of par; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* demon_point:novel; by James Clavell, Michael Levine, James Marks, Jim Plunkett, James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* 4_yore:text;artwor no reason wear/ware, by a_david
* james:novel, U-code, Fashion-II, mystery; by kmwall
* obscene:novel; employed in Hollywood, ufo contact simple, charity runaways; by John Nesbitt, kmwall
* red:novel, conquered, red hair, prophecy incomplete; by John Nesbitt
* freak_ops:I-VI; by snow_mein
* vulgar:novel by King of Spain HM Juan Carlos
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
all Marine Corp its USMC, as co-head ARTS/R
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
DEA-#1018-USSS-SS1 SEALs et al

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Salutations, thirteen raids into Police Station listing handed to Military of 900,000 cities of 1st Language to planet is of Y+triprong as partial numeral-1 used in swathed attacks into homes ultra-violent 20,000 genetics to recovery work for immediate volunteers to revival-1 of from and release of prisoners trained by Military demanded by work paid-for to do as USAF's/Travis AFB is doing and Chicago Mayor's Office and NASA's library/call-in to get paper forms done manually/like approved 4-hours workloads if trained once all good prisoners ready and ten can be replacing them in judicial expediting into reforming-system of awaiting to 'do the garden there' raising own food stuff focus of to free military trained to defend homeland permanent releases to early for, no special-ops can ever be incarcerated any country by Law and forms to correct for 'missed on spell-check level testing procedures due-normal excepting in timeframe urgent excusing of' no hardship intended to those/these; military trained can follow orders of command accurately is explanatory: closure war-on of-clothes and added xwomp summer camp in summer novel reading season Wintertime terror levels at Office of Emergency Services (O.E.S.) terra_aux-fyirme of tortures of considered into Law descriptions of populace to steal dna or wear as exampled scalp/nose-cartilage ripped from applied surgically to daughters shopping for it all from other places, leaders demise of thinking of it as raid-plans not enough to deter; noted awards to like of USMC its Col. Michael Ontiveros and others of his lead in ultra-performance in obeying commanding officers and other awards the like going out as time alots in ancien tradition of king in battlefields awarding and logging on day/time at-it-all cash for or ultra-investments agreed dropped into regular accounts for now or opened for in Scottrade or like it trading holding accounts official gift having input by actual from united militaries again and Senate reviewing lists it worked for training to homeland invasion prevention in costume history a way of it warfare declared against all normalcy in archives ancien normancy misqeued; trespasser-race newly coded of persons behaving illegalis raiding too trying to avoid paying hotels stealing identities to do mentally retarded led and mentally ill officially all grouped to inanity of fun being reason they tried to enter illegally any premise historically not allowed mistaken for castle residents actual guards only on premises kept real royalty courts away from to USSS all matters pertaining to the royalty for lists of to be found. Big ultra soldiers arriving in cities not to fear of any gear and all gear immediate to fully garbed free with at any location by satellites for warfare 100%-dna identifying to even a spliced brain-cell attempt level found of enemy to fool technology and around it the gear is being delivered level-7+free-to-soldier unlimited quantities and of offense level-2 already in, resting assured populace already acclimated by 9.5+ years bootcamp at home by Senate and USAF+Naval-if-timed; Arab Navy in dominance for some two-three levels, four of USMC/Korp-to all for homeland defense anywhere of lettering to spell attacks into same places. [Thanking still at work defending cities invaded by dna-Insurgents-b/B all militaries civic/civil/government reporting in for, weary.] By-CIA free for 11-months + of listing on this/seargents'/staff-seargents'-sites from f. President Teddy Roosevelt Fund found and #800-diamond-grants from U.S. Government to cover all cost any to get/shop/email/commanding-officer-message/+benefits-listings-prior-blogs-to-get-benefits-to-soldiering+emergency-worker; any credit card company is lowering by 1% interest rate on its lode-card used for these promotional purchases, IRS half-credits or fully tax deduction allows your legal party if helping school system time burdened order/buy from promotional [scroll to history recommended below]:
* racing_stones:novel; by H.M. a Jamaican King
*doughnut_sun:text of economic finance of today's; by H.M. a Jamaican King
* tv_land; by General Short and Sons
* inca_king:novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* inca_queen:novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* inca_count:novel; by James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
*astute:novel; by ashante_unit_1
* a_glee_unit:novel of hope; film or media of requestable; by Austrialia's Police Departments
* blam_game:novel of hope; by editor Victoria Curan, Matthew Voyeur
* i_peter:novel, historical, preview available to film/score/media-requestable; by kmwall
* i_pater:novel, historical, order early, of first Pope historical into military archives and art of; by kmwall
* fish:10 detective novels; by Xchris of Ancient and Royal Society
* bellow:music by roxm recommended by CIA for gothic underlying trend wellness
* thorn:Spain rocks music; by KORN
* heather_dead:novelized, extreme id-theft 2-violence level, to warn children of, Los Angeles, LAPD and San Diego, CA, casework added in for requesting Law Enforcement; by DAD
* zapatan_quer:novel; by kmwall
* nomad's_land-un:music by Jethro Tull
* sanitarium:novel; by Dick Francis
* transferred_out; by David Bach
* requests by topic
History: all bed sheets originated in black and of under-ironed, worldwide traditions; to bundled until 1901 Euro-Spain added white (it started sheet trend use) of 1910 America added lore to sheets or as white originating shot-gun wedding gowns in white time repeated from prior blog link-to for trailing wedding etiquette-2; add-on four2six1_one/yo:go ..24th,to
Recommended: books by Dr. Hulda Clark today as Cure for All Cancers of type to heal own teeth by removing parasites again overloading immune systems accurate to types vitamins absorbing correctly for on-going care to heal living teeth as bone reknits comparision same bodily systems to do. Thanks also for making my first romance to public sold-out to collectible now, and of others also
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
commanding officer
USAF director arts/fashion, designer
all Marine Corp its USMC a co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
DEA-#101/+USSS-SS1-1/2 SEALs et al

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Salutations, black sun orbs again matching some homeland invasion coded by Homeland Security Agency correctly 103 orbs netted by NASA last night linked by homeless behaving temporarily by choice dna-Insurgents of Incursions XXi a.m. today at 103,000 of raiders/invaders into homes/cars/parks/settings/home-office-2 of rapes/syphons/harm/fake-military/food(lack). CIA promotional gifts/books/data/texts/sound/video/film/media-asked-for-in below, of 11 months now see other blogs or seargents'/staff-seargents'sites: of it all; plus historical data to scroll to, soldiers get #800-daimond grant to pay costs unheralded of commanding officer messages or their emails not allowed to be costing them anything, all credit card companies are lowering lode on any of their card used as it for CIA promotionals/this-blog-or-seargent's-sites/staff-seargents'-data, schools needing help to get books on their order forms by you get IRS deduction immediate to 1/2-credit option pre-filing of party costs regular/legal non-denied yet if legal. 1921-9 Oakland of California by same linked Incursion ii-XiI for it halted. "The Vault" most secure place on planet of governments breached 9 times today by attempts of ancien kingdom equipment equated to time-travel stories but of g-force trained persons using, data from NASA labs via its library switchboard for it; 9 being the Fashion Economy of history archival number code plus in militaries known to be now by FED announced and of its 181 years arrived by Autumn a Fashion-Resort-Ecology-Economy; of Atlantis codes see yesterday. Thank you to reporting in soldiers and law enforcement and civic/civil employed to non-profits immediately to assist in sudden costs 400,000 hungry each of affected cities mostly by IncursionsI-XXIX. Boots+ delivered today by Girl Scouts of America to soldiers missing gear, from USAF gifted by overage from FBI made paid through USSS mandatory routed no alike requests honored, of other country form allowed. Gear going to ARMY Reserves first of level-7 plus training of new.
* sandanista_sun:by USMC journalist and KORN music for it in
* groxm:novel, music by Scandal in; by Richard Marcinko, kmwall
* 1884:novel; by King tu-Tu', kmwall
* homme:music by Korn of Incursion alert/aware
* g_nome:novel,
* dam:novel; by USMC's Col. Michael Ontiveros
*umbrella:novella; kmwall
History: Moons in ancien files were of Office of Emergency Services now data on transposed into actual computer decoded graphic points for: fashion details, glare, collar points cuff curves.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall
USAF director art/fashion, designer
USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY (any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
artwork: for sale 2 displayed $181,000 and up for 8/10 watercolors prices set by Stanford University and University California at Santa Cruz and State University of New York

Monday, December 5, 2011


Salutations, official day 442 of 860 years declared against all countrysides by dna-Insurgents (attack either) of arts/wear day/daily-2-special, for USMC noted ARMY Reserves gets first stuff free givings below all gear already in for use anyhow 0-cost to soldier by District Attorney Office of like it nearby:funding; of raids to homes paramilitary-styled passing for authorized; blocks at "The Vault" most secure site on earth raided again others of 40-400 groupings for dead person unknown anti-American, neo-Jamaican troops deterring by HM a Jamaican King's special-ops currently best of planet rated. Geared soldier to Office of Emergency Service (O.E.S.) can report to base, any, any condition for it or call to get tote/tow-to/from for it:each soldier daily ten of their own trained-for to deter/fight in affected cities:900,000; bi-USMC Reconnaissance data all for free at any Police Station to Court House legal system there non-reenactment non-game accurate data of raids on way to. Treasons continue see previous data listing/news international for of listed nearing 955,000 convictions worldwide by category noted today alert of "bad girl" calling herself Internet wise see FBI: Al Gore data from any vice presidential campaign elective column for link or White House switchboard for casework affecting populaces overfascinated with bad better than good. For Law Enforcement a book for each prepared no-cost of 'black and blue a true for you' type decoded encryption attempts of The First Language (O.E.S. for or The Language Training Center) lists of symbols from Fashion Economy of ancien Resort World, Atlantis of legends applied to do work-worse Atlantis-Aragon-Arthurian. Scroll to history data; of. CIA found f. Pres. Teddy Roosevelt's personal fund multiplied, his wish, all to have book/gift-bear/like in down time; now is promotional 10 months about, your Good Readership topic free to get known mostly by non-invasive technology tele-micro style of like (of blogs earlier) read-data-energy of mind-thought plus dna-skills plus 100%-dna accuracy of contact any media/technology all about announced by international news systems reminded again over year and Springtime ago, benefits now as listed; any credit card company known lowers interest on its used's lode by 1% for purchases this/seargent's/staff-seargent's sites/blogs linked/for-it, IRS offers tax deduction party systemized too if legal for help to schools to get stuff of this promotional by choices/funders/referrals:
* princess_po_to_u.k.:children's adventure, murder cases; by James Clavell, Steve Martini, John Jakes, Jim Plunkett, Michael Levine, joe_maum, kmwall
* oh_nine:Fashion compendim, by Prince Charles of Wales and his Princes William and Harry
* game_of_lxoufe:game in;
* coke_pier:power by fad, cookies with chips recruited illegalis, public retaliated chocolate spike; by CIA free to Law Enforcement
* glyph:novelized, gladiator modern. by CWMarks
* cope:novel, space cadet; by kmwall
* fourth:novel; by House of Windsor's Prince William
* force:novel; by House of Windsor's Prince William
* House_of_Worth:manual; text; by lee
* amass:economic bad time wellness of it anyhow; by Jim Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* jgxoard:novelized, a Cherokee, a Beauty, home planning war to God baloreaux; by Michael Levine, Steve Martini, Jim Plunkett, Richard Marcinko, James Clavell, John Jakes, Bob Mayer, Nick Nolte, kmwall,
* -a_gift_to_you:Fashion economic, how-to; by Jim Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* spike_in_economy_graph:text; by Jim Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* swawstika:new heraldry book & other missing gold; cases within/ by Saint Andrews Society
* drama_red:compendium, Fashion; by USMC's Dr. Edward Cromarty, kmwall
* ranger_one:novel; by devon
* 12_huts:novel; by eleven_wings
* dryness:skin guide, homeopathic medicine level; by kmwall
* great_outdoor_complexions:look Native, ageless; by source_kleenex
* dze_n_confuse:by daque
* dressed_to_kill:novel, light romance, all age appropriate, film-2+ included(any media format), high-drama; editor Victoria Curran comment; by kmwall [to:mysterious]
* korp_corp:novell, Yoruba leader's video astounded, german officer business African attacked by subject; music in by KORN + fourex_stone (new, recommended by CIA for gothic+trends)
* final:novel, ufo commune; by kmwall
* sorted:novel, Nora Roberts
Data: Aztecs sent to Chichen-Itza failed clergy attempt to reform pre-closure:city, by neighbors when Conquistadores opened gates; over-mauraded victims won; blonde slaves freed. Mayan dna-clergy-lines modern misthought of princess-soon to arrive to reform it, but not. Ditto crimes of Chichen-Itza from archives Aztec civilizations clergy of only archivists non-deity led, and today, Incursion attacks on countrysides imitate but land 711 A.D. Mediterranean non-linked; hobby new to public moor-seek. Lore + new market/interest of prepared for it now public-known/contacted by 81% already trained at-home 9.5+ years as Good Readership, by Senate, USAF, extra of USSF i.e. food for immediate needs any quantity to daily banks also for it: drop/delivered 1day/1wwk/month/year. Holiday's switched as ancien Military tradition for feed-overs.
Kristin-Marie Wall aka kmwall, c.o.
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
all Marine Corp its USMC, of ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/ finance
NAVY(any/ project literature

Friday, December 2, 2011


Salutations, XXi-Incursion overlfowing into Bay Area San Francisco now after spelling swaths into pluegerism of terra-uplueger non-plague plague coded by anciens fulfilling specialty of dna-Insurgents pestilence Biblical is id-theft visciously then/now; black sun orbs still counted numbers into areas some days, today 104 fell overnight and 140,000 raided cities 833,666 of 900,000's new neighbor-list-coded: pronged-2/3-overlap. Blogs refer with sergents'/staff-sergents' lined with A.A. interested declared by author as military doctor official battlefield into other for new designation alcoholism an handicap code as required, into disorder-debilitation, as. Arts/thanks/how about below; scroll. To animals of sergents'/staff-sergents'. Gifts+books/promotional-blogs of by-CIA Amcn/Mexican paid free to topic or soldier/staff-of/send-to holidays; of f. Pres. Teddy Roosevelt's personal fund for gift to public all known qualify for, contact even missed non-invasive technology for i.d. known already about, nearly Dept. of State contacted to do; all credit card companies known give lowered by 1%-interest rate on lode card used for blog listing purchased of promotional-link:
* franklin:novel; by Dr. James Marks, joe_maum, kmwall
* zaruff:novel, zoo; by denver_jake
* dracula_2:novel; by Bram Stoker
* how_to_write_well; by James Clavell, kmwall
* devon_1:novel; KrisWall-Brown
* dressed_for_dinner:novelized, love,glam,1980s; by d. Joe Ekman, kmwall
* how_to_avoid_entrapment; by HM Queen ElizabethII
* sopa: famed sopa opera, on family, by Xchris, Alan Sands, kmwall
* 12_houses:novel; by George W. Bush
* huts:novelized; by jones_spd
* XO_bolts:novel; by USAF_joe
* XO_house:novel; by grant_un-
* pet_on_river:novel, wash; by mide_joe
* tornado_and_burro:novel, coloring gear; by Count Zorro (feline, famed) NASA, Father Dave
* no_more_mother_treasure:Mormon without kin Mother-1, by USMC ARTS/R(eligion); Govt's known all, kmwall
* forte':novel, loudly play, workbook, databook, Carnegie Hall, real CIA film, USMC Recon film; by teacher_unknown, kmwall; [to:drama;high-fiction, edu]
* done:novel; by mitch_mukuallaen
* joan:novel, of Arc; by Father John
* crum:novel, spite; by amy_ring, kmwall
* done:codebook Fashion, by doctors Stockton PD
* biblical_5:novel, how it was written humor, horror cafe, song included worry_on, jargon list in, look at kmwall O.E.S.; by monastery commissioned for
* cramiun:novel gift; brain surgery; by ray_vonce
* a_queen_of_Englad:underknown royalty and ancien trails, her drive/tour; by HM Queen ElizabethII, kmwall
* about_mouse_house:novel espionage; by kmall
* candle:moviemaking how-to [light:IV]
* rare_plants:insure; by Dr. James Marks, kmwall
* all_good_wolves:NASA wolves, MI6, search and rescue, behave, train, retire, feed, care, invest, church for; by Dr. James Marks, kmwall
* dressed_desserts:how to finish, attend one; by Dr. James Marks, joe_maum
* santa_tails:novel; by don_deouaeaxn of denver_unit1Jamaica
* dawn:novel for girls aged 10; by kmwall
* vigorous_victorian:how she walked talked went everyplace; by grain_dde, kmwall
* ten_and_new_trend:as one in and more; by Georges Marciano
* fashion_51:novel, terror; by Anna Wintour, kmwall
* face:tale military v.p.; by kmwall
* dome':novella; by James Clavell, kmwall [to:dorm;noir2]
* travel_route_to:novelized, PDOfficers stalked; police-2 military solution; [personal ad:answer]
* umbrella_rose:novella; kmwall
* entitlement_ban:story after accused; by Sgt.StevenWall
* alum_bears_backyard_life:story/book, search and rescue, go to zoo; by Jim Ricks, kmwall
* world_book_of_fashion_fact:history trivial archival includes item from Lysa Sysombath; by kmwall
* salve:to save city; by dan_doc
* the_city:novel; big destruction of bootcamp first released public; by kmwall [to:Armageddon:onto]
* chestnuts:novel; Xmas romantic; by James Clavell, dan_dan
* sumr:novelized; pleothine film included, calendars, queen wars of intelligence; by kmwall
* on_wheels:novel; angel lore; by Kansas State Government, CANADA Special Forces
* bravado:novel; bi-gear-7-level included, by Nora Roberts, kmwall
* wessd_4_art:a-textbook; RAF benefit
* -an_angel_baby:novel; by Richard Marcinko, John Mayer, kmwall
* dressed_in_nines:novel series, id-theft, public places series, in New York parks; by NYPD
* samarosa:novel; escape from porno-illegalis; by James Clavell, Bob Mayer, Michael Levine, Steve Martini, Richard Marcinko, Jim Plunkett, Al Gore, kmwall
* living_dead:novel of, sorcery warfare, explain, CIA approved, gothic-xian trend; by tu-Tu', kmwall
* luxco:novel, prince of luck; below earth's crust myth; by kmwall
* generalissimo:novelized film included, X0 A.D., warfare, in 9 languages; by kmwall
* of_heraldry_and_any_god:Y we naughe; by Justin McCarthy RAF, Father Mike, kmwall
* food_slave_ring:novelized; by John Nesbitt
* princess_di_cut_her_hair_again:how; donated by herself, benefits military unit
* seance:novelization, Stockton-proper; by g_aplomb unit
* ten_soldiers:novelized, abuse top; by kkcourt FFL
* its_about_you_babe:BabeRuth, 1984, 2 A.D., B.C., Atlantis; by MA, vellum, kmwall
* i_jasmine:novel; by Jay Wall; perfect marraige
* denver_dank:textbook Fashion code; fasthion 1/11; by FBI Dir. Muehller,
Above mostly ARMY School of Medicine Publishing House or USAF/ARMY School of Medicine Publishing House.
Thanks: Waste management or Postal delivery helpful holidays extra response workers areas affected by Incursions listed blogs, extra support from promotional gifts going to them for Holiday bonus avoid your cost for, of Sayonara series, like; requests.
Art: Mine showing at Elsie May Goodwin Gallery 8x10watercolors 3-trees(cats) USD$440,001, orchidUSD$181,001 prices set by universities including: Stanford, UCSantaCruz, SUNY,+; 2nd buyer prices set higher for ideal new-2 GovernmentAuction site for safety trades(arts attacked).
NYC's new Art Center opens, Dr. Knox teaches topic cranky-fashion, by HSA. (*scroll:how-to*)
K.M.Wall, c.o.
USAF, fashion/art director, designer
of all Marine Corp. its USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
DEA-#101/+USSS-SS1 SEAL et al
p.s. write production level like military personnel over 21 years at 9 hours daily for 230+ days a year to sell to public as blog-now-promotionals; enjoy.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Salutations, into cities lettering-swath attacked by bird's flight view Incursion XI iis is 104,000 attackers entering-illegalis(sudden-to-war-for/of-by) 900,000 cities-even-numbered, reason clothing settled on bodily parts removal from victims illegal organ donation attempts 2-stalking to wear organs:skin/scalp/eyes/etc., shopping for them ritual attacks suspected into Abess Office for it all USMC ARTS/R data form from FFL to any detail under-system attacks of information clogged by correctly reporting unusual to-warfare from found, into logs of missed coursework soldiering to harmful of them hand-to-hand combat or mortal-of missed instant data-chord any spelling any country's military for it prepaid populace donated fully cost of training to USSF 'Bob' Mayer to schedule if unable to reach regularly or at Visa Company's or American Express Company's president's offices/desktops, asking. Mascot attacked level data from NASA library for public of yesterday's announced delta cats attacked, now other household pets attacked same returned to homes mostly repaired by search and rescue workers, found: exhtortions by 'enemy' declaring itself pretends animals in coloseum styled competitions losing, persons illegally held hostage from workforces found also in animal-hutches, to USAF AirForce1Office for data on workforces Fashion-Resort-Economy. Alum bear data down. Bishop's/equal's religious message annual to contact family/like to schedule activity later instead of gift now; high suicide rates holiday of low-amount for gift. Fish below. Work from USAF AirForce1Office's: free sort :worklisted any industry/economic-sector, topical, civilian, too. To promotional below listing CIA's free by it American/Mexican reimbursing any country's by shopping topic Holiday season express courteously by USAF, official kindness from f. President "Teddy" Roosevelt's personal fund for gift to populace in down timeframe, teddy bear (see alum bear story seargent's site/Mick's attached), book or like; to purchase otherwise credit card companies known offer lowers lode on its card used for by 1%-interest rate; IRS offers tax write-off for party given if helping any school district get purchases from these listings CIA-promotional from Army School of Medicine Publishing House or official of from USAF/Army School of Medicine Publishing House:
* in_to_utah:novelized, DEA, of State, 51% populace used drugs one day; by Michael Levine, Richard Marcinko , kmwall
* roger:novel; by kkourt (FFL), joe_maum, kmwall
* 3_crow_ins:novelized; by Al Gore, Richard Marcinko
* hay_brother_bear:novel; by John Mayer
* alone:novel, by SFPD its Museum
* a_tall_forest_II:novelized, by John Jakes
* canteloupe_un_el_envelope:novelized, mickey slipped paramilitary victims; by guide_bee_known
* drama:novel; by dean
* drastic:novel; by cugenia, unit-u, kmwall
* when_its_in:z-finance economy fashion; by Dr. James Marks
* bi_blessing:mormo; by Mormon Prophet, other prophets, USMC ARTS/R, joe_maum, kmwall
* god_novel; by Dr. James Marks
* jo_go_book:novelized, cop J, gangmember, military career soon; by cop_jannsen, jo-go
* ocean_says:Metallica special; with duex:French language version extra gift; over-narrated by priests-common-all-churches; of USMC ARTS/R
* tulane_extras:novel, murder on campus; by f. Dir. Freeh, kmwall
* bast:novelized; by kmwall

Alum: Parks welcome visits to bear locale, Alum Rock Park, San Jose, CA, for bears on blog/s legends tours behavior data needed; personal story: gladness for cafe patrons/owners with toted alum bear search and rescue called omu bears of Atlantean histories with Mu tales Islands of Hawaii, my day.

Patagonia: Human sized fish in delta of prehistoric Patagonia legged-walking 2-type lungs fish non-food chains found 6-foot laboratory lobster released into illegally by dead scientists (it ate all mid-catch fish and small of delta cats' food grottoes) it in laboratory habitat but patagonian fish extreme interest 2-submarine/submersible to advanced technical film of; fun migration (no victims from); history claims talked to persons lored, ask at Moffett a Federal Airfield for tourism holiday Civil Affaires Office Dr. Steve no/low-cost.

Orbs: Still touring netted by NASA mid-air in Trade Winds sound off letters descent of etched by Ecology onto sides of, black suns files archives historically many names now, at Travis AFB contact for: USD$43

KMWall, c.o.
USAF, fashion/art director, designer
all Marine Corp at USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
DEA-#101+USSS-SS1, SEAL, et al

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Salutations, tallying day's data of terr-apase official terror-alert Homeland Security Agency listing of plaguerism-leading to capture data from authorships/publishers/artists in sway Incursion Xi-toXX underground/way:tomorrow+, remorse attacks of new to all by dna-Insurgents afoot/amok telling their rule to remorse-solo-only; soon to soldiering/Office Emergency Services (O.E.S.-go/region/counties/it). Below scroll: f. President "Teddy" Roosevelt's teddy bear fund providing topical of recipient freely or gift to or assisted-purchase to school order for IRS tax deduction of parties hosted reward, optional purchases offered lowered 1%-interest rate on any credit card known lode used for it. Cats of delta regions attacked by apprehended trank stealing women deported all for tortures of search and rescue animals allowed to roam as Wildlife tagged on schedules with USMC and others for official search and rescue, foray-ifIVy, to reports duo shooting paramilitary onto and escapes of pet-like wildlife reports to USAF direct+; he/it being same cat blogged about this blog by years repaired emergency levels many times including donations by House of Representative member's and many others including my token, he/it daily guarding locations noticed swam across delta nightly mid-foray to fish like bear clawing into water for feeding on surveillance USMC Recon of accurately 24 cats and kittens once there, now naval boat recovered; forewarned cat type can toss naval personnel topside overboard 2-funny film not funny but submarine look-up for requesting from O.E.S.; he/it revived 44 times over 4.4 million dollars granted funds already aready for used not responding permanently, vigil into worldwide Police Station's reports for beauty marring incident reports on. . Days-of blogs continue; data soon on 900,000 attempting breach again of 'The Vault' since noted after high/treason-deaths announced of weapons designer attacking public unawares unauthorized tiny equipment heartattacks/bowel-genital-discomforts/animal-deaths-by. 109 orbs in black sun files logged, data accurate incomplete still of daily tallying no math labs on today for it request into FED tomorrow or soon for ecology-economy data patterning affects demographic reserved.
* a_tall_forest:novel, coper; by Al Gore, Richard Marcinko
* a_tall_forst_II:novel, by John Jakes
* bolden_bleu_tuu-:novel, JAM, by poet awarded/laureate jean_ga
* toulouse:an ancien history, lavendar, firsts fashions, 1864 focal of Merovignian court archive; by kmwall
* Nickelback_RAF:official platitude musical to H.M. a Jamaican King's naval in-service to Solvang and City of Stockton, CA; to stop remorse-attacked by attackers saying to, by it.
* grandess:novel of grandeur; by Dept. of State, F, unit of denver_one, and klas (a unit alone)
* johnson: mormono novel horror, because every one wanted to do one to get to god wedding, new special_ops unit forming froming from; with man_of_ray:novelization his rescue, resucitation, 2-medical drama + casework by apprehenders
* glxace:novel, by ship_low
* spy:novel, of special_ops, by the_heckler
* hatred:novel, by USSS agent callsign me
* helm:novel, by jim robinson
* revelle:novel, good gods, system, found evil [at cause;of]
* gods_are_dead:novel, by joe_maum, kmwall
* dome:novella, by James Clavell
* solver:novel, id-theft, taskforce proportion Victorian times; by John Nesbitt, kmwall
* dine_4_fine:by Dr. Walther of NAM fame
* fashion_compendium; by star_boy, kmwall
* draken:novel, dragon, Pern; by Anne McCaffrey
* mona_lisa_76:novel, evolved; by kkcqourtt (FFL)
* glare:novel, NORAD bear amissed; by John Stoker
* vau:text; by snow_mein
* 10_daily_things_a_bear_will_do:omu; by Xchris (redland group), kmwall
* less_than_this_is_a_mess:alum bear story, by Sigma Force
* iz's_work_for:musical with rave days of; by RENT Broadway musical cast
* litl_bos; by Bonnie Raitt, Michael Voyeur

Omu, topic of bears of State of California's ancien Califii legends 2/3 appropriate children into Atlantis-4 of archives daily search and rescue animals anew as were into cave-time data for into them living with luxuries plus bear resident that sociologists/behaviorists accurately state considered human/+ in its territory allowed mostly as housepet equal. Topical to Arab States hidden caves akin to 'The Vault' of historic security measures/breaches. Where I found a hidden USSF unit one day as they counted treasure stashes fabled levels in after stopping round-Incursion-I.

kmwall aka
Kristin-MarieWall, c.o.
USAF, art/fashion director, designer
all Marine Corp to USMC ARTS/R as co-head (it)
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
USSS-SS1+#101+ DEA SEAL et al

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Salutations, days of official alerts of Incursion-Xis coded accurately by Homeland Security Agency homeland invasion 2nd-level plaguerism-to-do after jewel heist attempts of signature or dna-discriptive (school ring typed) crime like attacks handed to Military known by all Police Stations united, and stopped at 103,000 2nd wave of homeless seeming invaders swathed into spelling out letter pattern in approach viewed from satellites for warfare printing out free tape of at any Police Station or Judicial Court House globally of USMC Reconnaissance technology courteous to all known populace. Of alerts more treason/high-treason convictions listing at same courthouses lists finalized but open for another day of prosecutions as needed in absentia allowed for overland home-invasions typed into the Homeland Security and its Agencies of record necessity to defend any/all countryside format:any, unknown excepting arts and developed from it categories of workforces as reason; closure on clothes into bodily parts attacked/removed to be worn by assailants also increasing escalation--morgue lists not free now but comprehensive of convictions already--leaving hairstylists of over 844,000 worldwide with bookkeepers raiding cities with hired armed personal personnel paramilitary equipped to do themed attacks -- see previous days blogs for specific persons listed of and into announced of teachers' id-theives for it discovered same as i.e. 'jan' of many names impersonating children's guard of 1970s decade known fled from San Joaquin County School District pretended employ and altering appearance drastically; to CIA for any criminal background of and like it worldwide to businesses and need-to-know legal work, etc.). Black sun files for orbs of Fashion Resort Economy for 181 years now announced by FED as new archives useful for it have 103 orbs netted by NASA overnight, matched to raids times a ten-power into repeated Incursion attacked; of tours at Travis-AFB USD$43 typical of sound/sight recordable some. IRS announces its tax write off for party given if helping school districts purchase from promotional by CIA from f. President "Teddy: Roosevelt's fund for public to receive gifts and/or books/music/literature/text/data/sound/video/filmage/+; alternate purchase method offered by any credit card company known to lower on its used lode by 1% interest rate, or topic of shopper sent free.

Omu was once the port stopover of ancien Mu including Hawaii modern areas: bears of omu are of California and returned to Military service and trained by the State of California to perform search and rescue full-capacity all costs of covered by USMC Recon anew alignment USMC ARTS/R:abess. Training of animals for military to homeland defenses costs covered such; trained free by Mexico's Military/Artillery, contact. Omu bears, labeled, 144,000; under 80 pounds most 30-40lbs; housepet types retire after 7+ years still about for housepet or return as wildlife. Recall prior blogs fur of first trend-stopped by illegalis behaviors of locals to them by non-allowing of any new trends (no harm to bears) used all white versions for most peiceworked together fancy patches carved into gyrating patterns; imitation in Thailand a military of useful optical illusion fabrics for camoflouge. Gowns were akin to modern artwear category.
* house_of_worth_manual:text; by lee_1, kalleen_1
* fashion_9_manual:for new fashion tribe and its own church; by it
* bible_5:official data water wars behind all known bibles; monks commissioned for it by Office of Emergency Services worldwide agency all counties/regions/alike
* general:Masonic novel by James Clavell
* overhead:angel play; by cop_joe
* across_my_countryside: by RAT, Dr. of entertainment Jim Ricks, kmwall
* dryad: novel, by judge_d
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, fashion/art director, designer
of all Marine Corp at USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
USSS-SS1-#101+, DEA ,SEAL, et al.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Salutations, 104,000 in 900,000 city list handed to Military known from united Police Stations globally attempted homeland-invasion coded correctly by Homeland Security Agency home invasions 2-level to pets-harmed-to-mortally on driveway/doorsteps for corrected data of required from at legal courthouses to add-up, prohibiting apprehensions of all but some incarcerated/deported-for already for small-tank/trank driving (new product, 2 per soldier allowed now by Lockheed order forms fast,) with feces of some terror-laden moment for discoverer on site of attacked pet to guardian/housesitter for it with fecal-product to define; smeared cleaned up style of work available still repeating attacks while sweep-up (Police Station term for) is of day-mode until done; exhtortion-2 defined pocket cell-phones-detectors new sweep up general populace not officially trained in genetics testing for non-invasive approach to 100%-dna accuracy instant disallowed use of to hobby level compared of ghosthunting heat-sensors used by California a State in this Union of for its State Police useful (tomed, lored:speed-traps) ill used for confusing populace and stalkings into violence into homes of mastermind capable plans scaped worldwide only, by military mind allowed to defend; not toys. 104,000 orbs netted by NASA dominating job from USAF/any for it to capture earth's round departed fragments expected from Black Suns lore/archives today labeled moon orbs or any other like purple moons red orbs black orbs earth orbs, like. Noted in Trade Winds fractal-matrix tracked decents mostly nightview, one day+. Same numbering of equalling attackers amassed in Incursions 3 to 2-4th prong of, to today's and yesterday's equalling recorded only orbs falling. Two level ufology sightings reported accurately interjecting into casework final form for leaving or linking a file is in from FFL a King Kourt or staff-2 (ask for privates to retreive, resident in Stockton, selfsame author blog; or any staff-seargent worldwide any military except USAF today, tomorrow fine.) Treason/high-treason convictions upheld and added mentally retarded grouping under singular woman identity of stalked-into Mormon wagon trains mid-Victorian era of non-lettering-C concotions s/l/n/arla/n/web/b said sharla/tte (l and n mistaken on olden records recorded for letter-h) of Los Altos Mormonism but from Los Gatos residence plotted from fleeing actual family types housing hidden by Military/GoverningStates to USN line of to non-contact for its military recorded purposes past World War onward hiding ageing in groups of from wagon trains not allowed now not penalized but hiding with attackers from Victorian brothels toting into wagon trains 100-year apart attack plans to conquer a countryside this one Mormons then expelled from legally (for banking system fraud unknown to them by ignorance/education-lack, official reason, U.S. Congress training level taping for its data soon by same below requesting method:non-hairstyling ultra-violent 2-attacks in home stalking in house provoking, on/upstairs). Insect houses shown at zoos attackers real motive in realism warfare declared incursion styles of Insurgents-dna of for it misbred not allowed hidden in files of others by impressive embezzling and finding of; zoos or insect public displayers alike qualify for funding unlimited various timetable from any D.A. Office like county level this area or any region equivalent so named its own from mapping if needed Office of Emergency Services (O.E.S.) and system into/from; into Boy Scouts of America (or likened, legal non-profit, akin to) for it requesting allowed. Stargazing of Fashion Industry trend data below for sudden daily trend 1-day or little more length, how-to get it any to workforces idealized for other than their own workload normal training or if of work to pick up alike while recovering own area trained for. Soldiers benefits no cost to staff-seargents'/seargents'-sites transferred to list of more optional/operational benefits linked to various for same/over-purpose (many unable to retreive/extract causing over years to enable purposely now for homeland defenses accurately any countryside). Thanking Judges and Police today for sudden actions by cafe sites opening for and military installations used as 44million of +1 global a-ready. Order topically or shop for school type order forms prepared most by asking, similar, from f. President "Teddy" Roosevelt fund for free to populace known any of its now over 990 books/gifts/music-sound/film-type(any media requested)/texts/data/+ of it some requested such as postman bloodline stories 1001 of now and soon; optional purchases instead if by using credit card (any known) lowering on its lode by 1% interest rate by purchase, thanking them for generosity; ask for any cop story too:
* trail_days:novelized by/of Mormon missionaries forming from it all special-ops unit for USAF Fashion Industry anywhere, by missionaries_mormon
* jennifer_had:novelized why not to breed your own eugenics; by staffing seargents' all militaries, dan_dean, kmwall
* g:novelized Masonic trip, by James Clavell
* gettiquette finishing school course

Technical fashion-resort-economy industry as FED labels, to business trends data sought actual users of it/data: today typed: trend_d a 1/5 proportional approach nearing and of it: enchanger, deer, Arkansas university wear, Ozark charm, glittering on heel, et al, or mathlabs transposing for it -- USAF Air Force1 Office's:worklisted, a free sort also for of workloads to any topic given to civilians or military qualifying; career-manage.

Prejudices in histories topical again; of women travelling alone until 1806 she/they couldn't, men only allowed to tip hat courteously not stop to assist/abet rescue/getaway but help was sent back sometimes, by 1908 practice stopped of roadside assisting levels to women allowed capable mode to restore own situation; harm not expected from; during centrury+ of new style travelling only men stopping to aide were safekeeping of/by gentle-persons (deportment trained-2-level).

Sartorially yours,
Kristin-Marie Wall
commanding officer
USAF, director fashion/art, designer
Marine Corp any USMC ARTS/R, co-head
ARMY(any/, finance
NAVY(any/, project literature
DEA-USSS(101+)-SS1, USSF SEALs et al