Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Official Alert Incursion XX(iii) Chime Fashion

Salutations, official alerts of Incursion II-XXI underway in 900,000 cities on list from any Police Station from them officially, 109,000 homeland-invaders coded by CIA-NSA/Homeland Security correct code for home invasions inland raiders attempting takeovers by CIA-imitating tactics to them their bearing similar not of often mistaken by appearance styled per Military, heads-of-state per noon last by hacking of typical to CIA sites known after musical event literature ticketing schedules into musical notes. Other plaguerism motivations/motives of Orem Police Department per Office of President, any White House Administration code/key to operator transfer legal as usual White House any number to reach archives for needing, data repeat or other approach or mental-retardation-leaders-impersonating military style entry by methods and FTB (CA taxing body) conjoining USMC stopped smoke link nearly correct emulators working hard behind actual main military-to-governments on same work quoted, primary enveloping now had most monies smoke link groups underpaid overstaffing nightshift resulting more, by yesterday. Emulation done by 'enemy'-declared of found hacked level error computer systems caught fixed and typical. Donations accepted by FTB resulting of animals also rescued of into genetically altered no known care for State requiring to itself found on soil lone operative into grace timeframe for legal matters, after bears and bear-foot-wave-mania-goodness-lore happening to schoolrooms data of soon, good cause data box on-screens from seargent's sites for; funding from churches if needed, 2-explain. Other result, mammoth-ARMY(any)-herald's-office-combined-task-forces-all-past-present-Nfuture/9s see to Sweden country of FBI office resident: same as any taskforce level previous. Terror alert official today adding in ecology-economy of FED data and District Attorney Office's + O.E.S. forewarning: terra_verdu with any 9-economy symbology working on of-day added before for archival data: reacanthus_terra_verdu is solution for day-alert if used by today Noon to 11 a.m. tomorrow. Reacanthus or type definition combining in seargent's alerts, down.

Average voter at poll has known now personalized cost/s deductible schedules for, taxes: of USD$1oxen-12 in cuneiform-UN of blog/LTC/linguistics-ancien-1st-language useful already in worldwide governing systems or 10 to 12 (or 19) dollars to get to voting poll or similar. Remember more books soon, and earlier blogs have lists.
USAF fashion director
ARMY(any) finance